KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!)

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Post by GoldenHistorian »

the little label on the back of the flap say "H.J." its probably been put on by the costume designer to make it look different.
or it is a easter egg because the hats in the origional movies were Herbert Johnsons.
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Post by Indiana Bond »

H. J. = Henry Jones

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Hmmm no one listens

Post by Ghost »

Guys I have seen Indy 3 about 40 times (don't ask) we have the right backpack.

The swiss M-35 looks like this.
http://www.armynavydeals.com/asp/produc ... wed01&ST=2
And this is totally wrong. it has a frame, no straps over the top, wrong color and NO lining/leather on the bottom. The 39 does have the side pouches but the rest does not hold up.
Agreed that the one we are looking at is a newer repo of the bag Indy has or that Scones bought long ago.
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Post by ANZAC_1915 »

BTW everyone is mixing up their use of Swedish and Swiss.... (for example Ghost's post says Swiss but the link says Swedish).

Which is it? I thought Scones was Swiss...?
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Post by gmarthe »

I was told Swedish M-35 and I was also told it was hard to find (nearly impossible) by more than one source so I'm going with that until further details come around. That pack in Ghost's link isn't the one (it doesn't even have a designation number in the description so I don't think it is anyway). Not trying to pass along the wrong info- just giving you details about my research.
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I just don't get it...

Post by Ghost »

Yes my bad Swedish...
I feel like I'm talking to myself... :evil: Original link with info and More links. I have pasted a few in here where you can buy a M39. M39 have not bottom leather and have a Steal frame!!! the 35 Just has the addition of side pouches.

Original Link with info.

http://www.samlarforum.nu/viewtopic.php ... 87e36afcf1

Newer version But Still wrong!

I promise you gmarthe it is NOT a Swedish M39/35.

For those of you the doubt me watch the Indy 4 movie and as he is coming out of the grave yard and is stopped by the Russians at gun point you can CLEARLY see what the pack looks like.

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Post by Indiana Bond »

Indiana Croft, you're on the list!

As far as the shoulder straps are concerned it has been determined quite awhile back that they are hand sewn leather replacements. This would not be unusual as they did the same to the MKVII bag.

Just go through this entire thread (I know it's long) and you will see the evolution of thought process and research that has led us to this particular backpack. The one that Jens in Germany is now trying to find for us.



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Post by Odo »

I had the same doubt: What are straps made out of?
If one buys this stuff, what does one have to do to get it right?
Replace the whole strap? Or just the leather part?
Will the bottom leather colour be right?
Maybe it's still too soon to know, bt maybe someone has been thinking of this details.
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Post by Jens »

I'm still going on my source's nerves, because it's hard to find original backpacks (a lot of modern but ugly repros out there - with cheap faux leather instead of real one). I can get one or another rucksack at some sources, but you can imagine how hard it is to find more than 20 of 'em. I did not forget about you! ;)

Just to make things clear: with the original army backpack, the bottom and the straps are made from real leather. Most of the ones I found so far were procuded by the maybe to some of you known backpack company "Deuter" in the 80s, but it's still the same model our troops used since the early 50s (when the army was "rebuilt" after the war).

The one posted above is a newer copy, the original ones are supposed to look like this:


I'm keeping you updated. Please make sure, you're on the list until July 1st, so I can finally start calculating the amount of bags required and the price. Also, I would appreciate if somebody could inform me concerning the best and most inexpensive way to ship these to the US. Since this is a mass (!) of bags, I'm pretty sure, the tax offcie won't believe, it's just a "private" thing ...

Thanks a lot,

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Post by Jens »

Here are some fast shots I took of one exemplar I already obtained. It is an original one, produced by Deuter in the 80s.

Front view, without flash:

Front view, with flash:

Strap on front:

Back view, without flash:

Back view, with flash:

Detail of strap on back:

Just to make it clear (sorry, if this was misunderstood): I am NOT offering any bags. I'm not a vendor at all. I'm just helping you finding them and forward them to you. As for the moment I can't promise that I will find as much original backpacks as requested in this thread. It's not easy to find them, especially an amount that large. It could be that we need to split the list and only some of you get their bags now, the others later. I'm very sorry about that ... but I'm doing my best here making contacts to army surplus stores, etc.

