Anyone else feel weird about wear the hat in public?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Anyone else feel weird about wear the hat in public?

Post by Jr. Jones »

I love my fedora to no end. I wear it all the time, hiking, in the truck,ect.
If i had it my way it wouldn't leave my head. I'm the last on to care what someone thinks about me but i have to admit i feel a little funny when i hear someone start humming the Indy theme. :oops: That or someone will yell out Junior with a Sean Connery acsent.

Just wondering if this happens to anyone else, and if they feel the same way? :-k
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Post by BendingOak »

To answer your question. No

I had once nice top hat but had all the other comments as well.

Don't walk around like this :[

and you won't end up like this :x

Don't care what people think in the first place and you will always have one of these :)
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Nope. I almost never go anywhere without a hat, and 95% of the time it's a fedora. (The other 5% goes to a newsboy cap or something similar.) I think it's a case of you wearing the hat instead of the hat wearing you. If you are confident in your hat wearing, it shouldn't matter.

Sure, I saw two guys making the Indy comment on the metro commute home from work last week. Whoop-de-doo. I could've made a comment on how "playah" they were trying to be. At the end of it all, they have their clothes and I have mine. But on the flip side, just yesterday I had a guy at a local music store I frequent comment how he has a great respect for the "Indy look" I carry, and the hat was a C-dent! Again, it's all in the attitude.

Btw, well said, Oak! ;-)
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Post by DR Ulloa »

BendingOak wrote:To answer your question. No

I had once nice top hat but had all the other comments as well.

Don't walk around like this :[

and you won't end up like this :x

Don't care what people think in the first place and you will always have one of these :)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That was great. Your emoticons explained that better than anywords I could have said.

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Post by ichnob »

If you are wearing an Indy-brown styled hat, then there's no helping it. It's part of an image icon. Take it in stride and actually feel complimented since 1) they recognize it, and 2) that means that they're fans as well.
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Post by Michaelson »

I've posted it before, but it's odd that it seems to be the color of the hat that sets folks to make comments too. I've had a few mumbled (not many mind you. Most folks just ignore me completely) 'Indy' type remarks, but anytime I wear a grey hat (for instance), not a word.


Can't add much more than what has been said above. It's just a piece of clothing, used for nothing more than to keep the sun and rain off your head in summer, and snow and wind off your head in winter. If you think of it otherwise, such as a costume piece, you're creating your own stress and definitely attracting attention in that regard. ;-)

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Post by morethanatimelord »

BendingOak wrote:To answer your question. No

I had once nice top hat but had all the other comments as well.

Don't walk around like this :[

and you won't end up like this :x

Don't care what people think in the first place and you will always have one of these :)

well said john

iv never had a bad comment said to me while wearing my lid. i went to a ross kemp book signing a few days ago and wore my hat there and the staff running the signing loved it :) infact they wanted to wear it :D
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Post by DR Ulloa »

I once was called "Bogie" when I wore my grey Christy's. The point is that anything that is not the norm will attract attention. It is not common place to wear hats anymore, though we all wish it was. Our hats will attract attention even if we don't want them to becuase they are so rare to see. If you see an Aston Martin driving down the street, you are going to stare and don't lie because we all will. Same thing. Just wear the hat with pride and you'll see the difference in people's reactions. Either way, you look good.
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Post by Michaelson »

It is not common place to wear hats anymore, though we all wish it was.
Maybe not in Miami, but you'd be surprised just how much it is becoming the 'norm' the further north you go. ;-)

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Post by Kokopelli »

I only seem to get comments when the Fedora is the only thing I wear.
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Post by Indiana G »

i get some ladies smiling at me once and a actually waved from her car as she drove by. wearing a fed is a good thing.....too bad i'm married.......{WHAP - mrs. g slapping the hat off my head} mean, i'm happy that i'm married so that i can look good just for my wife.....that's what i meant...........

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Post by whipitgood »

I usually wear a cabbie hat, but a fedora doesn't really go with my everyday attire. I also live in Los Angeles, so fur felt and warm weather don't mix well. I plan on wearing it to the Awanahee Hoteli n Yosemite next year as the Art Deco Society has a week long function there.
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Post by DR Ulloa »

Michaelson wrote:
It is not common place to wear hats anymore, though we all wish it was.
Maybe not in Miami, but you'd be surprised just how much it is becoming the 'norm' the further north you go. ;-)

Regards! Michaelson
I didn't think about that. I only get out of town a handful of times a year (excluding trips to Orlando), if that. And at that, I usually head up to either Memphis or New York City to visit family. I see very few fedoras in New York, but I have seen quite a few in Memphis, though older gentlemen are wearing them. In Miami, however, it just doesn't happen. My best friend is a fedora freak as well, but aside from us two you really don't see any. We dont' have any hat stores down here so that doesn't help the situation either. The only people you ever see wearing a fedora are the old Cuban guys at Domonio Park on 8th and they normally wear Panama style hats. I really wish hats would become more popular down here. Well, clothing in general needs to change around here. but I guess that can be said about most any urban area in the United States.

