Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Post by Dutch_jones »

eazybox wrote:Tony says he copied the Smithsonian jacket, and that it was guarded the whole time it was at his studio. Some have suggested that he misiunderstood what they told him and that it must have been an Archive jacket he was given to copy.

But what he says does make sense, especially if the Smithsonian's Indy exhibit was closed at the time he made the copy, as I have heard that it was.

Maybe the CS jacket write-up, whenever it is finished, will clear up the confusion.

I find it VERY hard to believe Peter was given an archive jacket to copy and Tony got the smithsonian, thing is: nowaks looks nothing like the smithsonian jacket and thus i'm believing everyone was apointed the same jacket to copy....
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Post by RCSignals »

Chewie Louie wrote:Someone should order #522
Did someone here order that number?
just curious
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Post by Indiana Williams »

RCSignals wrote:
Chewie Louie wrote:Someone should order #522
Did someone here order that number?
just curious
He is doing/did something special with that jacket. I was told it was going to be auctioned off for a worthy cause.
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Post by Michaelson »

Correct, in honor of Bernie Pollack's late brother.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Indiana Williams »

Michaelson wrote:Correct, in honor of Bernie Pollack's late brother.

Regards! Michaelson
Has the auction already been held?
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Post by Michaelson »

No, not that I'm aware of.

As I recall, all proceeds would be donated to Bernie's charity of choice.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by CM »

eazybox wrote:Tony says he copied the Smithsonian jacket, and that it was guarded the whole time it was at his studio. Some have suggested that he misiunderstood what they told him and that it must have been an Archive jacket he was given to copy.

But what he says does make sense, especially if the Smithsonian's Indy exhibit was closed at the time he made the copy, as I have heard that it was.

Maybe the CS jacket write-up, whenever it is finished, will clear up the confusion.

Odd because the Nowak CS jacket doesn't look much like the LC jacket at all, but it does look like the archive jacket - right down to the pocket shape and the double shoulder seam.
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Post by eazybox »

Tony doesn't have much regard for what we call "screen accuracy." It could be possible that he made certain changes that he considered improvements to the screen-used jackets. I don't know, I'm just speculating. When you request screen accuracy, though, he makes sure you get it.

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Post by RCSignals »

eazybox wrote:Tony doesn't have much regard for what we call "screen accuracy." It could be possible that he made certain changes that he considered improvements to the screen-used jackets. I don't know, I'm just speculating. When you request screen accuracy, though, he makes sure you get it.

He seems to have a lot of regard for screen accuracy, however he knows that all that matters to the movies is for them to 'look good on screen'
Any changes Tony has made are internal to make the jacket more wearable and functional. No need to speculate, you can talk to him.
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Post by eazybox »

RCSignals wrote:
eazybox wrote:Tony doesn't have much regard for what we call "screen accuracy." It could be possible that he made certain changes that he considered improvements to the screen-used jackets. I don't know, I'm just speculating. When you request screen accuracy, though, he makes sure you get it.

He seems to have a lot of regard for screen accuracy, however he knows that all that matters to the movies is for them to 'look good on screen'
Any changes Tony has made are internal to make the jacket more wearable and functional. No need to speculate, you can talk to him.
I have talked to him, and I think you may have misunderstood my post, or maybe I didn't express myself clearly enough. My speculation was only in response to what CM said about the Smithsonian jacket looking different from the final version seen on screen. None of us know exactly what transpired yet, and so all we can do is speculate about it, which, of course, is worth exactly as much as the stock market these days.

But Tony DOES have little regard for screen accuracy when it comes to the fussy little details that we all seem to be so obsessed about. There are certain improved features, like the sturdier zipper, that he could provide for you with the CS jackets if you want them. He always ASKS what you want him to do, though, and if it's screen accuracy you want, that's exactly what he gives you. ;-)

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Post by RCSignals »

He starts with a screen Accurate jacket, that incorporates hidden improvement for wear ability and durability. He then adds or changes whatever the buyer wants. I don't think that is disregard for screen accuracy. He is most interested though in selling a functional jacket that you can wear and not worry about.

