Keeping My Wested Raiders?

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Keeping My Wested Raiders?

Post by 191145 »

It's an 'authentic lambskin' with full sateen liner, and I guess I've had it 6 or 7 years. I wear it a lot here in the mid-atlantic with generally mild winters. Over the last two years, I've lost over 25 lbs and only have about 5 to 7 to go. One thing I never liked about it was the apparent short length in front largely caused by my larger body when I was carrying the extra weight. Now it seems to be really coming in to me and the front looks a lot better. Another thing is I didn't get the gussetted underarms which help keep the whole side of the jacket from sticking out when the arms are raised. The sleeves do hang more and with the jacket unzipped (almost never zipped) the cuffs come down almost to my knuckles. I now have the side take-ups almost completely pulled in and admittedly it has a nice tapered fit now. I've always gotten a lot of 'flare' out of the RH side back gusset which as others have stated makes you look like a hunchback. I also don't like the big collar. I'm 5'7" and don't have much of a neck, and a big collar makes it look worse. The jacket has never been artificially distressed and mostly looks new. I've been looking for some time at alternatives but keep coming back to the Wested. I just put it on and asked my wife if it looked too big, and she said no. I'm thinking of having the cuffs taken up 1/2" because I doubt if I will ever try to 'permanently' get the 'pushed-up' sleeve look. Does anyone have any thoughts on 'taming' the back flare? I'm wondering if it can be pressed down with a warm iron. I do not think I will have the collar altered. Maybe I should get some pics on here of me wearing it and get some opinions.
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Post by Rundquist »

It sounds contrary, but I would loosen the sidestraps. You might need to get another jacket. It's hard to let go of some jackets, but if it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit.
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

Rundquist wrote:if it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit.
gets my vote for a new board motto. :wink:
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Post by Indiana Strones »

TruckWhatTruck wrote:
Rundquist wrote:if it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit.
gets my vote for a new board motto. :wink:
Hehe... :)
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Post by Rob »

I've been singing from that hymn book for years! :)

In all seriousness, why not celebrate your weight loss with a nice new jacket? Lots of good deals going around at present.
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Post by 191145 »

'if it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit.'

A cute generality, but considering the spectrum of fits that different owners like, not very relevant.

'It's hard to let go of some jackets'

Man, is it ever. After further review I've decided to just keep wearing it.
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Post by BlueSkyz »

My neck is small and I've had trouble with some jackets but G&B is the best 'fit' I have found, aside of course a custom made jacket.........
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Post by jacksdad »

You get atttached to these jackets quickly. I love my wested and I've never been so attached to a jacket before. I like my a-2's but my wested has become something special to me, so I understand why you kept it.I think the only way I'll part with it is if my son really wanted it,to wear when he got older.
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I agree about letting out the side straps. It can make the back flare worse. Also, give yourself time to get used to how the new you looks in the jacket. What you see as "too big" right now might just be that your eyes are seeing something unfamiliar. Give it until the new year. Then, if you still feel the same, sell it. If you come to like the fit, THEN get the sleeves done.
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