Wested Questions

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Wested Questions

Post by Indiana Joyce »

Before I email Gemma, and I understand Peter is going to mexico for 12 days, I have some questions.

Does Wested accept Paypal, and if not why not? Also, does anyone have a jacket in Novapelle? I really like the look of the distressed cowhide but the novapelle to me just looks outstanding.

Also, the website says about 21 days to get the jacket made, with three days to ship, but Ive heard you can wait almost a year before you get a custom jacket from Wested?

Id kind of like to see if I can get this jacket before November 18th and the convention Im going to. Or, the release of KOTCS on dvd:)
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Re: Wested Questions

Post by St. Dumas »

Indiana Joyce wrote:Ive heard you can wait almost a year before you get a custom jacket from Wested?
I'm curious as to whether whoever told you that gem ever actually purchased from Wested. I've never had to wait much more than a month for a completely custom jacket from Wested and I live in Canada.

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Post by scot2525 »

Yes Wested excepts Pay- Pal. I currently own a Wested Novapelle hide jacket that I had custom made and I recieved it in less than 21 days from order. I ordered an OTR jacket that took 4 weeks and that was due to me making a mistake (typo) in my zip code. Even when Wested has been overloaded with orders the longest I have heard of wait time is 3 months.
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Post by crismans »

There is a recent thread on how to use paypal for customs. Do a search and I'm sure it'll turn up.

My order went through for my LC washed goat Monday and it was here today. I realize this isn't a custom but that's pretty fast for even OTR and I've never heard of a wait period as long as a year.
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Re: Wested Questions

Post by Odo »

Indiana Joyce wrote: Also, the website says about 21 days to get the jacket made, with three days to ship, but Ive heard you can wait almost a year before you get a custom jacket from Wested?
I live quite far away in the 3rd world, and odered a custom jacket last year.
From the people I've talked to, I'm one of the guys who had the longest wait, but it wasn't more than 6 weeks. (Ordered July 1st -(Indy's Birthday), recived it in the 3rd World August 15th (My Grampa's Birthday)...
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Re: Wested Questions

Post by Rob »

Goodluck with the search.
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Post by St. Dumas »

I thought we were talking about an Indy jacket. I ask any COW member here to reply if they've waited a year for a custom Indy jacket from Wested.

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Post by St. Dumas »

Okay. My bad. Anyone here actually wait an entire year for a custom Indy or non-Indy Wested jacket?

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Post by Rob »

I recalled this thread from a little while ago, and tracked it down. The average for folks in there appared to be 4-6 weeks:

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Post by Kt Templar »

Recently people have been reporting quite fast turnarounds, even for customs. The cutting down of the 'uber spec' type orders seems to be paying off, also the OTR's of assorted styles is helping.

They do have cyclical extra busy times of the year and these should be taken into account when ordering.

The month up to halloween, the 6 weeks up to Xmas, and this year I suspect the month after the DVD of CS is released!

Quieter periods seem to be mid summer till about now, and Jan-Mar.
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Post by Indiana Strones »

I received my Wested washed lamb (not OTR, as they make to measure) in 9 days.
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Post by Zombie Jones »

I ordered a custom Raiders jacket with Novapelle hide in June, and I received it two weeks later (U.K. to southern California). Mind you, I didn't make any special requests; just filled out the online form with the information they requested and sent payment, so they didn't have to do anything "out of the ordinary" when they made my jacket.

As far as the appearance of the Novapelle, I have yet to see a photo that does it justice; the closest IMO is this photo of Peter wearing his Crystal Skull jacket:


Out of the box (or bag, in this case) the leather is nice and soft, and this jacket doesn't weigh any more than any other cowhide jacket I've owned (though I'm sure it's heavier than lambskin, if that's what you're used to). And, though this material is too new to determine the long-term effects normal wear and/or weather will have on this leather, I can say at this point my Wested is the nicest leather jacket I've ever owned.
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Post by tucolino »

i did order a custom raiders jacket on august,and recived it in in a couple weeeks.

about novapelle.
well the weather here in north spain is getting worse,so now it´s kinda cold in the nights and it´s starting to rain like 3 or 4 days a week.perfect for test the new leather.
all i can say is the jacket is doing pretty well.sure its warm enough for using with a t-shirt.
i´ve seen that with the rain the color is getting a little darker,but that´s not a problem with me.looks much better that way.
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Post by indyrocks »

I order a custom Raiders last month and received it in 10 days. (I'm in Boston so it didn't have to travel THAT far). I then sent it back to have the action pleats altered and different buckles installed. I received it back with alterations within another 10 days, shipping included! I think KT is right, things are probably a bit slow so now is the time to order. I just ordered a second custom so we'll see how long that takes. I didn't make any absurd requests, just longer arms, shallow pleats, and 80s cut. Wested is true to their 21 day turnaround in my experience.
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Post by gwyddion »

I ordered a custom Novapelle CS on the 15th of august got confirmation of my order on august 19th and recieved it on september 9th: 21 days after confirmation. I only asked for narrow pleats, so no big list of specs for them to work on.

