Close Enough GasMaskBag-Take a look...

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Close Enough GasMaskBag-Take a look...

Post by Andymac84 »

What do u think about this bag:

Its a real thing and still in military usage today. It looks nearly identically with the MK-VII....
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Post by TheMechanic »

The older style Finnish gas mask bags are even closer than that. I saw 6 or 7 on Ebay yesterday. At a glance they look almost exactly like a MKVII.
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Post by enigmata_wood »

yup, change the toggles for snappers and only the Stitch Nazis would complain
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Post by tomek9210 »

Hi, I have this bag from Czech surplus warehouse :) For me it is very good close enough bag. I've changed only the buttons.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Speaking of the Czech bags, check out this bargain from Sportsman's Guide. Not one, but TWO bags for $15!
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Post by enigmata_wood »

Toggles are actually a good idea, you can replace them in the wilds with just a bit of whittling.
It's the sort of thing one could easily make onself. Does anyone have the exact dimensions?

Fed up with useless nylon 'adventure bags' with fragile nylon fixtures I made my own Indy inspired bag that actually fits the stuff I need with me.
the pockets can be taken off to go on a belt instead.
it cost me nothing more than a couple of evenings and a sturdy old sack. ... 177&prev=1
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

enigmata_wood wrote:Does anyone have the exact dimensions?
Taken directly from the aforementioned website:
Measures 9 1/4 x 4 x 11 1/2"h. Imported.
It's almost identical to my Magnoli bag, except 3/4 of an inch narrower (if you measure from side to side, looking at the front of the bag) and one inch thicker.
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Post by enigmata_wood »

binkmeisterRick wrote:
It's almost identical to my Magnoli bag, except 3/4 of an inch narrower (if you measure from side to side, looking at the front of the bag) and one inch thicker.
I meant the dimensions of the raiders bag
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Since the original WWII bags varied in size, it's probably safe to say Indy's did the same. I know Magnoli's and other MkVII repros were patterned off of originals, so I'd venture to say the sizes are nearly identical. My Magnoli bag also matches up to an original I own.
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Post by whipcracker »

binkmeisterRick wrote:
enigmata_wood wrote:Does anyone have the exact dimensions?
Taken directly from the aforementioned website:
Measures 9 1/4 x 4 x 11 1/2"h. Imported.
It's almost identical to my Magnoli bag, except 3/4 of an inch narrower (if you measure from side to side, looking at the front of the bag) and one inch thicker.
So Magnoli's bags are the more rectangular shape? I thought they were the more square style, unless he changed them in a new run. I love Magnoli's stuff.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Mine's got too much stuff in it to get a good sense of it shape! But I do remember comparing it to an original bag and it pretty well matched the size. Again, the original issue bags varied in size a bit, just as you can find them with different vent hole and snap configurations, too. Still, I think the Czech bags are some of the best close enoughs I've seen, and at two for $15, who can complain? Heck, for the price of a repro, you can get FOUR! :)
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Post by ArtooMetoo »

Cool news about the Sportsman's Guide bags:

Searching will yield a $10 off coupon. Many of these coupons require to be a Club Member, but you need only check the box saying you are a member, you don't actually have to sign up!

I picked up two bags for under $9 shipped.

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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Now, if only we could find a bargin a on a slightly bigger bag that looks close! :-k
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Post by saecrow »

ArtooMetoo wrote:Cool news about the Sportsman's Guide bags:

Searching will yield a $10 off coupon. Many of these coupons require to be a Club Member, but you need only check the box saying you are a member, you don't actually have to sign up!

I picked up two bags for under $9 shipped.

thanks for the heads-up. . . just took advantage of that great deal too! those will come in handy and you can't beat the price!
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Post by Tremolo »

That´s really a great bargain! Thanks for the link!
Would be a good way to save my old MkVII and still have a bag :)
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Post by enigmata_wood »

thanks for the feedback
it means my home made bag that fits an A4 notebook and is 4" deep is close in size anyway
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Post by Andymac84 »

I think I'm gonna order one for my personal collection. It looks great for me and also as a nice addition with an Indy-touch. Thanks for all replys.
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Post by ArtooMetoo »

Heads up!

Bad news, I'm afraid.

The Sportsman's Guide phoned me and left a voicemail telling me that they were unable to find a record of my Club account, and that the coupon I used was not valid. Therefore, they were going to bill my card the full price of $20.46!

I could find no way to cancel the order online, so I called the number they left (800-882-2945). They happily agreed to cancel my order without question.

Now, twenty bucks is still a good deal for these 2 bags, but I was put off by the principal of the thing. If their system can't detect a membership or a coupon's validity, then they ought to honor their programmer's mistake. At the very least, the default should be that they will process my purchase at the full price AFTER receiving my approval.
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Post by saecrow »

ArtooMetoo. . . you beat me to it! just got the same voicemail :x
i'm going to let the order ride because, as you said, it's still a good deal. . . but i completely agree with you that they shouldn't assume that i still want the order (and charge me for it ahead of approval) even though it will cost me $10 more than I originally thought and agreed to pay at the time of ordering.
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