Tricks to Organize your Daily Use MKVII bag *Pics up

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Tricks to Organize your Daily Use MKVII bag *Pics up

Post by Cammer »

I use my MKVII bag as a daily travel bag. It is an ideal size for me and I use it to carry my glasses, spare contacts, medication, small flashlight, lighter, etc. From carrying this bag on a daily basis I have worked out some organizational tricks that make it even more useful. Hopefully others will find them useful as well. If anyone has additional ideas please post them here.

I have heard a few folks complain about the inability for the bag to adequately contain smaller items such as batteries, fingernail clippers, lighters, matches, etc. What I have done is to take an ammo pouch, in my case I used a US military triple mag M16 pouch, and cut the three inner dividers out along with the two outer grenade holders. This makes for a really nice, very sturdy pouch that will fit absolutely perfectly into one of the two main divided areas in the MKVII bag. I use it to hold all of my little items that might otherwise swim around and get lost in the large compartment.

When you trim off the extra partitions, because this pouch is made of nylon, you can easily use a lighter flame to remove the frazzle from the cut edges. Also use a lighter to reduce any frayed and worn areas. These ammo pouches are extremely cheap and common. They can be purchased on Ebay for $2-3 each in excellent condition. Just do an Ebay search for US ammo pouch and organize your list for the cheapest Buy It Now.

Another pouch that fits nicely is the Israeli FAL canvas magazine pouch. No mods are needed for this. It fits very well but the canvas is thick and heavy and it will not hold as much in the same space. I would think that any similar sized magazine pouch would work well for this purpose. I have found that the modern nylon M16 ammo pouch is lightweight, thin, and holds the most, even though it may not be accurate to the time frame of the bag.

Another little trick is using the pocket clip from a name badge to hold the lanyard of a small flashlight. These clips can also be attached to a small pair of scissors. The advantage to this is the ability to clip these small items to the top edge of the inner bag pocket in order to make them more accessible.

I also use the retractable style of name badge clip to hold a very small LED flashlight: the Streamlight Nano. I keep this clipped to the top edge of the bag where it is very easy to reach. When I'm done it simply retracts back into the bag and I don't have to worry about losing it. It's also great to use to look around inside your bag in the dark.

On most models of the MKVII there is the small pocket (for antifog?) that is attached above the divider and sewn onto the two rear pockets. On the two bags that I have there is a hole sewn into the bottom of it that small items might tend to fall out of. It turns out that this small hole is the perfect size to accomodate the shaft of a AA size mini Maglite. So that is what I put there. The head of the flashlight is protected by the small pocket, and there is still room there for a small pocketknife, tube of Carmex, or whatever else fits there.

I will take some pics and post them up in a bit. 8)
Last edited by Cammer on Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Yay!!! I've FINALLY got a chance to use that emoticon :lol: Good ideas, mate :) All I've ever really done is kept my gloves in the right pocket closest to me, misc stuff (depending on where I'm going and for how long) in the left pocket, and that way I keep my "main compartments" availiable for "big" things like bottled water and snacks, and various other things that I don't want in my pants' pockets.

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Post by Cammer »

This is a pic of some of the items that may be in my bag at various times, depending on where I'm going and what I'm doing. Of course the British authorities may frown upon a couple of the items shown here, so our overseas friends should probably overlook these. Of course I cannot carry the pistol and the automatic Benchmade knife everywhere I go, but generally speaking this is my daily loadout and how it is organized.

By the way, in case anyone is feeling curious or judgemental, I have had a concealed weapon permit for the last 15 years. Also, the career path I have chosen requires multiple background checks at least every two years.

An item that I carry at times and is not shown, is my pocket sized breathalyzer. My wife and I go out occasionally and this little item can help settle discussions on whether or not, or more likely whom, has had too much to drink for the drive home. :lol:

You can see where my pocket sized Moleskine fits in one of the back pockets.

Here is a good pic that shows how a AA sized LED Maglite will fit, almost as if it was made for it. I use the 3 cell version for longer battery life.

This pic shows how a name badge clip can be attached to hold a small pair of scissors at the top edge of a pocket in the bag. Also shown is the smallest and most useful LED flashlight that I have come across. The Streamlight Nano. It's incredibly bright and reliable. I keep it attached to the retractable name badge reel. I'm keeping my eyes open for one of these reels in a better color.

Anyone else have some neat little ideas for stashing stuff in their bags? Lets post'em! :whip:
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Where did you get your bag strap?


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Where did you get your bag strap?


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Post by NatiJones »

great way to organize your bag! I wish I could keep mine organized but being a girl it just gets messy!
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Post by knibs7 »

where is your Raiders notebook? :lol: :lol:

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Post by Cammer »

Indiana Jeff wrote:Where did you get your bag strap?