Before I ordered I asked Gemma if I could pay with Paypal and she said I just had to specify that I wanted to do so with the order. When I ordered on friday I stated in the request box on their order form that I wanted to pay with paypal and on monday I got the amount and the paypal account to make it out to. Once they recieved the money on teusday, my order was confirmed.

For some strange reason Novapelle is quite hard to make accurate pictures of. The best one I was able to make is this:


The jacket seems to be shiny for some reason in this picture, but it isn't as shiny in real life.

Oh, and I kow the x-box stitching isn't SA for LC, but it just seamed more sturdy to me.

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Post by bigrex »

gwyddion wrote:
Oh, and I kow the x-box stitching isn't SA for LC, but it just seamed more sturdy to me.

Regards, Geert
"seamed more sturdy to me".

Pun intended. :)

Nice looking jacket by the way, I've finally ordered one as well and look forward to receiving it.
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Post by Indiana Strones »

Great jacket Geert, please post a front pic!
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Post by gwyddion »

bigrex wrote:
gwyddion wrote:
Oh, and I kow the x-box stitching isn't SA for LC, but it just seamed more sturdy to me.

Regards, Geert
"seamed more sturdy to me".

Pun intended. :)
You know, that was actualy one of my most creative typos ever :D

Strones, here's the front pic I took the same day. It is rather weird looking because the jacket is on a suit hanger wich makes te shoulders go forward and the sleeves hang in front of the body. It isn't hanging straight either, so not the best pic ever. Ah well, you all know the light-headedness of having just recieved that piece of gear you were waiting to arive which disables your picture taking skills. I got to convince someone to take some pictures of me wearing it. :roll:


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Post by Holt »

moi jas man!

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Post by gwyddion »

dank je Holt. :)
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Post by Indiana Strones »

Thanks for the pic Geert!
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Re: Wested Questions

Post by bigrex »

Indiana Joyce wrote:Before I email Gemma, and I understand Peter is going to mexico for 12 days,
Sounds like it will be very tight to get a jacket in time for Halloween, might happen, might not.
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

Well I emailed Gemma saturday, so Im hoping for a response today. And if Im lucky, im just big enough that im on the rack as opposed to custom...if not, as long as i get it by mid november for the con, im good.
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

No response...i sent an email to gemma@wested.com, should I have addressed my email to wested@wested.com?
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Post by gwyddion »

Sometimes I had to wait untill teusday to get a responce to a question asked in the weekend. Gemma@Wested.com seems to be your best option, but you could always resend your e-mail to Wested@wested.com (on which I always got a reply, but strones didn't) or, if you want to make sure and don't care what it might look like, to both.

Regards, Geert
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

Ok, I sent an updated email to wested@wested.com. Im getting anxious because each day I wait, not only delays how long I have to wait to get my jacket, but also delays how long its going to be before I have to wait a super super super long time to get it, as the busy season is coming.
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Post by indyrocks »

I ordered a custom Raiders about a week ago and Peter responded himself.....maybe it's just the luck of the draw?
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Post by gwyddion »

Hmm.. I only communicated with Peter by phone, never by e-mail...

But getting a responce from Peter is going to be a little hard now, since he is in mexico. So only Gemma for now.

Regards, Geert.
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Shipping Costs?

Post by lpa53 »

I'm thinking of getting and OTR Wested ROLA lamb or goat. The price looks pretty good - around 250 US. But what are the shipping costs? If it has to be sent back, who bears the return costs?

If the buyer bears those costs, is that the same pracice with, say, Todds or US Wings?
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

Ok, its tuesday, and still no response...
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Post by gwyddion »

have you checked your spam-box? it is unlike Gemma not to respond to an e-mail from a possible customer.

