MKVII Daily Use ???? Need Replies ASAP!

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MKVII Daily Use ???? Need Replies ASAP!

Post by mooniteman »

Hey there guys,

Now I wear my Indy bag every day - I used to have a WPG replica bag and just bought a Magnoli bag which I'm just flat out not happy with - the construction is indeed incredible but the color is terrible.

SO - I was offered a very nice original unissued MKVII as a substitute - but I wonder will an original hold up to the the rigors of carrying books and walking through NY Daily ??? I don't want the thing to fall apart!

And I need answers quick to make my decision!

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Post by whipcracker »

I think it should be fine. Think of all those other suplus bags and backpacks that are in use. I would think that it should be fine, especially if it is unissued.
I had a french surpllus rucksack from the 50's and i used that all through high school and every hiking/backpacking trip. It was the only pack that didn't fall apart in a month. It laste over five years and still had life when I gave it to my sister's boyfriend. I am goin to get another one.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Really? I love the color of my Magnoli bag. But everyone has a personal aesthetic regarding color, I suppose.

As for using a vintage MkVII, my experience has been that it's a bit of a gamble, depending on how you use the bag, and how heavy you plan to stuff it. I say this because some original bags have held up fine, though they eventually start to wear our like most any bag would. I eventually got a repro as a daily carry bag and use my originals on occasion.

The other thing to consider with an original, is that depending on how they were stored or the condition they're in, you can come across a bag that looks good, only to find out that dry rot has settled in and the bag falls apart. I've had this happen to me once. It's why I prefer a repro as a daily bag.

If your issue with the Magnoli is based only on the color, have you considered dyeing the bag?
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Post by mooniteman »

I did dye the bag

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Post by Holt »

it looks like you did it in the wrong color..

there is to much blue in the green.

Id say remove ALL color and redye in the olive green
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Post by mooniteman »

Holt the lighting in my room is a bit weird along with the imac's camera - so there is a variety of things effecting the overall hue - but I can certainly see what you mean.

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Post by jedidentist »

You might as well mess with the dying a bit've got nothing to lose. Use Rit dye remover and then try redying.

As for daily use. I've been using mine almost daily for a year. It was unissued and in great shape. Where you're going to get wear is the webbing where the rings are attached. After 1 year, it looks like I've got 1 thread that's torn...everything else is fine. However, I've had others which were previously used and I redyed them and they tore out quickly. I don't carry much in them, but I would think that you'd be fine with daily use for several years...but don't expect decades out of them...that's why I bought a 2nd, unissued one ;)
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

On the original question; Unless there is something wrong with the real MK bag, it should be able to handle daily use. I use to carry it all the time. However, anything that gets used regularly will suffer normal wear and tear. Thus, I have chosen to use it only on special Indy-related occasions, and us my WPG on most days. Note, however, that when I do use it, it's not just a gear piece stuffed with old socks.

I will use it for practical purposes during that time. If you ever see pictures of me with it, even in full gear, I guarantee it's filled with keys, cell phone, water bottle, gum, maybe a camera, etc.
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Post by Indiana Strones »

mooniteman wrote:I did dye the bag

Very emerald green.
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Post by mooniteman »

Its up for sale if anyone wants a crack at the dying of it! I don't really like this bag - I'm in love with the WPG one - it's just more my style.
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Post by JC1972 »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:...I will use it for practical purposes during that time. If you ever see pictures of me with it, even in full gear, I guarantee it's filled with keys, cell phone, water bottle, gum, maybe a camera, etc.
I read this quick and I thought you said gun :shock: :lol:
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Post by Raider S »

Any bag will wear out but's it hard to say how long it will last. But I can give you something to compare it with. I use camera bags which are made of canvas very similar in weight and thickness to the Mk. VII (the camera bag might be a tiny bit heavier canvas) and have worn several of them out.

When I'd carry them everyday for hours on end for years at a stretch (and this was pretty tough use as they get tossed around, dragged a bit, used as a pillow sometimes, rained on, snowed on, and left in the sun) it would take a few years to wear them out. Mostly the corners would start to rub through and holes would form. They were easy to repair, however, and I enjoyed the rugged look they took on.

So what I'm getting at is the bags will wear. Heavy use I'd give it a few years and it might start to get tattered. With a bit of care I don't see why it wouldn't last five or more years. To care for it I'd do as little as possible. If you start washing it, using soap on it, etc. it will only accelerate the wear. Keep it as clean as you can and keep it out of the sun and you'll be fine. Buy a few and they should last you well into the future!
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Post by MiloFinch »

I have an original, unissued MKVII. Based on my experience, I would not suggest it for everyday use. After about a week of actually using mine, lots of the stitching began to pop and start to unsew. Then, to top it all off, the loop that holds the ring on tore. I was able to repair most of the damage, but it still hurt my heart a little bit. The worst part was, it was a gift from my brother.

Just one man's experience though.
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

JC1972 wrote: I read this quick and I thought you said gun :shock: :lol:

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Post by gwyddion »

The trouble is that these bags are 60+ years old. They were stored all that time, some under realy good conditions, some under poor conditions. You can't always tell which is which by looking at them.

I have 2 WWII ammo bandeliers that were made by the same manufacturer and one gave out pretty quick while the other one is doing fine.

Bottem line is that quality after 60+ years of storage is a bit of hit and miss.

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Mk VII bag

Post by Prof. »

Regarding original MkVII's -You know what they say...."It's not the years honey ,it's the milage" !

Originally (back in the 80's) I just bought an old Gas mask bag similar to the Indy bag from the local surplus shop-actually which wasn't half bad.
Then I had a WPG bag which I used for years & was very happy with until it was stolen (!!!)(over which I was incredibly sad & annoyed) As a consolation (and simply because I almost always carry the thing ) and after loooooooong consideration I ordered a Magnoli MkVII which I must admitt I'm very pleased with -once I removed the small divider inside which reduced ,in my opinion -the carrying capacity too much. I didn't like the Magnoli strap though as it was to thin and sharp at the edges so I used instead my Keppler strap which I took off my NOT-STOLEN-AFTER-ALL bag that a "friend" of mine had "borrowed" after a party!!!!

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Post by Ghost »

I love my original MkVII. I am a Collage professor and have used mine everyday for about 5 years.
The bag itself has no more wear then could be expected. The webbing that holds the metal ring is just now starting to fray but a few quick stitches and its fine again.

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