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Post by chris.jones »

I don't know if this is helpfull. But i tought i post some pics of the new version. Well this is the version which jens could get his hands on easy. Remember the backpack is brand new. I ll try to distress it a bit to get an even more sa look. so this is just for showing you guys what is easily ti get. Hopefully jens will find a store where he can purchase teh old ones. i did'nt.

best regards



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Post by whiskyman »

Does this bag have a hard frame?
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Post by Anderson »

whiskyman wrote:Does this bag have a hard frame?
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Post by Indiana Croft »

Just got back from KOTCS and I paid paticular attention to the bag and I'd say thay we have hit it right on. Leather starps with a snap or chrome like button just above the d-ring is spot on. As long as Jen can snag em with the leather straps we'd be in buisness.

Tommorrow I'm going to my local Army/Navy store to see what they've got, he tends to have German stuff, so we'll see. Fingers crossed, but if he has em I'll snag em, as many as he has.


(don't get any hopes up now) :lol:
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Post by Ken »

I also ordered and received a big like chris.jones's in above picture. It seems nice enough but the straps on it feel very flimsy, like they could snap really easily. Going to test in in the hills this weekend so will let you know how it holds up.

I think I would still go for one with the real leather straps if I could find it anywhere

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Post by Ken »

Well I went Hiking, Cycling and Kyaking yesterday in horizontal rain wearing the pack. No major problems - didnt fall apart too much but it really isn't at all waterproof despite the supposed waterproofing in certain areas.

Think I would prefer somethign with more robust straps as I still feel these could fall apart easily and because the material is quite flimsy does tend to get tangled in the buckle at times as well.

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Post by Chiliana Jones »

the backpack from KOTC reminds me of the backback Indy carried in "spring break adventure".
might be the same :-k

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Post by gwyddion »

I was walking through Nijmegen today (there's a festival going on) and I saw this in the window of a store:


It sold at 14,50 Euro and I just had to have it :D

Yeah, I think I got the bug allright :wink:

Regards, Geert

P.S: note the name on the bag. :shock: Is that wer he got it from? :wink:
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Post by Han Jones »

Here is a bag I made from a modern german rucksack and the Indiana Bond bag. There are more pics here:
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Post by Jens »


please have a look at this :D


I received the backpacks! And I can tell you - ALL OF THEM are in GREAT condition! :shock: I'm really surprised and impressed myself. I start packing them now and ship them just tomorrow before I go to my office. Beautiful things!

The "second choice" bags are in just the very same condition (one of it - No. 1 - looks even rather unissued!) - the only "flaw" they have is a name and/or military rank written on the top flat - please compare the pictures. None of them looks to "off" for me, and 'though I'm not an expert, I guess with some washing and distressing you could get rid of most of it. Otherthise it can be still seen as par of the "history" of the bag.
afrayedknot, Justin771 and HanJones - I'd ask you to choose one of those bags according to your position in the list. If you do not want any of these, please tell me, I than go further down the list.

No. 1: stamped "A" for "ausgemustert" (discharged)

No. 2: names written on top flap

No. 3: name written quite small on back part of top flap

Thanks to all of you!

Kind regards,
Last edited by Jens on Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JC1972 »

Jens wrote:I made a new list based on the interested parties left:

01. Mannie Bothans - interested
02. Indiana MKVII
03. Stefan Hills
04. IndianaGear Hunter - interested
05. Demaroth - interested
06. NewJerseyRaider - interested
07. Indiana Kev - interested
08. Venkman
09. jedidentist - interested
10. ANZAC_1915 - interested
11. gmarthe
12. Arkansas Smith
13. Anderson
14. Indiana Croft - interested
15. Indiana Jake
16. IndyMo
17. MACHONE - interested
18. OSU1138 - interested
19. grizzlelee
20. Texas Raider
21. IndianaSVT - interested
22. gi_canuck - interested
23. knibs7 - interested

I have good news for the new #1, Mannie Bothans - you may start to collect funds, as there's another bag prospective. ;) I'll let you know next week, when I have it for sure. :)
Is this for the German Alpine bag? If so, how much is it? Sorry if this was covered somewhere else but I did not see it. Also is this the true bag Indy used in KOTCS or is it the Swedish M-35? :?
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Post by Jens »

