This is probably the hat I least think about or see on this site in the whole series. That is, until I saw Oak's creation. WOW! Oak's LC fedora really got me to appreciate it much more than I had in the past. Like the KOTCS Fedora post, does anybody have the dimension differences between LC and Raiders or LC and CS. From the look of Oak's fedora, there is definitely something unique and special about it. BTW does the lucky recipient of Oak's hat or anyone other LC owner have any pics of the hat on their noggin?
thanks for the kind words. I agree that there is very little specs wise on the last crusades hat or the TOD. I did nothing special when I made the one your talking about. It is blocked using the same as the one I use for the Raiders and the CS fedora.
The specs on the LC hats that I have made is 5 1/2 crown with a brim 2 3/4 front and back, with a 1/4 inch off the sides.
That would be great if you could post those as well. Is it me, or does the Fed just look too small? Anyway, good news in that I beleive that was the customer just ahead of me.
Boiler, the rear curl in the brim was a little difficult to do correctly, but essentially what I did was just bend up the rear sides of the snap brim more severely with water, and ran my hands along the sides to set in the curl.
Spenyk, the hole just came from abuse. I never grabbed my hat by the crown at all, but the repeated beating, unshaping and reshaping on that tight pinch wore it into a corner.
You can see that I made the pinch on my new hat much less severe, so I won't have that same problem again.