Thanks for the compliments guys!
When I first got the jacket in December, I moisturized the leather with just a sponge and bunched it up, to let it dry with a backpack filled with books on top.
Only a few weeks ago, I disstressed the jacket with 400 grit sandpaper and a Swiss Army Knife. Remember, more is less.

Took me 3 entire days!
After disstressing, I gave it a shower, zipped up, so not to get the liner wet. I didn't want it soaked. Then, I put it in a pillowcase, still zipped up, and went to the bottom of the stairs. I threw it against the stairs for some time, so that it would roll down on its own.
The next step is more important, I think. I laid the jacket on the floor, where it was gonna dry. I then bunched up the sleeves, grasped the jacket all over, made it into a ball and worked the collar to get it right. I basically made it into a little package. Again, I put a backpack filled with books on top. Let it dry overnight. Note that the jacket can still be moist in morning. See if you like the results and work it a bit, then throw it in a corner to finish drying. No weight on top.
BTW I noticed that the outer pockets are very hard to get wrinkled, so I put one Wells Lamont glove in each pocket. Much like the Raven Bar scene.
Anyway I hope this helps and I didn't bore you to death.