I had the pleasure of seeing Adam "Crack" Winrich for the first time this past June at the Chippewa Falls Renaissance Faire. I became enthralled with the whip. I was fortunate enough to talk with Adam at some length then. What a friendly guy. My wife and I also attended the Bristol Renaissance Faire every weekend and Adam was performing again. After watching his show for the second time on the first day I knew I had to have a whip. It seemed a natural addition to the Black Prince sword and assorted knifes and daggers I wore. Adam mentioned I should start with a 6 or 8 footer and he would make me one, but he had about a 90 day wait list. I am not a patient person, which is when Adam mentioned
that he did have an older whip of his that he had made and could let me have for a deal, however it was a 14 footer. What the heck did I know and I agreed. The next weekend we exchanged some cash for my whip.
I went home and started tossing it like Adam had described to me and managed to do everything but crack it! I hit myself in the back of the head so many times it was not funny! I watched Adam's video's and a few others found on the web and started to get the hang of the forward flick. Then, all of a sudden it came to me and I was getting good solid cracks.
I vowed then and there to work out everyday with my big ol Brown Bruiser (named so after my first week of attempted cracks) for 30 minutes. Within a few short days I had and was getting satisfactory cracks with almost every throw. Another week and even better results. Another week a crack every time! I even tried an cattleman's crack-not recommended with such a long whip-it falls on your head. I also tried the overhead crack and hit my neck so many times.
Well its been ten weeks now and I can throw this 14 footer and get the massive loud crack every time with my dominant right hand, and about 75% of the time with my left hand. In the last week I have re-watched some of the overhead crack videos (especially Adam's) and I gave it a try again. The first try I made a crack so loud I scared myself and caused every dog in the neighbor hood to sound off! I am now getting pretty proficient at it, with cracks about 80% of the time. But I tell it takes a lot out of me to sling that 14 foot whip all the way around. I just love overhead cracking this beast!
I always do what ever I like to the maximum extreme, all the way or no way. And I think I have been bitten by the bull whip..........and this makes me very nervous. And its all Adam's fault-he is an evil man!! (just kidding Adam). I look forward to growing my cracking and being a member of the forum.