He is the one person who knows the details of the screen used jacket(s) as it regards Indy IV. Any fussy thing someone else asks for may be details of pure fantasy.
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Post by eazybox »

RCSignals wrote:He starts with a screen Accurate jacket, that incorporates hidden improvement for wear ability and durability. He then adds or changes whatever the buyer wants. I don't think that is disregard for screen accuracy. He is most interested though in selling a functional jacket that you can wear and not worry about.

He is the one person who knows the details of the screen used jacket(s) as it regards Indy IV. Any fussy thing someone else asks for may be details of pure fantasy.
He didn't even know what we meant by screen accuracy until someone explained it to him. No two handmade jackets can be precisely the same. He's made it pretty clear to me and some others that he considers the degree of screen accuracy that we demand as silly, but he is willing to provide it as closely as possible if that's what we want.

When my zipper broke and I told him about it, the first thing he said was "It's that screen accurate bull####!"

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Post by RCSignals »

eazybox wrote:
RCSignals wrote:He starts with a screen Accurate jacket, that incorporates hidden improvement for wear ability and durability. He then adds or changes whatever the buyer wants. I don't think that is disregard for screen accuracy. He is most interested though in selling a functional jacket that you can wear and not worry about.

He is the one person who knows the details of the screen used jacket(s) as it regards Indy IV. Any fussy thing someone else asks for may be details of pure fantasy.
He didn't even know what we meant by screen accuracy until someone explained it to him. No two handmade jackets can be precisely the same. He's made it pretty clear to me and some others that he considers the degree of screen accuracy that we demand as silly, but he is willing to provide it as closely as possible if that's what we want.

When my zipper broke and I told him about it, the first thing he said was "It's that screen accurate bull####!"

Well I'm sure he's correct. None of all the jackets he made for the movie were probably exactly the same, but enough 'the same' for the Camera.
Someone here no doubt will watch the movie enough times that they'll be able to tell which jacket as worn in which scene.

One of the reasons he got the job was because he made a jacket that was indistinguishable from the sample jacket he was to replicate. Even then to him his jacket was probably not exactly the same.

Any idea how many zippers have failed so far?
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Post by eazybox »

RCSignals wrote:
eazybox wrote:
RCSignals wrote:He starts with a screen Accurate jacket, that incorporates hidden improvement for wear ability and durability. He then adds or changes whatever the buyer wants. I don't think that is disregard for screen accuracy. He is most interested though in selling a functional jacket that you can wear and not worry about.

He is the one person who knows the details of the screen used jacket(s) as it regards Indy IV. Any fussy thing someone else asks for may be details of pure fantasy.
He didn't even know what we meant by screen accuracy until someone explained it to him. No two handmade jackets can be precisely the same. He's made it pretty clear to me and some others that he considers the degree of screen accuracy that we demand as silly, but he is willing to provide it as closely as possible if that's what we want.

When my zipper broke and I told him about it, the first thing he said was "It's that screen accurate bull####!"

Well I'm sure he's correct. None of all the jackets he made for the movie were probably exactly the same, but enough 'the same' for the Camera.
Someone here no doubt will watch the movie enough times that they'll be able to tell which jacket as worn in which scene.

One of the reasons he got the job was because he made a jacket that was indistinguishable from the sample jacket he was to replicate. Even then to him his jacket was probably not exactly the same.

Any idea how many zippers have failed so far?
I don't know how many have failed, but I can tell you I was more than compensated for the problem. I can't praise Tony enough. They guy's fantastic. :)

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Lurking since this summer, first time poster so I could put in my good word for Tony's fantastic work.
Drove straight down to his El Segundo studio after getting off the plane from Japan. Was done in no time (didn't want to leave, what a great guy).

