Leather dressing / lotion advice

Discuss technique for prolonging the life of your gear or giving it that aged look

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Leather dressing / lotion advice

Post by ob1al »

Hi all,

I am in the UK so no 'pecards' available (i guess), plus Wested can't send me letap as Peter says "the post office dont appreciate it when the cans explode".... :lol:
Anyway, Peter suggests a leather conditioner for my Auth. Lambskin, anything with the little 'hide' logo on it. Is there anything COW members can recommend aside from letap and pecards? And any other UK members, what do you use and where from please?
Plus, I'm getting a new goatskin soon from Peter - should this be treated with conditioner same as the lambskin? Sorry if this has been asked 10000 times, I have tried searching thru the forum but have not quite manged to pin this one down yet???
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Post by Michaelson »

I'm surprised. From what I understood, Letap is supposed to be available all through the UK, as it's made there. Why can't you find any at your local leather goods stores, such as a shoe repair shop? They could probably get it for you. If you can get hold of some, use it on both your lambskin AND your new incoming goat. It's about the only product I've ever used that is good for everything but a pre-distressed leather (but that's just MY opinion) :wink: ) Try a little harder to find you a can of Letap. It's exactly what you need, and you're right there at the source! Regards. Michaelson
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Post by ob1al »

Hey there Michaelson! Nice to hear from you!

So you think letap conditioner is available throughout the UK? I'll be glad if that's the case. :D

I'll have to go on a 'reccy and check out my local stores - I just kinda assumed it might not be readily available as Peter suggested looking for alternatives.

It's good to know that it can be used on the lambskin & the goatskin - a double-whammy! 8)

Michaelson, what is your take on rubbing down a new authentic lambskin with Meths (or rubbing alcohol) to dull the shine? I'm assuming (a risky business - whenever I assume I make an ### out of U and ME!) that you don't approve of such drastic methods? :wink:

Thanks for the advice :)

Best regards,

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Post by Michaelson »

My friend, I know you're new here, or you wouldn't have asked me that last question. :? :wink: I am not a practioneer of the black arts of pre-distressing gear. Period. That's why you see occasional posts saying 'Michaelson, don't look now' in the gear distressing areas. I am a practioneer and preacher of allowing gear to age naturally (with proper care, of course), as each and every wrinkle and so forth will have it's own personal tale to tell it's owner, rather than how much acetone or rubbing alcohol was used in such and such a quantity. Now, I have seen some remarkable results on folks jackets who knew what they were doing (MK and whipwarrior come to mind), but I've also seen some absolutely dreadful results and ruined items from misuse of same, and can not recommend this practice at all, unless you can afford the loss of a ruined item. Most of us can't. I can point you to who does practice this on a regular basis (distressing, not ruining gear :wink: ), but I won't advise in that area. Sorry.

Yep, because Letap is proprietary in the UK, WE can't get it over here, but you can get it there! Check around! Regards. Michaelson
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Post by ob1al »

Whoops! I sense a divergence in the force.....2 camps huh? distressed and natural? Well, I certainly cannot afford to ruin any £160 jacket, let me tell you, so I am leaning toward the natural distress camp I believe.

Besides, I wear my Indy jacket daily, and what with daily life, the kids jumping on me and one thing or another I guess time will do the job for me - stuff will last longer too!

No, I wasn't thinking of taking sandpaper to my gear, merely 'dampening down' the goatskin shine which I have heard about - perhaps this will happen naturally over time anyway?

I don't like my gear too pristine - but there's not much chance of that anyway when changing nappies and suchlike! Authentic brown? I'll tell ya about authentic brown!! :shock:

Last edited by ob1al on Wed Oct 22, 2003 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ob1al »

Further to above: Do Pecards have a lotion to guard against THAT I wonder? :lol:
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Post by Michaelson »

Hummm :-k Maybe I should call them and ask! :wink: Regards. Michaelson
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Post by MaryonRavenwood »

HJS has had his Wested lambskin for less than a year, and already, the natural distressing is evident, particularly around the cuffs of the sleeves. I like how you put that, Michaelson, about every wrinkle having its own story. That's a really neat way of putting it.

Yes, there are definitely 2 camps here regarding distressing (or not.) That's alright--as I've said before, everyone has a preference, and reasons for distressing (or not.) For those looking to put together a completely screen-accurate costume, that's the way to go. Then, there are those of us who buy the gear to wear elements of on a daily basis, and want to let our jackets (and other items) age naturally (as indeed, Indiana Jones did.) We've seen many times before that different people here have different, often strong preferences regarding many things gear-related, but ultimately, we're all here for a common cause. That's just one thing that makes this group so great.
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Post by ob1al »

Thanks Maryon et al,

Yeah, I sensed that "2 groups" thing - didn't have to use the force either :lol:

But you are right, it seems to me everyone is here for a common cause and a common interest - a little constructive debate in the ranks is no bad thing I think.

Anyhow, I have certainly been guided by Michaelson on this issue and stepped tentatively into the natural distress camp. I don't disagree with artificial distressing, it just doesn't seem the most sensible thing to do with an expensive jacket / other prized gear for me.

Having said all that, my Wested lamb has broken in verrrry nicely indeed........

Best regards,

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