Worth the risk?

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Worth the risk?

Post by whipwarrior »

There's one little detail about my jacket that has always bothered me, and I think I have a way to fix it. My Wested is as close to Last Crusade as I can possibly make it look, with the exception of the collar stand on the side, where it comes out to the very edge of the storm flap. Well, since there is extra leather there, I think it would be possible to unstitch it and trim a little off, then bend the leather inward and resew it to make it look exactly as it does in the famous publicity portrait of Harrison Ford in the LC novelization.

I happen to have the 1989 Premiere Magazine with Ford and Spielberg on the cover; it is an excellent shot of the collar. I have seriously been thinking about taking it along with my jacket down to a family-owned leather repair shop that is operated by two nice British gents (Stan and Mark Webling), and see if they can't perform the necessary operation to my Wested. They alter and repair everything from leather jackets and luggage, to resoling footwear. In fact, I had my Keppler whip carrier slightly modified and my Aldens re-heeled by them. Absolutely top-notch work, and very affordable.

Has anybody here ever had their jackets altered like this? What is the general concensus on the matter? Is it worth the risk, or should I just live with it? Any and all advice would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.

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Post by ob1al »

Hi Dale-

My thoughts are:- does the irregularity REALLY bug you? If so, then you should consider it as life is just too short to contemplate such matters for too long. Like the ad says, Just do it! :wink:
However, if it is just really a minor thing and you love your Wested anyway, then learn to live with it and recognise it as YOUR own Indy jacket - meant for you and the adventures in your life.
By the way, did your Aldens resole come out well? Were the shop able to replace the components accurately?

Just my 2p worth :)

Best Regards,

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Post by agent5 »

If so, then you should consider it as life is just too short to contemplate such matters for too long.
I wish I could share that thought about my Indygear but I'm 100% with Dale on this one. This is how it is on all stock Westeds. The top of the storm flap sticks out like an arrowhead, right? Check out my post on this thread: http://www.indygear.com/forum/viewtopic ... 5d6f312c11

Dale, I say if it bothers you get it done. There's nothing wrong with wanting anything less than perfect. That's why we call this a hobby. After all, you got the hat right, why stop there? If it works for you, I'm gunna get it done to my pre-mod Wested. Please keep us updated and good luck.

Post by whipwarrior »

Thank you for the feedback. I took the jacket down to the shop today and the man said that he couldn't do it himself, but recommended a specific local tailor / alteration shop. I thanked him for the tip and proceeded to the other place. I was appalled that the people there barely spoke English. When I showed the lady the magazine picture and indicated that I wanted the same done to my jacket, she misunderstood and asked if I wanted the entire collar stand removed! Well, needless to say, I declined their offer to leave the jacket with them, and opted to perform the operation myself. I bought the correct color and density thread and a set of leather sewing needles from Tandy Leather Company. I'll begin work on it tonight and let everyone know how it turned out.

Last edited by whipwarrior on Sat Sep 27, 2003 7:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by JohnNdy »

:shock: Pins and needles...

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Post by ob1al »

Well. I admire your dedication and I do understand your quest for perfection.
Please don't misunderstand, I meant no disrespect with my earlier comments, I was merely offering my own personal opinion.
I maintain that I would not contemplate dissembling a Wested myself - I have faith in Peter as the original maker to provide me with a jacket which is as close as can be, given over 20 years has passed by since Raiders of the lost ark. Besides, I simply couldn't afford it if I messed the job up! But the very best of luck; I too am interested to learn how it comes out. PS Use a thimble when working with leather! :)

Best wishes,


Post by whipwarrior »

I meant no disrespect with my earlier comments, I was merely offering my own personal opinion.
None taken. Thank you for the advice. I will, indeed, use a thimble.

Please don't worry. The operation is a simple process of reduction, as I will be working with extra leather once I unstitch the offending part of the collar stand. Unstitch, fold, measure, trim, and resew. I've worked on my jacket once before. Last year I moved the Union Jack label from its original place beneath the inside pocket, to just under the Wested label. I've also taken needle and thread to my Herbert Johnson when the sticky adhesive lost its hold and the label peeled off. I decided to permanently fasten it in place using color-matched thread and genuine English sewing needles. Although time-consuming, it worked out perfectly.