3 weeks later the nicest jacket I've ever owned was in hand.
I wasn't so into screen accuracy and found this site after simply wanting the jacket I saw in Indy 4.
Now have a deep respect for the incredible attention to details and quality and will hire Tony for production of our own company jackets.
Can't imagine going to anyone else.

For anyone sitting on the fence, jump!
Worth every penny.

I now have a proper toy robot hunting jacket for those colder weather months in Akihabara.

Thanks Tony!

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Post by Baldwyn »

Davidugly! The CEO of Ugly Dolls? Nice to have you in our company :)

I ordered my jacket tonight!
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Post by Raider S »

You are telling the world for certain the "deal is sealed" on a new Indy movie and they are starting some work on it already?
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Post by Baldwyn »

_ wrote:I'd bet that the CS jacket is the jacket now - for any further sequels...
Boy, I hope so!! Buying a jacket every 3, 5, 19 years is something Indy fans do, not Indy.

I like to think he only had two jackets :) The TOD which he leaves on the Bantu Wind in Raiders. And the LC jacket that he Pecarded and had the collar resized for CS.
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Post by RCSignals »

_ wrote:
Raider S wrote:You are telling the world for certain the "deal is sealed" on a new Indy movie and they are starting some work on it already?
LOL! No - read what I said again...

I am saying there is work being done on Indy V. Several preliminary story ideas. A few things that might be called pieces of scripts. If I were to compare to Indy IV? Well, I'd say we are where we were in about mid-2000? Who knows if SS and HF will agree on the stories, but that's always been the problem getting these going...

I am saying that when Ford puts on a fedora and jacket again, they will only get there through Bernie Pollack. Bernie is Harrison's wardrobe designer. Period...

I am saying Bernie Pollack will call Steve Delk for the lid, and it is his job unless he does not want it.

I am saying Bernie Pollack will call Tony Nowak to make the jackets, and it is his job unless he does not want it.

There will be no "endless sea of jacket makers" trying to get the job. Peter was one of many and had the same chance they all did. Tony has the job now... I'd bet that the CS jacket is the jacket now - for any further sequels...
I understood that. I'm guessing it means there will be no 'change' to the jacket pattern for Indy V (if there is an Indy V) Same with the Fedora.
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Post by jacksdad »

I could see Steve giving some of the new hat makers here on COW a shot at the hat,but only by his recommendation only. He seems like that type of guy, that he would be proud to let someone that he recommeded to them or worked with. :)
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nowak owners thread

Post by Hatch »

photos with and without flash of Indy IV
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nowak owners thread

Post by Hatch »

Sorry, how do I get photos from photobucket to post......I have a new Indy I coming tomorrow........thanks
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Post by gwyddion »

Ok, when using Photobucket you should see the folowing when looking at your album (the picture itself is an example offcourse):


Click on the code that is called IMG code. this then turns blue. Then rightclick on it, and click copy in the menu. then use "paste" (you'll find this by right-clicking in the field you type your post in) to put it in your post.

Please do not take offence at the tone: this is my new standard dummy-proof post I will use when this is needed.

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Re: nowak owners thread

Post by Tollan »

Hatch wrote:Sorry, how do I get photos from photobucket to post......I have a new Indy I coming tomorrow........thanks
If it's an Indy I/Raiders jacket, you might want to post it on this thread instead: viewtopic.php?t=34025
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Post by Hatch »

thanks left without and right with flash Image[/img][/url]Image
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Post by ReturningSon »

congrats Hatch and welcome to the Nowak Owner's Jacket club!!
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Post by Indiana Williams »

Whens the Nowak Raiders due to arrive?
Edit:BTW Welcome to the club :tup:
Last edited by Indiana Williams on Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jacksdad »