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Post by Michaelson »

citRon wrote:I only seem to get comments when the Fedora is the only thing I wear.
Well, yeah....I would imagine! :shock: :[ ;-)

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Panama Tom Jr. »

The only people you ever see wearing a fedora are the old Cuban guys at Domonio Park on 8th and they normally wear Panama style hats...
Man, Dave! You just gave me some serious flashbacks with that statement! :rolling:
My Dad's office building was on 27th and 8th and I can remember driving with him on "Calle Ocho" seeing all the old Cuban guys with their cigars and dominos.
I agree, though - Florida in general is not really fur felt fedora country - doesn't really go well with the flowered short sleeve shirts (although it might not look bad with a long sleeve guayabera...)
I also have to agree with Harrison Ford's statements that the fur felt hat was kind of a silly choice as it is not practical for the equatorial heat and humidity. I wore mine to Panama and about cooked my brain on a couple of days - a straw would have been much more comfortable...
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Post by Michaelson »

I wore my fur felt Stetson daily when I lived in Tallahassee for 3 years......but anytime I went south to work in Miami, though it went with me, but was not worn on the job. Too dang hot!!! :shock:

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Post by jacksdad »

yes , they are hot, I wore mine in the summer just to wear it,but here in Illinois,our winters get cold so I'm sure my head will be nice and warm. don't worry about what people think, Oak nailed it,but my 2 cents do you see what people wear, a fedora gives you class,wear it with pride.
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Post by Darth Indiana »

i felt a bit self-consious the first few times i wore my fed out, but that was just because it was a new thing for me. once i got used to it it was fine, and now i feel incomplete if i leave the house without it.
as for comments: surprisingly i haven't gotten any Indy remarks except for when i went to the KOTCS midnight premiere, though my Spanish proffessor asked where i got it, one of my old school friends described it as "a supreme hat, dude," and just yesterday a little kid in the mall got very excited when "the cowboy said hi to me mommy!!!11!!1!" :)
little kids are great; nothing's "uncool" when you're six years old.
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Post by jnicktem »

Up here in Minnesota, I see a lot of college students wear fedoras. I know, since I spend a lot of time on campus... cause I am a college student... and I wear a fedora.... :roll:
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Post by Indiana G »

citRon wrote:I only seem to get comments when the Fedora is the only thing I wear.
then you'll also get the "nice whip" comment.......

oops.....i've gone too far......i'll be under the plymouth :lol:
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Post by Michaelson »

HANSOLOJONES wrote: But it kinda is like walking around with a Star Trek Uniform Shirt. Hobby or not.

Somehow I think the Star Trek shirt will probably draw more comments myself.... :-k ;-)

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Post by alphared6 »

I've been wearing fedoras long before the Indy movies. Today, with the world associating brown fedoras with Jones I continue to sport my fedora.
Here in Oklahoma most everyone crowns his noodle with either a cowboy type hat or a base ball type cap.
Even those who start a comment with "Hey, Indiana Jones!" end it with "I really love your hat!"
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I was concerned back when I started wearing hats regularly, even before I had an Indy fedora. It faded quickly, though. The only people who makes Indy cracks are my Dad and my best friend. Most people who say anything say only good things.
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

In the few weeks that I have been wearing my hat consistently, I have recieved exactly one negative comment, and it wasnt even indy related. Everyone else either tells me how sharp my hat looks or calls me Indiana Adam.
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Post by DR Ulloa »

Tom, I work right by 27th and nw 20th, so I know the area well. I love passing by Domino Park and just chatting away with the old guys about Cuba. I will probably never be able to see it for quite some time, which is sad becuase I still have family there.

Michaelson, your right. It does get hot down here with a fur felt, but they just look so good! I routinely have to wipe my forehead and sweatband down, but it's worth it, I think.