JC1972 wrote:Is this for the German Alpine bag?
Yes, this is for the original old German Alpine backpack (not the modern reproductions).
If so, how much is it?
Depends on the source I am able to obtain those bags from (they are quite rare and hard to find). Between 85,- and 100,- US$ (shipped to the US, uninsured).
Also is this the true bag Indy used in KOTCS or is it the Swedish M-35? :?
We do not know for sure now, because we're still lacking any "official" statement. But comparison to photos and the movie itself led to the consensus that it is a modified version of this backpack.
Last edited by Jens on Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JC1972 »

Thanks Jens. That's out of my price range. I do see these I just looked up; I realize they don't have the buckles but the clip closures. I'll some more looking. I don't need something totally SA, just close.

http://site.mawebcenters.com/minnesotas ... tId=198752

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Post by Jens »

The ones you show are the modern "successors" of the movie bag in question. Quite similar but with webbing straps and plastic buckles instead of the heavier leather. Good bags anyway - I had one during my time in the army at the mountain infantry. They're much easier to find (and therefor cheaper of course).
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Post by slydini »

Just got mine today.
Thanks Jens!
It rocks!
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Post by knibs7 »

i am willing to pay mucho denero
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Post by Jens »

slydini wrote:Just got mine today.
Thanks Jens!
It rocks!
Thanks for informing me - I am quite relieved, that everything worked out well ('till now, this is). You like it? Great! May you have many adventures with your "new" backpack! :)
knibs7 wrote:i am willing to pay mucho denero
Okay, I will remember this and charge you a bit more, if it's your turn ... 8) :lol: :wink:
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Post by Arkansas Smith »

WPG just has these in http://onlinemilitaria.net/shopexd.asp?id=3099, but I'd sure like to get my hands on one of those bags Jens found (written on or not). Just 12 more and I'm in! :?

And by the way, still interested. Posted before, but I'm not "interested" on the list.
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Post by Jens »

Sorry, Arkansas - I fixed it.
Oh ... and I'm still after those bags. I'm not giving up. You know - "obtainer of rare antiquites" and so ... ;)
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Post by Arkansas Smith »

Thanks Jens. No worries. :wink:
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Post by afrayedknot »

It's been two weeks and I still haven't received my bag . . .

I tried to track my package, but for the past week, the only message I get is:

Addressee: Item destined for abroad
Status: Departure from outward Office of Exchange in Country of Origin
Status from: 04.09.08 11:37
Process: Departure from outward Office of Exchange in Country of Origin

Does anyone know what this means?
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Post by riothamus »

Same here and I get the same message. Hopefully most of the bags have been received. Cross your fingers!
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Post by NewJerseyRaider »

If he sent it thru the post office, that just means its waiting to get cleared from Customs. Cross your fingers is right...those buggers take forever with stuff sometimes..I deal with them couple times a week :roll:
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Post by Jens »

Yes I send it through the post office. I also found out, that some parcels seem to have left Germany later than others ('though I gave them to the office all together at the same time). They seem indeed lieing with the customs now - this may take some time, but I really hope, they arrive within the next few days. Sorry for any discomfort.
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Post by Jens »

Did still no more backpacks reached their destinations yet? I will check with DHL again, if so ...

I have not much experience with customs, but I remember that a parcel may lie there up to two weeks - at least here in Germany. Anybody with more experience in this matter? NewJerseyRaider? Anybody else?

I really hope you all receive your bags in the next days. I beg your pardon for the long wait. :(
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Post by IndianaGear Hunter »

It's been my experience lately that items take about 16 days to clear although I did have one package take close to 30 days.
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Post by Joeb1 »

i got my rucksack from ebay.de a couple of months ago and it took eight days to reach me in England using the regular German post which was a bit risky but i thought that was great service.
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Post by MACHONE »

I won this bag on the 'bay for $20. I actually had to pay more for the shipping :D ...but I am happy I was able to get one.
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Post by Jens »

20,- US$ is an unbelievable low price! :shock: You're really lucky! Congratulations. Does this mean, you want to be taken off the list?

