Question for all you Indy Afficionados

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Question for all you Indy Afficionados

Post by mrkaboom »

Why are you guys all so into the who Indy costumer? Are you semi professional Indy double acts or fancy dress party attendees? I ask as i have asked myself the same queston. Ive always loved the movies and am 35 now. Ever since KOTCS came out my interest has been re awakened and it started when i decided to buy the WESTED shirt as i can wear it for going out in. However i then bought the hat from Todds, trousers from WESTED and have now got a jacket i bought from TK MAXX here for £40. I can wear all the items separately and get some use out of them but when they go together they will be pure Indy. I dont attend many fancy dress parties so was just curious why you guys are all into it as there may be stuff going on here in the UK that i might be able to get to and wear the gear.
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Post by BroadSword »

It's a hobby. Just like any other hobby people can get into it as much or as little as they please. Some are happy with close-enough in order to "get the feeling" and others want to be exactly screen accurate. Nothing wrong with either approach. Has nothing to do with dress parties or being stunt doubles. Why do modelers research the plane, tank or soldier down to the gnat's ### detail? Why do Railroad enthusiasts build their trains to have the exact same style drive-rods that the a train from 1895 had? No different here.
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Post by jacksdad »

I just love the style, and with this hobby you can wear the stuff and not look like a costume and I just love the movies. And in this crazy time in the world why not,it's fun harmless and just makes me happy so this is my answer. :)
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Post by JC1972 »

Hobby mainly. Can't say I've ever been to a fancy dress party or thought of being a stunt double. I guess because its cool and we get to talk shop here.
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Post by Indiana G »

i see life as an you need to dress the part ;-)
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Post by enigmata_wood »

I got into the Indy look through my dad really.
He paints such a great picture of the 'Golden 30s' in his tales of boyhood. I think some of the most elegant films ever made were from or about the 30s.
I think the smart but practical clothes that were often also quaility you could mend youself all appealed before Raiders got me really hooked.
I never wanted to look exactly like Indy but I definitely took some style pointers, especially as I like the outdoors life but don't like the shapeless 'athleasure wear' that passes for 'good' clothing today.
I think there is also an element of dressing like one's role model to remind oneself what one values.
Last edited by enigmata_wood on Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jnicktem »

I have always liked the "explorer/adventurer" look, and Indy screams that style. So that's why I like his "costume."
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Post by Indiana Strones »

The good of the Indy gear is that is not a costume, it's a style. You can wear it in your everyday life. And there are a couple of beautiful items: the jacket and the hat!! \:D/
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Post by mrkaboom »

Tell you what fellas there are some great answers in amongst your posts. I agree its not really a costume as its really top quality gear and looks fantastic. You are all very correct in your varied and different answers. its fun to track down that elusive SA item and also to go out dressed in the gear. In this world these days i feel that standards have slipped dramatically and people just look like slobs most of the time. I think the indy gear adds a little originality and class in a world dominated by 'leisure wear' and tracksuits that wont ever bear witness to a bead of leisure induced sweat! Keep up the great posts guys I'm happy to be right amongst you donning the fedora here in East Lancashire!
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the Quest

Post by enigmata_wood »

I forgot to mention that there's also a spiritual element in it for me, seriously.
The Indy films deal with esoteric subjects and remind us they can be real experiences, and that one must decide which side to 'stand up and be counted' on.
We all have our own Holy Grail to seek in life.
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Post by knibs7 »

Fulfilling childhood wishes and adventures

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Post by Indiana Citroen »

It was and is a classic look and I echo the sentiment that you can wear the gear and not feel like youre wearing a superman suit to work.
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Post by Tron7960 »

Because as a kid I wanted to, and as an adult I can.
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Post by DR Ulloa »

Indy really got to me as a kid. After watching Raiders when I was a boy, I started wearing hats and jackets. I moved to ball caps when I got into middle school, but I started wearing fedoras again when I went into high school. My dad brought me back a whip from a busniess trip when i was about 10 years old and I kept it for a long time, playing "Indy" in my back yard with my Dorfman from Disney in my backyard. I guess as an adult, I can now get some of the gear that Indy actually wore and some that is even tougher. I love the look because it has been a part of me for my whole life. It is a part of me and is more real than a costume.

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Post by ichnob »

The best way to appreciate it is to put everything on a mannequin and have that in a huge glass display case, locked away in a safe for no one to see but yourself.

Just kidding, except for the mannequin display. It's actually a pretty cool sight to see. But wearing the individual items or the whole thing together is sort of a high on its own. You can quite literally step into the shoes of one of your favorite heroes/characters ever!

Besides, every guy should have a nice hat and leather jacket.
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Post by SonofJoker »

As I've gotten older, I love making costumes and props and with Indy's gear you can wear it everyday. I've always like Indy and enjoyed the old pulps of the 30's so I figured it was about time to get myself a fedora and enjoy life!
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Post by PLATON »

Either you are an afficcionado (spelling) or you aren't
The problems start when you become an afficcioado (spelling) with more than one things.
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