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Post by Rich Johnson »

I wear a black cowboy hat, so I get the Howdy and the Yee Haa's from the jerks.
Now that I have a good fedora (Not Disneyland) I wear it regularly. So far, only my boss has noticed because shes an Indy geek too.
Only kids have commented on me looking like Indy.
I toured the Grand Canyon a few weeks ago and rode there on the train so I had no car and had to use the busses or walk every where.
I had my Indy gear and my gas mask bag that came in very handy for carring the water bottle and the maps and flyers and camera and such. One little girl on the bus route we were taking that happened to have taken the same train we did, commented that I look like Indiana Jones.
My wife leaned across the Isle and said that was the point. Her parents laughed.

One thing I hate is the gas mask sachel being called a "Man Bag" God I hate that, or "Nice Purse"
Those I have to comment on, "Shows how much you know dude."
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Post by Jr. Jones »

Thanks guys! It's good to know i'm not alone.
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Post by maboot38 »

I never wear my fedora out of the house, but I wear my jacket just about every day. Even with just the jacket and some brown pants I get some comments.

Doesn't bother me though, because I'm emulating a look to a certain extent, and recognition means I have emulated it successfully.
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Post by WConly »

I have been wearing some kind of hat from fedoras to deerstalkers since I was three years old. In fact, I have a picture of me on a trike when I was three with a brown fedora that is very 'Indy' like! I haven't changed much -- except I can't find the trike! Bummer :lol: ! W>
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Post by alphared6 »

Check out this old thread:

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Post by indyclone »

my son and i wear our hats out all the time ! he gets way more compliments than i do , cause he's 12 and the ladies think he looks cute in it , i get more compliments from guys in their mid twenties and early thirties , but no i don't care what people think ---- if they don't like i would tell them " why do you wear the sport shirt with the name of a ball player on it ?'---- so wear your hat with pride!!!!
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Post by scot2525 »

maboot38 wrote:I never wear my fedora out of the house,
What's the point in having the hat? :(

Wear it out and wear it with pride!
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Post by Vegeta »'s in your head...even if you get a somewhat snide comment...just smile and say....."you know it" or somethin' that shows you're proud of what you wear.. If it gets to you.....Thats an insecurity on your part and the idiot who made the comment knows it. If you're proud of've taken away everything his stupid comment was ment to imply, then that reveals an insecurity in the person that made the comment, because you have the guts to wear something he wouldn't....and to top it off...It make you look classy and tastefull.
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Post by Zombie Jones »

One thing that always comes to mind when I hear about people who make negative comments about others is this--consider the source.

While I've never heard any negative comments from anyone while wearing my Fed IV, something occurred once that could be interpreted as a non-verbal negative comment. My wife and I went to the Orange County Fair in California earlier this year and, as often happens, we repeatedly encountered a couple who appeared to be in their mid-50s. The husband was wearing khaki colored slacks, an earthtone "Hawaiian" shirt, and one of the officially licensed Indy fedoras (with the silly logo pin on the bow). Every time he saw me he would give me a "dirty" look and, since we never spoke to each other, I don't know why. Maybe he was just jealous because I had a nicer hat than he had. ;-)

Whatever his reasons, that's the closest I've come to receiving a comment of any kind about my hat from someone other than family or friends.
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Post by knibs7 »

when i hear "Indy comments" being made, i acknowledge the fact that I am wearing a hat (for me it is my AB). Sometimes I will even approach them and say, "Just don't call me Junior and we won't have any problems." And we both end up with a good laugh

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Post by Vegeta »

My real name is joey.......So sometimes I give em the "It's Indiana Joe to you bud!" But it's always for laughs and I've never run into any people that are trying to be mean. At least not that I know of...I have a real easy going attitude so maybe I take the wind right out of it.
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Post by indyclone »

i wear mine all the time , like i said --- and when i pick up son from school ( usually bringing his hat along for him to wear on the walk from school) he always says there is some kid saying "look it's indiana jones" and most times the kids are in awe.but sometimes i hear the parents say to the kids "don't" stare " i will tell them "you like the hat , huh?" yeah is the response i get .so yet again i say wear your hat with pride --
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Post by jacksdad »

My son told me that the kids on his bus think I'm indiana jones, I walk him the corner and wear my hat and jacket, I think it's cool. I love wearing my hat especially now that it's gotten cooler,I'm gald I got one and can't wait for my next one that is being made.
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Post by Indiana Johnson »

That reminds me of a great story. I had been sporting my Indy hat quite a bit for a several month period. One day, I was doing some housework, and for background noise I put in my Raiders DVD. My 3 year old daughter was toddling about the room, and paused to watch the show for a moment. It was the opening scene, where Indy whips the gun away from Baranga, and it shows his face for the first time. At that moment my daughter happily shrieked, "Daddy!!"