Indiana Jeff
The strap shown in the pics is a HIGHLY worked Todd's strap. Currently I have a strap from Wade Egan. He makes a strap with leather that seems to be a little bit tougher than Todd's and the variegated finish is just awesome looking.
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Post by Cammer »

NatiJones wrote:great way to organize your bag! I wish I could keep mine organized but being a girl it just gets messy!
Thanks! I am a neat freak when it comes to certain things, and a complete slob when it comes to other things. My travel bag is just something that I have always been a bit OCD about. Many, many years ago I was very sick and had to carry around medications with me. I got into the habit of carrying a travel bag everywhere I went and, because of the seriousness of it and the possible need for medication in an emergency situation, I became a very fussy with organization. The MKVII bag is just the latest and greatest version for me. :)
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Post by Cammer »

knibs7 wrote:where is your Raiders notebook? :lol: :lol:

My Moleskine journal of course! :roll: :lol:
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Post by ryan_289 »

What pistol is that you are carrying? Ive been looking at getting a good compact.
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Post by Chevalier Krak »

I don't know what Cammer carries, but my lightweight is a Walther PPK. Nice little weapon with impeccable literary credentials.
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Post by Cammer »

ryan_289 wrote:What pistol is that you are carrying? Ive been looking at getting a good compact.
The pistol that is shown is an E.German Makarov. It's a truly excellent little pistol, beautifully made in 1961 according to the date stamp. But because of the all steel frame it is a bit heavy, and I like it so much that I don't really carry it much anymore. The EG Maks are uncommon to find nowadays and this particular one is just beautiful.

The pistol that I carry most often is my Kel-Tec P3AT. Simply because it has been 100% reliable after several hundred rounds of .380, it is ultralightweight, and fits easily into my MKVII, the back pocket of my jeans (completely hidden), or even the front pocket of baggy cargo shorts.

For a relatively inexpensive and reliable carry gun I recommend the Kel-Tec P3AT. It's really not a very attractive gun, but I like it very much. I stake my life on it, what can I say?
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Post by IndianaLV »

When I bought my bag, I noticed that the interior was removed and that there are no inside pockets anymore. I can't use it on a daily basis because of all the small stuff I use to carry around with me... Though it's not SA (You don't see the inside pockets anyway) I don't miss them.
Maybe I should buy another bag, just in case. :-k
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Post by Cammer »

IndianaLV wrote:Maybe I should buy another bag, just in case. :-k
You can never have too many! :mrgreen:
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Post by KY Jones »

Great tips on the bag layout. I, too, carry my bag quite a bit. My digital camera fits perfectly in one of the center spaces. (My stainless Interarms PPK goes in the inside pocket of my Wested-I like to keep it close.) The small divider you place your MiniMag in holds my AAA batteries for my digital voice recorder. Four batteries fit in there perfectly. I just leave them in the wrap they come in and they dont' fall through. I use my gear for interviews (WWII vets at the moment.) Camera, voice recorder, notebook, batteries, GPS, as well as a few extras fit just fine.
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Post by Cammer »

KY Jones wrote:Great tips on the bag layout. I, too, carry my bag quite a bit. My digital camera fits perfectly in one of the center spaces. (My stainless Interarms PPK goes in the inside pocket of my Wested-I like to keep it close.) The small divider you place your MiniMag in holds my AAA batteries for my digital voice recorder. Four batteries fit in there perfectly. I just leave them in the wrap they come in and they dont' fall through. I use my gear for interviews (WWII vets at the moment.) Camera, voice recorder, notebook, batteries, GPS, as well as a few extras fit just fine.
This is a great example of the unintended versatility of this great bag. I wonder if whomever made the final choice to pick this bag for Indy to carry knew how great the design is. I'm sure it was chosen simply for the look, but, unless you are carrying notebooks, the size and pocket layout is ideal for just about anything else.

I find that my little Kel-Tec gets swallowed up in my Wested's inside pocket, not only that but Florida is not a state where you can wear a leather jacket for more than a few months out of the year. I find that carrying it in the right hip pocket of my jeans is the best place. With a good pocket holster nothing shows, thus it meets the Florida state law requirement for concealment.

Years ago I did own a PPK because I was also impressed by it's "impeccable literary credentials," (Ian Fleming was a great writer) but it caused some serious slide bite to the skin between my thumb and index finger. I had to sell it and try something else.
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Post by KY Jones »

I've known several who've had problems with the PPK slide bite. I've never been affected by it. I like the KelTecs. They're well made and reliable, just too light for me. I owned a guns shop for a few years and they were a popular seller, especially as a back up for LE. You can wear one in an ankle holster all day and never know it's there. I just hated shooting the things, esp the .380. I use a Bladetec Ultimate concealment holster for the PPK (or my .45 Auto) when not wearing the jacket.

Back on subject, the Indy bag is functional, durable and reasonably priced. Mine is a Magnoli repro (I consider the originals as collectables and can't bring myself to use one daily.) I've been thinking on picking up another one for backup. May check on getting a Todd's next.
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