just wanted to post some 'work in progress' shots. the first clipper hat was definitely a western hat body.....this one is a beaver dress body, though i was billed for a western hat body......no need to split hairs with the supplier as i've already gone through much of that locally
i don't think the local hattery here will be selling me anymore supplies as i met with the VP and he seemed pretty grumpy about the items i used in my clipper hat.....jealousy perhaps????

"i'm not in the business of selling these items, i'm in the business in selling hats"......good luck then. they may make a decent overpriced factory cowboy hat (not really, but i'm being nice), but their dress line has a long laundry list of deficiencies. sorry if i sound bitter but i've been nothing but nice with them and they're not very customer oriented. i had them make a raiders fedora for me 2 years ago....(and a bowler before that where the crown was too tall)..a rabbit hat that cost just a little bit more than an AB beaver at the time. they did not know how to do a dimensional brim cut and they made the thing too small. used a 1 3/4" ribbon instead of a 1.5"....and so on and so on......on top of that, they are marketing the hat based on the specs i gave them. whew....had to get that off my chest......
anyways here some pics so far:
off the block, cut the brim, pounced it, and stitched in the sweat:
pic of the inside bow and stitching (sorry, the pics aren't the best):
flanged, and the brim is shaped:
now the bad news is that i have to use black ribbon on this guy if i want to wear it tomorrow.....which i do. the felt is dark with more brown than red to be SA so the black ribbon should work. i was originally going to bash this unturned with the 'waterfall' look but coming off the flange, the brim was just begging to get the turned swoop.
i'll post some finished pics soon.