Is your Indy Gear SA?.....

Bags, Boots, Shirts and all other gear should be discussed here.

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Is your Indy Gear SA?.....

Post by Indiana Strones »

If not, have a look here for some good suggestions: ... _Jones.htm
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Post by IndianaBogart »

Fortunately, it’s also one of the easiest costumes you can put together.
Umm....yeah, if that was the case, then we probably wouldn't spend hours upon hours on this little forum known as Club Obi-Wan. :? :-s We wouldn't spend hours trying to find the right piece of gear, etc. if putting together an Indiana Jones "costume" was easy. :x ](*,) But then again, that's just what they're doing isn't it: making a costume. :evil: Because when you make a whip out of a spray-painted jump rope, then all you get is a piece of c-r-a-p. :-k :shock: :tdown: It can be used for nothing else except for a cheap costume (if that). :roll: US on the other hand, we don't put together a "costume", we spend lots of time (and $$$$ :shock: ) to collect the most screen accurate gear as possible, and we look all the better for it. :wink: :clap: \:D/ :tup: 8) :whip:

Okay, my rant is over. :oops: Sorry guys, stuff like this just irritates me.
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Post by Indiana Strones »

The shirt should be tucked into the pants.
Great suggestion! :wink:
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Post by Mitch LaRue »


I'm dabbing on "sexy stubble" as we speak AND I'm ALREADY wearing pants with the shirt actually TUCKED IN!!!


Now, if I can just stay focused and remember to NOT wear a PIRATE HAT it'll be MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!


(Yes, that's right... THE most exclamation points I personally have ever used in a single post...)
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Post by nicktheguy »

None of my gear is SA because none of it was used in any of the films and I am not the same size as Harrison...
(ducking behind my jeep for cover)
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Post by TheMechanic »

There's no such thing as screen accurate. And it is probably the easiest costume to put together. All the Indy gear is available from several vendors. All it takes is money to put together a fantastic outfit. Nothing on Indy's outfit has to be scratch built from nothing like some other costumes, it's all readily available.
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Post by knibs7 »

luckily i have actually gone through puberty therefore i dont need to worry about applying "sexy stubble". lol
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Post by Shagbd »

Any tan or brown cargo pants will work.


indy doesnt wear cargo pants
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Post by Cole »

knibs7 wrote:luckily i have actually gone through puberty therefore i dont need to worry about applying "sexy stubble". lol
I have to worry more about "unapplying" them on a regular basis. :)
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Post by bigrex »

"The Whip – Turn a jump rope into a whip. Pull off one handle of any jump rope. Spray paint the entire jump rope a dark brown color. Viola! A whip! Bet you thought that would be expensive".

:shock: I'm not a big whip person, but that is unthinkable unless maybe you happen to be a 5th grader going trick or treating with his younger cousin in a very dimly lit neighborhood. :? :o Ok, I'm exaggerating a bit. :wink:
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Let's not forget, those are all suggestions for a costume to be worn by someone who is not a gearhead like us. The unthinkable on this forum are perfect solutions to problems that the casual halloween party goer can (an should) gladly live with. Besides, if a guy with a jump rope whip explains that he can't crack it one too many times, he might start to thinkin'...
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Post by Zach R. »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:Besides, if a guy with a jump rope whip explains that he can't crack it one too many times, he might start to thinkin'...
Then, there goes his life savings. :lol:

I haven't spent my life savings, but one thing I can say is that before I was a gearhead, I sure had alot more money in the ol' bank account.
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Post by theinterchange »

Gosh, I spend good money on a Keppler fedora and they tell me any old thrift store hat with a wide brim will do, after being dunked in coffee!!!!!!! :shock: ](*,) #-o :-0

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Post by nicktheguy »

....but it must be DARK ROAST coffee, otherwise it's not SA :roll:
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

(It's actually a Chachapoyan Blend called "Wake With The Hovitos")

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Post by theinterchange »

Naw, I think Akator Delight tastes much better, OR Pankot Blend!
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Post by Texan Scott »

How about this one....

The Face – Use a rough sponge and brown makeup to recreate that sexy stubble.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I guess you could hang your face out the window for porcupine quills!
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Post by Texan Scott »

Guys, I'm in a serious delima here.....which coffee do you think is the most SA.....Breakfast Blend, Columbian Roast, Caffe Verona, Sumatra or Yukon blend?
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Post by gwyddion »

Texan Scott wrote:Guys, I'm in a serious delima here.....which coffee do you think is the most SA.....Breakfast Blend, Columbian Roast, Caffe Verona, Sumatra or Yukon blend?
I think that realy depends on which movie you are going for. I'm no expert, but I'd say Arabian blend for the terrace scene in Raiders.
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Post by serrecuir »

What? No mention of drinking the coffee after dunking the hat? :-s :shock:

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Post by Texan Scott »

I think that realy depends on which movie you are going for. I'm no expert, but I'd say Arabian blend for the terrace scene in Raiders.
you're right! i didn't think about specific scenes, as the South American scenes should have been the Columbian Supremo, while the Cairo scenes should have been Arabian Moca. Also don't drink from the same cup you dunk your hat in, or the hat might double as a filter, for the practical Indy on the go.
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Well, this IS an odd twist...

This thread started out by asking "Is your Indy Gear SA?" and all it's succeeded in doing is making me thirsty for a cuppa joe.