Looks great, with seeing CS again I'm getting the bug again to get one of those jackets and have started to think of a way to buy one,it'll take time,but we will see.
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Post by Baldwyn »

jacksdad wrote:Looks great, with seeing CS again I'm getting the bug again to get one of those jackets and have started to think of a way to buy one,it'll take time,but we will see.
I know! I knew it'd hit me so I ordered mine at the end of September. I'm vibrating now with the anticipation. I'm guessing that Tony's getting distracted by the Raiders jacket!
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nowak owners thread

Post by Hatch »

I just posted some pics of Indy I on" Nowak replicating etc".thread
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Pics of my Indy IV jacket

Post by knibs7 »

Just got this in yesterday


Please let me know what you think

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Post by RCSignals »

Fantastic. I like all the Indy jackets but the IV is my favourite.
It's the 'evolved' real jacket version IMO
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Post by Maelstrom »

Guys, I'm thinking I'm gonna get a TN. This will be my first real Indy jacket, so I'm pretty excited.

I've done a lot of research and it seems they will hold up best out of any jacket. Sure, it may not be SA to Raiders and many may not like the look of it, but ####, I LOVE IT. It really is a gorgeous looking jacket.

You TN owners out there, how often do you wear the jacket? I've read in several posts it is pretty comfortable. How does the comfort compare to other jackets?
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Post by IndyBlues »

My TN #612/777 is extremely comfortable, and fits as if I was there being fitted for it. Now, having ordered many, many Indy jackets over the last 5 years, I knew exactly what I needed to make it a perfect fit.

As far as durability, the TN feels like it will last forever, and I hope it does.
Alas, time will be the only way to know. You have to realize, this is the first year of real use this jacket is getting, so we'll just have to wait and see how it stands up to the challenge.

"Built like a tank" and "Seems like it will last forever" is thrown around these parts a little too much for my taste. I like to see for myself if that is indeed the case,...and forever is a mighty long time.

I've only gotten about a week of wear out of it, but here is a pic of me and my boy at the Eagles game yesterday. Got quite a few compliments on the jacket, so that was a good thing.

I loves me my TN CS jacket!

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Post by crismans »

It's finally gotten cold enough here for me to break my TN out. Tomorrow's the inaugural run.
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Post by Toldog07 »

oh nice, i'm from south jersey but i have a few friends that live in manyunk so i'm always up there.

#### yeah go phillies....

4 innings away!!!
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Post by eazybox »

Toldog07 wrote:oh nice, i'm from south jersey but i have a few friends that live in manyunk so i'm always up there.

#### yeah go phillies....

4 innings away!!!
So close and yet so far. The Phillies are like Indy-- they always have to do everything the hard way, and this time Mother Nature was the lead villain. Well, maybe tomorrow...

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Post by Maelstrom »

Nah, the Phillies ain't like Indy, cuz Indy wins most of the time. =/

Who am I to talk though, I'm a die hard Cubs fan.
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Post by Michaelson »

Back on the rails, boys. [-X

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

How's this for a back on the rails post...


My earliest memories of Indiana Jones were drawn from the Last Crusade, and hence even though now I do consider Raiders to be the best movie of the four, when I think 'Indy' I think 'Last Crusade Indy', and when I think of Indy's jacket, I think of 'Last Crusade Indy's jacket'. That is why ever since getting the Indy jacket bug in Jan '07, only one of my then (before today) eight 'Indy' jackets is a Raiders- the rest being Crusades and Crystal Skulls.

Why that long and drawn out explanation? Simply put, I never was interested in the Raiders jacket. Never had any fascination with it, and simply did not want to bother with it unless I thought I could get a perfect copy. I would patiently buy Wested after Wested before I found a perfect Crusade jacket that fit and looked the part, and I would stock up on a few Nowak's (I was just so impressed with the first, I wanted another!) , but as far as Raiders was concerned, I thought I would throw in the towel and simply get a Wested worn-look lamb (from the first batch of about a dozen jackets that later became Wested's signature 'ROLA Authentic line).

This is where Mr. Nowak comes in.