If all else fails, I'll PM you the e-mail adress I use to contact them. You can send a copy of that e-mail to me and I'll forward it to them.

Regards, Geert
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

Yup I checked my spambox, and still nothing. I emailed both Gemma@wested.com and Wested@wested.com. Id really appreciate your help, as Im getting ready to order the dang jacket thru ebay if I cant get my questions answered.
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Post by jnicktem »

Weird, I e-mailed Gemma last Saturday (or Friday) and I got a response this morning. In fact, two responses since I e-mailed her back and got a response rather quickly.
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Post by gwyddion »

Like I said, it looks like there is some strange technical bug or something because they always respond fairly quick to e-mail.

I have sent you my e-mail adress indiana joyce and am ready to forward your e-mail.

Regards, Geert
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

Im wondering if my email is in their spambox perhaps.
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Post by gwyddion »

strange, but possible I think.
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Post by jnicktem »

What e-mail are you using? I use hotmail and it works every time. I know some of my other accounts always catch the spam filter, especially for a business.
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

I use gmail.
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Post by gwyddion »

Indiana Joyce wrote:I use gmail.
but that cant be it as I use it too.

Regards, Geert
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Post by Indiana Strones »

Indiana Joyce wrote:Ok, its tuesday, and still no response...
The same happened to me some days ago... :cry:
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

No response until I filled out the order form...I got my questions answered elsewhere but still, Im surprised that I had to fill out the order form to get a response. Also paypal currency exchange differed from XE, little annoyed by that.
So heres another question, when the jacket gets to the states, how am I going to pay customs and have it show up at my door? will customs contact me to send payment?
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Post by JimL »

Hey there I.J.

I suggest (and always do) use the phone!

You find out real-time what is going on, who is there, when they'll be back, and I like to make a personal connection to those I do business with.

I spoke to Peter and Gemma both there several months ago, and still have not placed an order... They are both very friendly, and helpful. Remember that Peter is away on Holiday now too- so I suspect what is normally a slow time for Wested (or Peter would not have gone) is a bit more hectic as Gemma and others have to pick up the slack.

I have also spoken to Todd himself (at Todd's costumes) and I always feel better when I make that 'real' connectoion. The e-mail chain that follows seems to always flow better that way afterwords too... You are no longer a random, anonomus buyer of goods, but rather someone who has spoken to the seller. That goes a long way, and I think shows a bit of respect to the maker, particularly when a custom-made item is concerned.

What's the price of a call in the grand scheme? $2-3? Why not? It sure is cheaper than sending something back because some detail was overlooked that could have been solved with a phone call...
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

Apparently there is some kind of glitch with Gmail, a third party helped me get in touch kind of...I still havent received her responses but after doing some thread research here combined with his answers, I went ahead and ordered the jacket last night, and got a reply to that this morning. I have paypal'ed and have a new question...

Ive bought things from overseas before but never had to pay customs seperately...so when the jacket hits our shore, how will I know and who will I pay? And do I then get the jacket in the mail or do I have to go pick it up in some godforsaken place?

If thats the case, so be it, after all, whats the sense in dressing like Indy if you cant go on an adventure once in awhile? I had a helicopter watching me practice my whip today....
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Post by JimL »

Since you are so close to Boston, that is the likely port the jacket will come into (Boston Airport that is).

So, not much of an adventure, although the T can be a bit scary at times... :shock:
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

so counting today, in 21 working days I should get the jacket by Oct 15th or 16th, and continuous days would be Oct 8th.

Anticipation, Antici-pation is making me wait...lol
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Post by Zombie Jones »

Indiana Joyce wrote:Ive bought things from overseas before but never had to pay customs seperately...so when the jacket hits our shore, how will I know and who will I pay? And do I then get the jacket in the mail or do I have to go pick it up in some godforsaken place?
I'm in California, and our postal carrier brought my jacket right to our front door; didn't pay one red cent to U.S. Customs as far as I know.
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Post by Rob »

Like me, when I bought my Wested, there weren't any duties paid. Meanwhile, other Aussies who have bought them, have paid a duty. There's no rhyme or reason to it, seemingly wherever you live.
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Post by JimL »

It is hit or miss sometimes...

Careful wording on the shipping documents can go a long way. I suspect peter is quite well versed in the lingo at this point.

I get packages from all over the world, as well as ship them, and sometimes you pay, sometimes you dont...
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

Its cold. I want my jacket lol. I feel like its december and Im counting down the days until xmas.
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