Here's mud in yer eye...
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

serrecuir wrote:What? No mention of drinking the coffee after dunking the hat? :-s :shock:

Anyone want to invest in a new breakfast resaurant chain; Dunkin' Fedoras?
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Zach R. wrote:
Chewbacca Jones wrote:Besides, if a guy with a jump rope whip explains that he can't crack it one too many times, he might start to thinkin'...
Then, there goes his life savings. :lol:

I haven't spent my life savings, but one thing I can say is that before I was a gearhead, I sure had alot more money in the ol' bank account.
Bank account didn't suffer much, but I have sacrificed most other hobbies and addictions. :lol:
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

if *that* is the accepted standard for costuming advice, then i've got a GREAT suggestion which is of comparable quality:

1. wrap yourself in a black trashbag.
2. rummage through your girlfriend's closet until you find a yellow belt.
3. make sure your trashbag is tucked into your belt.

ta-da. now you're batman.

has the person who wrote that "advice" ever even SEEN an indiana jones film? i wonder. :shock:
Last edited by TruckWhatTruck on Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rundquist »

Remember guys, for most people Indiana Jones is for one night (on Halloween). The average person doesn't dress up in a costume and then drool over themselves in a mirror as a hobby. The link was good for a laugh, but this place's perspective is just as suspect by "normal" standards, no offence. Cheers
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Post by Herr Doktor »

Rundquist wrote:The average person doesn't dress up in a costume and then drool over themselves in a mirror as a hobby.
They don't?!?! :shock: ](*,) :- 8-[

Guess I'll have to take up stamp collecting then. :wink:
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Post by Rundquist »

Herr Doktor wrote:
Rundquist wrote:The average person doesn't dress up in a costume and then drool over themselves in a mirror as a hobby.
They don't?!?! :shock: ](*,) :- 8-[

Guess I'll have to take up stamp collecting then. :wink:
Don't get me wrong. Many "normal" people don't have any hobbies and are boring. :wink:
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Post by Canyon »

The ladies love him
Well, I'm not gonna argue with that... :twisted:
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Post by Ronski »

You all laugh, but I was seriously considering staining my MK VII with tea or coffee to help distress it.
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Post by BroadSword »

I'll have to say that my gear is about 50/50 right now for SA standards. Fed IV, Wested jacket, Todd's shirt, holster and whip (just got a DelCarpio!!). I still need some SA trousers, web belt, Raiders gunbelt w/ holder, and boots. Oh and I ended getting the wrong model MK VII so that needs fixing as well. Now that I got a quality whip...everything else it easy in my opinion, just have to recover from the whip purchase. Alden's probably won't happen for a good while, but there are some decent close-enoughs out there.
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Post by IndianaBogart »

Alden's probably won't happen for a good while, but there are some decent close-enoughs out there.

Todd is coming out with some Indy boots in the VERY near future. He said that they're supposed to be in the $50 - 100 price range. :D
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Post by gwyddion »

Wrong model Mk VII? What do you mean by that?

Regards, Geert
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Post by NatiJones »

LMAO!!! This was the funniest article I've read!!!
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Y'know, it's just NOT fair...

I mean, MOST of here have given it a good try...

But some guys make it look SO EASY to achieve the absolutely PERFECT, Screen Accurate, all around DEAD-ON Indy look... ... DeadOn.jpg

(Don't look unless you want to be very depressed...)

(...Or have a good laugh...)

(Or, just...)
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

:shock: That sideways. all your penny candy would fall out like that.
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Post by whipitgood »

IndianaBogart wrote:
Alden's probably won't happen for a good while, but there are some decent close-enoughs out there.

Todd is coming out with some Indy boots in the VERY near future. He said that they're supposed to be in the $50 - 100 price range. :D
Will they be made of real leather?
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Post by McFly »

Wait wait guys... is this coffee brown.... or gray? :shock:

I think it must be for kids; why else would you sponge on the stubble?

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Post by ReturningSon »

TheMechanic wrote:There's no such thing as screen accurate. And it is probably the easiest costume to put together. All the Indy gear is available from several vendors. All it takes is money to put together a fantastic outfit. Nothing on Indy's outfit has to be scratch built from nothing like some other costumes, it's all readily available.
Ducks behind Jeep with Nick.
yeah, because people have been researching and studying the costume since 1981. So, after 27 years, things have been found and new discoveries have been made. However, numerous aspects of the costume remain a mystery and we make new finds every day!

I laugh at that article. I am sure their suggestion for constructing a ghost costume consists of two steps:

a.)get a white sheet
b.) cut two eye holes
:roll: :roll:

jeez, gimme a break!
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Post by McFly »

ReturningSon wrote:a.)get a white sheet
b.) cut two eye holes
:roll: :roll:
Whoa! Don't let the people at hear you talking like that...! :shock: :wink:

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Post by Indiana Joyce »

or guys are hardcore into their gear. I hear they have these get togethers where they roast marshmallows over a giant "T".
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Post by BroadSword »

gwyddion wrote:Wrong model Mk VII? What do you mean by that?

Regards, Geert
It may not be a MKVII at all and maybe a MKVI, not sure. Not sure how to explain it, but it doesn't have snap closures. It has studs/pegs that close it and doesn't have the disc on the side. Not the right drainage holes on the bottome either. I've yet to take any full impression pictures since some components are not SA.
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Post by gwyddion »

I am realy curious about that bag and would love to see some pictures. Dous it have a manufacturer's stamp on the flap? if so, what does it say?

Regards, Geert
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