It does indeed seem that your bags still lie with the custom authorities, as far as DHL was able to tell me ... lets keep our fingers crossed, that the backpacks arrive within the next days.
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Post by Rob »

The two I am fondest of are...




What do you guys think of those?

Bottom is a German Mountain Troops rucksack. Top is a Swiss OD Engineers backpack. Both are very cheap - $24.95 for the German and $32.95 for the Swiss - and in the US ready to ship.

Of the two, the Swiss is probably more what people would like, although it does have some vinyl components.
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Post by MACHONE »

Jens wrote:20,- US$ is an unbelievable low price! :shock: You're really lucky! Congratulations. Does this mean, you want to be taken off the list?

It does indeed seem that your bags still lie with the custom authorities, as far as DHL was able to tell me ... lets keep our fingers crossed, that the backpacks arrive within the next days.
Jens, thanks for all your effort looking for the bags. This bag is probably clean enough to suit my needs so you can take me off the list. I was looking for a "new" bag, but since I got a good buy I should probably just be happy with what I got. This will give another person a chance at getting the bag. No need for me to be greedy with another. I figured I would take a chance on this bag and am happy with it.
Thanks Again,
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Post by Jens »

Rob wrote:The two I am fondest of are...




What do you guys think of those?

Bottom is a German Mountain Troops rucksack. Top is a Swiss OD Engineers backpack. Both are very cheap - $24.95 for the German and $32.95 for the Swiss - and in the US ready to ship.

Of the two, the Swiss is probably more what people would like, although it does have some vinyl components.
'Though they're not the models from the movie, both are good bags. The latter one is even quite close, since it's just the modern version of the backpack we think was used in KotCS. If read through this thread you will find some statements and opinions concerning both of the bags you show.
MACHONE wrote: Jens, thanks for all your effort looking for the bags. This bag is probably clean enough to suit my needs so you can take me off the list. I was looking for a "new" bag, but since I got a good buy I should probably just be happy with what I got. This will give another person a chance at getting the bag. No need for me to be greedy with another. I figured I would take a chance on this bag and am happy with it.
Thanks Again,
Again - congratulations to this aquisition! The bag looks great, and judged by the price you paid, it's an awesome deal! I'm happy, that you found this one for yourself! May you have lots of adventures with it.

On a sidenote, I am finally awaiting a new shipment with three of four bags! I am travelling right now, but will be back home early next week and I hope to contact the next people on the list within this week ...
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Post by Jens »

Could please everybody of you who purchased a backpack from me, which didn't arrive yet, PM me with a short note. I just want to know, if I have to start to worry now and if there is need for alarming DHL with a inquiry.

I'd also appreciate any messages by happy owners of their new bag. ;)
Sorry for the trouble, this seems to cause ... :cry:
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Post by Andymac84 »

Hey Jens, any Backpacks left or a wink where to get those?? ;-)
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Post by gwyddion »

He's looking for some more. That's the whole Idea: he offered to look for those bags for US members because they are german and so is he.

Regards, Geert
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Post by Indiana Bond »


My backpack just came in the mail today! Let me tell you it's great!!! Thanks again and I will try to post some photos soon.

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Post by afrayedknot »


got my backpack in the mail yesterday. The package looked like it went through heck and back. The backpack is in excellent condition, though. Thanks, for going through all that legwork.
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Post by riothamus »

Hopefully mine will make it here to AZ in the next day or so! [-o< =P~
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Post by Ghost »

Mine Pack arrived today wow a month to get here NOT in anyway Jens fault!!! And as I have said all along it is spot on accurate.
Thank-you again Jens for all your kindness, follow through, and over all nice helpful attitude!
I'm sure I speak with and for the others you have helped on this.... You represent what is good about this Indy board, helping other gear heads out NOT trying to turn a profit from us (rare it seams to be getting around here), THREE CHEERS ...HIP HIP.....

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Post by Jens »

Thanks for your feedback and I am really happy that most of the backpacks arrived now (I'm pretty sure and keep my fingers crossed that the rest will follow within the next days). I hope you have fun with your "new" Indy backpacks and I'd really appreciate to see pictures of them "in action"! ;)
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