After getting three pitch perfect Crystal Skull jackets from him, he called me one night just as I had one foot out the door.

"Man, it's crazy. The leather... I mean... It's crazy," I remember him saying, he seemed almost breathless with excitement. "Forget Indy IV man, this is it. This is the one."

I hesitated for a moment, but his enthusiasm and excitement was postively infectious.

All I had to go on after that were the pages on CoW filled with complaints and praises from revered members who made gear collecting what it is today. The former outnumbered the latter. I felt like I was standing on the sidelines watching a civil war erupt. Here was a project that had the potential to shatter previously long-held beliefs about the jacket that few would question, so it was no wonder many refused to budge from their positions. To the Indygear world, this would be on par with learning if the world was indeed truly flat. And now, as I sit here with the jacket poised sitting behind me, I do believe Tony has given us that answer.

Like many have previously pointed out, the first thing that will catch your eye about the jacket is the fact that it will look like somebody just died in it. I mean this is a good way. The first person to see me in my jacket actually looked at it with shock and asked me how old it was. Like Indy's jacket in Raider's, this jacket certainly looks like it has some mileage already put into it. If I were to tell a stranger I had swung on a vine into a river, been shot at, and tried my hand at spelunking, all while wearing the jacket, I'm almost certain there would not be a trace of doubt. Isn't this what Indy's jacket is all about?

Upon Tony's advice, many of us began to notice the texture and almost raw nature of the leather while rewatching Raiders with fresh eyes. That same texture is apparent on Tony's jacket, all one needs to do is to take a look at this, for example, to see what the hide looks like: ... 6-1600.jpg

When viewed up close, it has creases running all over the jacket, which is the best way I can describe Tony's jacket. The look of a well-worn hide without uniformity in the creases. It does look more reptillian compared to some of the smoother leathers out there, but compared to the publicity stills, those smoother leathers don't look as accurate as the one Tony has chosen, and perhaps never will, since the creases show up in places that they normally shouldn't!

As for the feel of the leather jacket? Priceless. You cannot begin to imagine how velvety soft this leather jacket is, almost like wearing a cotton jacket with some heft. And this is coming from a guy whose Indy jackets are mainly composed of Wested lambskins! The feel is unmatched, as far as I'm concerned.

Now, while I may be no expert as far as the nuances of the Raiders jacket go, I can tell you that I spent a few hours today looking through pictures and videos, and even rewatched Raiders with the same eye that I gave the last Crusade. Call it a crash course if you will. From what I found though, Tony was right. This is it. Everything lines up, maybe not for every scene in the movie, but then again, you can clearly tell they used a variety of jackets in Raiders.

Trying on the jacket, it fits absolutely perfectly. Moreso on me than the Indy IV jackets, to be honest. While those jackets are excellent for bigger and/or buffer folk, smaller folks might find more to like with the fit of the Indy I jacket. Being a size 40 myself and close to Ford's height, I decided to just go ahead and order a jacket to almost exactly the same measurements, not making any special requests or extra specs and just leaving all that up to Tony. Boy was I surprised to find that it fit me like a glove!

When I wear the jacket, it flares outward in the chest, just like what we see in the screenshots... a look that I have trouble replicating with the other jackets, yet on this one it just did it naturally, without any coaxing! With regards to the back of the jacket though, I can see a small problem there. All my other Nowak Indy's and Mutt jackets have a back that falls perfectly down, but the Indy I jacket flares out at the back, perhaps a result of the back length matching the front length. This results in the back in the jacket looking as though I'm concealing a fin, but that may just be the tradeoff of having an outward flaring front. Another bonus is that Harrison Ford also seems to suffer from the same problem on screen as well!

Durability wise, given Tony's usual attention to detail, no stitch was questionable, nothing was fraying prematurely, in fact, ignoring aged look, this jacket looks so solid, that I would believe this to be able to survive the events of Raiders!