Finally, to answer your other question, the gentleman at the shoe repair shop did a perfect job re-heeling my Aldens. I supplied him with a pair of new heels that I ordered directly from the factory. I also have an extra pair that I can use in future. Thank you all for the good wishes. I am about to begin shortly.
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Post by agent5 »

This is nothing that ate away at my concience or anything but I could tell my storm flap was a little different from the top of the storm flap in Raiders. However, the LC jackets did have this for the button on top of the flap. It just got transitioned over is all. It actually is supposed to stick out like that so that when you zip it it comes together, I think. Still, I want it as was in the film and Peter did do that for me on my authentic lamb. I'm happy and I think it looks great.

Post by whipwarrior »


After three hours of delicate surgery, my Wested has been modified! Acting as both surgeon AND nerve-racked family waiting outside the operating room, I was both calm and unflinching and sweating bullets. I'm pleased to announce that my baby pulled through just fine, and is in excellent health. For those interested, I took detailed photos along the way to document the process (see URL below). Also included is a comparison shot of the jacket collar as it appears in Last Crusade.

Now all I have to do is have the storm flap buttons applied by abovementioned leather shop. Do I ask for black snap buttons or dark brown? Any help would be most appreciated.

http://www.geocities.com/pangaeascape/j ... rgery.html
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Post by Indiana Joe »

Awesome, Dale! Can you bring it to Indy French's on November 1st??

Post by whipwarrior »

Where's that going to be at? I also need to know if November 1st is on a weekend, since I have school on Mon-Fri. I'd love to be there in full gear, as usual! :-)
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Post by Indiana Joe »

Check this one out in the Events section:

Can you make it? I believe the first of November falls on a Saturday. Perhaps you can bring some straws to snap with the whip? I guess that's O.T. though. So, please try to come and bring the new collar (and the LC jacket, and the Webley, and the ....... ).
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Post by ob1al »

Wow, I have to say it came out very well. Well done! :D So now, you need to set up a mail order business for jacket mods! :wink:



Post by whipwarrior »

:-) I'm not sure I'd want to do this to other people's beloved jackets. I was practically sweating bullets as it were (well, not really, but I was being very careful). Last night, I took a bit of sandpaper and distressed the new edges to hide my handiwork and make it blend in more. Finally, I treated the entire jacket with Letap (the first time I've oiled it in over a year). Looks great! Now, about those storm flap buttons... Anybody think I could buy them from Wested and have them shipped to me stateside? Then I could have the shoe and luggage repair shop apply them to the jacket.
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Post by Mike »

Dale, I think the actual buttons were blackend antique brass. Since Peter already has your order on file, I don't see why he'd be against having them shipped to you. It's worth a shot... that way everything would still be authentic from the maker.

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Post by Shishak »

Dale, I think the actual buttons were blackend antique brass. Since Peter already has your order on file, I don't see why he'd be against having them shipped to you. It's worth a shot... that way everything would still be authentic from the maker.
I emailed Peter on this same subject last week and haven't heard anything back yet. Given all the problems with my Wested in the past, I'm not surprised. My jacket came with antique brass snaps - not blackened. I wanted to change them out because the plain antique brass really stands out, but I haven't had a reply yet as to whether or not he'll send them to me and how much they will be. I could just blacken the ones I have, but I'd rather have the originals.

Post by whipwarrior »

I e-mailed Wested last night, and received an e-mail from someone named Gerry, who promised to send me the snaps 'in the post' if I supplied my address (which I promptly did). So those will be shipped out this afternoon. Now I just have to find a photo from Last Crusade that shows the exact placement of the bottom snap.
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Post by Michaelson »

Jerry is Peter's son-in-law. Regards. Michaelson

Post by whipwarrior »

Cool! I thought it was odd since I addressed my letter to Peter and then someone else answered. Peter has always answered my letters personally in the past. But hey, that's cool. It's a family business, and I totally understand. Now I have a tiny bit of new gear to look forward to! :-)
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Post by Farnham54 »

yeah i've been conversing with both Gery and Peter, both have the same commitment to quality and service. Two thumbs up! Way up!


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