To answer your question, we've all (or most) had moments of self consciousness due to wearing hats and the inevitable comments, but like others have said, most of the comments I get are very positive, and frequently quite flattering. I've occasionally had "Indy" comments, or someone whistling the tune, but those are usually people I know, and I don't pay attention. I shrug and we both chuckle a bit.

Oddly, I find I am less self conscious wearing the hat with a jacket of some sort, usually in cooler weather, it just feels more natural.

You should see this jacket with an Indy hat, they look like they were made for eachother.
Yes, that is me in the pic, btw
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Post by Kokopelli »

Here's how I feel about wearing it- Just have the mindset that it is really cool, which it is, and that everyone else without a Fedora on wishes they had one; they're jealous of you!
Most guys would probably love to wear a Fedora, but just don't have to wear one. I know I've always thought they were cool, even as a kid.

I don't get the comments so much as the stares. -And it doesn't help that I'm wearing it in Archaeology and Anthropology classes either. When I do get the 'oh, you want to be Indiana Jones' comment, I say "Well, I really wanted to be Batman, but they weren't offering any Superhero classes!"

But most of the mindless, liberal sheep-brained students I see in college could care less. I'm over 20, so to them I'm just old anyway.
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Post by theinterchange »

citRon wrote:Here's how I feel about wearing it- Just have the mindset that it is really cool, which it is, and that everyone else without a Fedora on wishes they had one; they're jealous of you!
Most guys would probably love to wear a Fedora, but just don't have to wear one. I know I've always thought they were cool, even as a kid.

I don't get the comments so much as the stares.
Sums up my feelings on the matter. I get many "darn I wish I had guts enough to wear one of those!" looks when I have mine on. I once thought I was going to get a snide remark but I shot them a look that froze them in their tracks and said "Soon you will be a true believer!" :twisted: haha just kidding on the last part.

Really, if you wear anything apart from a cap anymore, you get looks. I get them even when I wear a beret. So, enjoy the individuality of wearing a fedora.. even if it looks like Indiana Jones. 8)

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Post by nicktheguy »

If a person doesn't feel good in public wearing something then you may not be right for it. Who cares what others think - it's about how you feel that counts when you are wearing something.
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Post by 3thoubucks »

If you were out in public with a decent Indy fedora in 1981 82 83, you would be mobbed, with people begging you to tell them where you got it. RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK!!!! I was 28 in '81. I Have NEVER seen a movie be so well loved as Raiders was then. Yeah I feel "weird" if I'm in a building full of strangers, not because I think people don't like the hat, I think they like it a lot. Just because it's not average.
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Post by Zombie Jones »

Indiana Johnson wrote:You should see this jacket with an Indy hat, they look like they were made for eachother.
Yes, that is me in the pic, btw
Wow, that's a sharp looking jacket!!! :notworthy:

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Post by theinterchange »

You'll get used to cow stares eventually. The other day, I had it all in one day, was told I looked as if I had a flying saucer on my head, had the Raiders March hummed to me as a guy walked by, and a Cracker Barrel server/seater guy stare it down the entire time I ate. :roll:

And, at the end of the day, I was sad to take the hat off. I have a thick skin when it comes to clones telling me I wear funny hats.

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Post by indyclone »

my son and i were at target last weekend and some of the teen employees saw us walking in with are hats on and they made some snide remarks and started laughing i let it slide and went up to the customer desk after i was done shopping and asked for the manager --- i told him that i did not appreciate that their employees laugh at their customers --- i said i don't care if they laugh at me --- but to a young child that was mean and cruel ---the manager said he was sorry and asked where the kids were at andi said they were in the cards section --- he said he would be on it and they would be repremanded ---- i think he probably won't do anything but when i go back to the store this weekend i will see if they are there --- if the laugh again i will get their names and then we'll see whose laughing when they lose their jobs . who knows maybe they won't even be there and i wont do anything -- i really could care less about me like i said --but my son is 12 and doesnt need to be made fun of by some stupid teenagers trying to be cool
well i guess that all for my rant --- thank you all for letting me do that
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Post by theinterchange »

Sometimes a little rant helps. ;-)

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Post by Michaelson »

I guess I'm luckier than most.

These days most of the times folks are too busy staring at my handlebar moustache or old car to even notice my hat. :M: :lol:

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Post by alphared6 »

The last few days here the mornings have been quite cold. So, I've been wearing my Todd's standard jacket and Fed IV fedora to work. The only comment was a question from a woman who inquired where I had procured my "wonderful hat."
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