Any ever attempt a "battle damaged" TOD Shirt???

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Any ever attempt a "battle damaged" TOD Shirt???

Post by ReturningSon »

Has anyone every attempted to make the "battle damaged" indy shirt seen at the end of TOD? By cutting the sleeve off and the cutting the whip marks into the back?

I just bought a Todd's raiders shirt and it has a really nice TOD look. I ordered a NH raiders shirt so I figure i can distress and cut up the tods.

Any suggestions as to cutting the sleeve and whip lashing marks? Thanks!

Here are pics of the Todd's shirt...


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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

there seems to be something approaching a consensus around here that the Todd's shirt, excepting some minor sizing issues, is pretty much awesome. and i think it's true.

in terms of battle damaging a shirt... while it *would* be neat to have one that matched the ToD look, can you really afford to spend 50-100 bucks on a hard-to-find shirt just to rough it up and chop a sleeve off? :wink:

distressing a jacket is one thing, but amputating an entire sleeve... it would take a more hardcore SA champion than i, afraid to say. :D

but if you do it, by all means post some pics!

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Post by jnicktem »

I have seen a couple of posts where someone did make a ToD shirt. One person made his as SA as possible, looking at exactly where the rips where, and where the stains where, etc...
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Post by ReturningSon »

I wouldn't mind doing it, if I did it correctly...Man, I desperately wanna see some pics of someone else's attempt
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Post by theinterchange »

I wouldn't wear it for long periods of time in the sun if you're light complected and burn easy, how would you explain the crazy tan lines?

Would be cool to see some photos though.

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Post by Hedji »

I've thought about getting a second Todd's shirt just to be TOD Indy... I think it's a fantastic idea...

Just don't forget the machette and the bandage around the hand.
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Post by McFly »

Here's a few pics of different members who have done the ToD look. Hope they don't mind my posting them!


"Minnesota Jones"


(This guy actually isn't a member, AFAIK. He's a regular QM attendee though... hmmm)

I've actually made myself a ToD damaged shirt with sleeve strip/bandage, and it's made of a Cabela's shirt.

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Post by conceited_ape »

Yep. Done it.

Hint: use red wine in a spray bottle for the washed-out blood on the back. Also, apply vegetable oil with a pastry brush to get water and sweat stains that will stay put.

Lastly, NEVER wash the shirt! Air it out if needs be but never wash it!


This particular shirt was modified to include the epualette and the action pleats. I also darkened the buttons with enamel. This photo was taken after winning the cosplay comp at Supanova '08 (Melbourne).
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Post by ReturningSon »

conceited_ape wrote:Yep. Done it.

Hint: use red wine in a spray bottle for the washed-out blood on the back. Also, apply vegetable oil with a pastry brush to get water and sweat stains that will stay put.

Lastly, NEVER wash the shirt! Air it out if needs be but never wash it!


This particular shirt was modified to include the epualette and the action pleats. I also darkened the buttons with enamel. This photo was taken after winning the cosplay comp at Supanova '08 (Melbourne).
Wow....I...I guess I might go ahead with this...Will let everybody know how it turns out!
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Post by jnicktem »

I have a different kind of shirt that resembles the ToD shirt, but that was just due to normal wear and tear instead of trying to make it look that.

If I were to try to get the ToD look, I would go with a Cabelas shirt. I think I would keep the Todds the way it is. I just say this because I have several Cabelas' surrounding me...
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

About a year or so ago I took one of my "close-enough" Indy shirt and turned it into a TOD shirt. The only thing I didn't do was put whip marks in the back of it.

I basically just added fake blood to it and got it extremely dirty and then ripped it to shreds. :lol:

Here are a few shots of how it turned out...


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Post by knibs7 »


Gotta have the 3 hole TOD bag


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Post by conceited_ape »

Looks good. Just gotta remove the epaulette from the torn off side. It too was ripped off in the film.

Also, for those wanting the ToD look, the right side pocket (wearer's right) is missing its button so pop it off. :wink: ... 68x663.jpg
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I know of at least one other member who did it, but I believe the shirt was already "experiencing technical difficulties." :lol: I've been toying with the idea of doing it to my WPG, but I still haven't worked up the nerve. :oops: I'm also contemplating turning it into a short sleeve shirt that looks like it rolled up.
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

This would be the guy that got me started on this quest earlier this year:

Im not sure what his board name is if he is a member.
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Post by Indiana Neri »

Theoretically speaking, couldn't you just take the material from the torn sleeve and make pleats and/or epuletts from it?

I, too, have been toying with the idea of turning my Todd's sjort into a ToD, simply because a.) Magnoli's has the best Raiders color (IMO) and b.) Todd's is a tad too small for me - as I barely have enough slack to button the cuffs, not to mention that I can not even get close to buttoning the top button. On the other hand, I did pay $60 to a member here at COW for the shirt and I kinda feel bad tearing it to a ToD shirt. :?


PS: conceited_ape, I knew from the moment I saw this thread that you would chime in. In fact, I was even gonna say "where's conceited_ape when you need him?" hadn't you already posted :lol: Same goes for you, too, Harry :D
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Post by Bruce Wayne »

conceited_ape wrote:Looks good. Just gotta remove the epaulette from the torn off side. It too was ripped off in the film.
i have to disagree, i am all but certian that it was still intact during the bridge scene...
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Post by Bruce Wayne »

i stand corrected, i just did a quick search & it was indys left sleeve i was thinking of where the epalet was just hanging there...
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Post by Kt Templar »

Also, be careful. Rip the correct sleeve. There have been people who have torn off the wrong sleeve in their haste. (They shall remain nameless) :).
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Post by Canyon »

Oh wow. Gorgeous shots, gentlemen. :P

Here's a few of me. :wink:



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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Canyon wrote:
"Sew me up, would you darling?" :wink:
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Post by Kt Templar »

Strider wrote:Image
Nah, the image must be flipped... see the text in the poster.... hey wait a minute....
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Post by Satipo »

There can be only one explanation: that's not a poster ... that's a mirror ... and the photo is flipped. ;)
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Post by Strider »

:lol: The explanation is I cut off the wrong arm of my old Cabela's shirt! :rolling:
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