From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Hello I wanted to share my 1st self made 6' bullwhip, made from nylon. All I could find locally was black for the body. Now I realise I should wrap the handle in a red overlay and change the turks heads to black and have a LC young Indy whip. Good enough for me, until I can rub my nickels together to get one made from leather. And it cracks good to all I need is a better technique. I used the tutorial I found over at the RPF.
(Mod's I hope I sized the images down to the right size let me know if I did it wrong.)
I've been looking at the photos of the YILC whip. Does anybody know what the plaiting count I could use to match the pattern of the red handle? Any help would be appreciated.
I am glad you liked my tutorial!
The whip turned out mighty fine.
The only suggestion I have for you is to tie a 5 part 4 bight knot for the butt knot, it will be less flat.
As far as the young indy whip , you could use the red for the handle, bind it where the TH will cover it, bind the black above it and plait on plaiter. Not sure if it will work as I have never tried it, but it sounds sound.
Or take the easy way out and dunk the handle in red plasti-dip.
I wanted to share my finished whip after a bit more work. I wanted to modify it for a Young Indy LC look. So I did a red overlay on the handle and bound it under the THK. There's a lot of taper at the transition knot. But I like it. Now on to a 8' tan.