Pyroxene originally wrote:
1.) I cut the fall down to about 1 inch wide as suggested in Mark Allen's video. Razorblade Utility Knife $2.50.
2.) I removed the popper that came with it and added to the fall by adding a leather boot lace from Wal Mart $0.87.
3.) I added a smaller more flexable popper to the end of the fall. I used masonary string from the hardware dept at Wal Mart $3.00. (Ignore the big knot in the center of the popper. That happened during pratice. I have found that it's best to tie a knot every 3 inches or so.)
4.) I added a woodscrew to the knot of the handle to stop the swivel. Free, found one in a wall where a mirror used to hang.
Increasing the performance of your whip for under $10....priceless.
As I can't afford anything resembling a real whip, I've settled (probably because of Maryon's new 6-foot Strain in the house) to at least make do with an old 8-foot swivel-handled whip which I received as a gift from a friend back nearly 20 years ago. I've been trying to consult the archives about how to make this useable (it turns out mine never even had a cracker on it--I had been trying to crack it for years with nothing but a fall!). I've known that I need to stop the swivel action, and that a screw was needed, but exactly where did you insert it in the knot?. Were you able to tuck it underneath one of the plaits? I've trimmed the width of my fall down to no more than the narrowest width of the plaited portion, but with the addition of the leather boot lace on yours, how long is the overall "fall area" on yours now (fall + lace)? Also, how long is the cracker?
I've been practicing with this beast (pre-screw, post-fall narrowing and cracker addition), and the best I've been able to do is a clean circus crack which cracks louder behind me than in front (and neither very loud). My reverse is also (I think) good from a form standpoint, but has yet to make any sound beyond a dull leathery thud. Having now watched the Mark Allen video a good number of times, I think I'm using OK physical technique, but this piece doesn't crack worth a beaver's ###. Pyro, Sergei, Minnesota, any/everyone--HELP!
I know you get what you pay for in a whip, but what if you can't pay anything?!
Henry Jones, Sr.