From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
I made a Raiders style whip recently for a fella here in the UK. He ordered it in in Brandy I was so sure he'd got his colours mixed up that I ended up cutting him a lace in Brandy, Saddletan and Whisky and sending them to him......but no he was right he wanted Brandy.....
I wasn't at all sure how it'd look and I must admit I did it a couple of days later than it came up in my workbook as I was putting it off however I reckon it turned out really nice brand new but the colour of a ten year old Natural Tan one
I thought I'd make up some stupid name for it
The Dr Henry Ready Aged Raider
Last edited by IndyWhips on Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
I have a whiskey whip and it's aged wonderfully. In my opinion, natural tan, brandy, whiskey, and saddle tan age super well if taken care of properly. Just the shine to them and how they aren't 1 solid color such as black. The buyer should be rather happy with the color if thats the color he truly wanted.
The bigger turkshead looks too cylindric for me, just like in KOTCS whip The Morgan turkshead looks nearly like hmmm, I can't give name how it looks like, you know what I mean
Very nice whip! I wouldn't suggest being too reluctant on different colored whips. To make sure it's what the customer wants before actually making the whip is one thing, but you've confirmed it, I wouldn't suggest delaying it. It may not be screen accurate in color, but the indy style whip is more than a prop afterall, it's a genuine, cracking bullwhip, and if Brandy is the color he wants, I wouldn't hesitate to give it to him. But still, nice job!