but, it's good product, and it's stood up to some brutal distressing undertaken by me, about two hours ago. before and after comparisons:

almost all of the distressing you see here was accomplished with one cinder block. i whipped the seams of the bag across the edges of the block back and forth until they had a nice fray, and the appropriate wearing on the dye of the bag, then i place the cinder block on TOP of the bag, and dragged it up and down the sidewalk in front of my house to take care of the surface areas of the bag. and yes, everyone in my neighborhood thinks i'm insane. but it was worth it, as the pictures (hopefully) attest to.

this is a closer detail of the surface distressing- note the darker spots on the top left of the bag, on the flap- that's actual blood. i scraped my knuckle while fraying the edges of the bag, and inadvertently got some drops on the bag itself... which, frankly, turned out to be pretty cool looking. [disclaimer: i do not endorse scratching, scraping, or otherwise injuring yourself in order to distress your bag- i wasn't seriously hurt at all, and it just happened to be a serendipitous bit of flair for my bag. but don't you go doing it on purpose.] i'm also a big fan of the small spots where the distressing has actually worn THROUGH the fabric- not big enough holes to really damage the bag, but it certainly adds a "lived in" look.

the biggest complaint i had when i got my Todd's bag was the fact that the strap was a truly RED shade of brown (illustrated in the first shot), not at all like indy's. fortunately i discovered COW member rabbittooth's "zippo/sharpie" method for distressing the strap, and it worked like a dream. the strap now has that deep brown hue that speaks to a lifetime of all-weather adventuring... even though a few hours ago, the thing was brand new.

so, there it is- Todd's bag, looking like it's been dragged under a truck from the back of beyond- and with genuine blood (sorry if that grosses anyone out)! and it seriously took around an hour from start to finish. not bad. ;-)