J!m, unfortunately Orvis no longer carries them. They haven't in a while, which is a pity because they are fantastic trousers. I have a pair I use for my Indy pants and I wear them to work quite often, as well. I've compared them along side Wested, Magnoli, and Noel Howard trousers, and in my book, they are much nicer trousers overall. (They are flat front, so while Officer Pink accurate--based off direct comparison--they are not 100% SA because of it.) I also like the pocket flaps on these better than any other offering I've seen. They also have a watch pocket.
I really wish they'd bring them back, because the material was terrific and the color spot on.
J!m, keep your eyes open, you never know where you'll find Orvis stuff. In fact, today I'm wearing a different pair of Orvis trousers I picked up at a Goodwill for five bucks. It's out there, you just gotta look for it. ;-)
These are the ones I ordered (in light brown). It took about 3 weeks to come in because they were backordered, but I think they're perfect for close enough Raiders pants.
However, the point (for me at least) is to find pants like these that are LESS expensive than the "real" pants wrom Wested, (also wested) Noel Howard, Magnoli etc.
These, to their credit, are machine washable, and probably EXACTLY the right pants for a "real" Indy- machine washable. Very tempting, but for the money I would probably get the (dry clean only) "real" pants.
Thanks for the link- I will add it to my collection of close enough pants links in another thread I started (to keep it all in one place).