While this jacket is not what I had expected (nor many members either, for that matter), that's what makes the jacket all the more relevant! Now, after having tried on my latest Nowak, my stance on the Raiders jacket has changed. In the past, I never wanted to tackle that Raiders jacket 'quest'. Now, however, I am one of the fortunate few to have unwittingly managed to finish it, all thanks to Tony Nowak.

If you survived that long post, let's move on to the photos! :lol:

No looking back: ... r/TNR1.jpg
Presenting THE Jacket: ... r/TNR2.jpg
Front Pictures: ... r/TNR3.jpg ... r/TNR4.jpg
Side Picture: ... r/TNR5.jpg
Preparing for that 'Fonzie' look: ... r/TNR6.jpg ... r/TNR7.jpg
More Front Pictures: ... r/TNR8.jpg ... r/TNR9.jpg ... /TNR10.jpg ... /TNR11.jpg
The cradle it came in: ... /TNR12.jpg
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Post by Mulceber »

I really think you've got it, Castor...and man I wish I did....

That's an amazing looking jacket, and as usual, Tony's work is fantastic...I so wish that I could justify this cost, but it was difficult enough paying for one of Tony's CS jackets. :cry: :x

Oh well. Wear it in good health, it looks absolutely amazing...I think I've got the jacket bug now... -M
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Post by whipcracker »

All I can say is WOW! :o :shock: :) 8) :notworthy:

I was thinking, maybe the texture tones down after some use, like scrapping against walls, grinding against the dirst being dragged by a truck , scrapped with a pocket knife by the pool, etc. Maybe that's why some of the texture is gone in some places on Ford's jacket.

What do you think?

I wonder how the waterproofability is?
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Post by RCSignals »

Nice write up. Great looking jacket Thanks
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Post by eazybox »

Tony should have played in the World Series-- he hit a Grand Slam with this one! Congratulations, and thanks for sharing the photos.

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Post by Indiana G »

yeah......uhm....i don't know.......looks too grainy for me :P :lol:

great post castor and thanks for sharing the pics. i'm glad that we have another person who can attest to the fact that tony does not disappoint.

wait a couple of days, that thing will mold and settle into the cracks and depths of your very soul........kinda like the black spidey suit.....then you're allowed to be evil :shock: .....sorry, getting close to halloween ;-) wait till she forms to you. that is one thing you will love. wait till it breaks in....that's going to give you an extended appreciation for it. this jacket is for the need for distressing....just waiting. and the memories that you pick up along the way will make that price tag look insignificant.

enjoy in good health my friend, she looks awesome on ya :)

{oh yeah, one more thing: i beat you, i beat you, i beat you.........sorry, had to get that out :lol: :lol: :lol: cheers buddy}
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Post by Baldwyn »

Castor Dioscuri wrote:How's this for a back on the rails post...




I am convinced.
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Post by Mike »

I guess the jacket looks OK, but I've just gone through the whole movie again, and I've yet to find ANY screen grabs that show a huge black dot on Indy's neck.

Hardly screen accurate.


Jacket looks great.
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Post by Tennessee Smith »

Castor that jacket is beautiful.... =P~

Thanks for the pics and that Raiders screen shot you added really hits home what the original looked like. It amazes me how the texture was never noticed before and most of us here just took it for sandpaper and fullers earth.
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Post by Holt »


about 1.5'' to short in the lenght for my taste but still its mouthwatering.

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Post by crismans »

Mike wrote:I guess the jacket looks OK, but I've just gone through the whole movie again, and I've yet to find ANY screen grabs that show a huge black dot on Indy's neck.

Hardly screen accurate.


Jacket looks great.
Not to mention that I've never seen an inscription in Indy's jacket! In what scene does THAT appear :lol: ;-)

I'll admit that I've been firmly in the camp of the doubting Thomases but your pictures really do look convincing. Thanks also for the excellent write up.

But I don't want to save a $1000... :lol:
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