Christy's Adventurer!

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by kiltie »

Hokey marketing and ancient hat shapes are no match for a good AB at your side, kid. ----Piker
OBJECTION your honor...Argumentative! :)

Dude - I'm just sayin': The option is out there, and I think it's viable. I really am disinclined to try and "sell" anyone a hat. I said as much in the dead thread. I like mine, and I'm just showing it off. I really don't care much for internet commerce, in general. I like to have a thing in my hand before I make a decision. The ABs have plenty of stellar reviews, but also fall into a price range and a wait time that far exceed my bounds.
I'm not thinking of it as a contest, and I certainly wouldn't throw away an AB if you offered me one within my means, but I think this hat deserves a fair shake, and maybe a little more. I'm a hat Liberatarian ( sp? ).
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Post by Piker »

I was just using the "Light Sable" and "Light Saber" To channel a bit of Han Solo and make a "Light" joke.

And as we know, a Light Saber can be a potent weapon! And I am sure that the Christy's is a fine hat. I am glad that you posted the link to the English retailer

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Post by Michaelson »

Piker wrote: Now as to Michaelson: "Where did you dig up that old fossil?" ---Han Solo
Uh, not sure how to respond to that one :shock: ....and don't you DARE ask my daughters! [-X :lol:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Montana Hannah »

I really am grateful for the advice. There's no way I can afford an AB, or any of the other fine lids (thanks for introducing me to the term by the way), that abound around here. I had narrowed it down to the Chrity's and the Fed IV, but was unsure which to choose since the pics on both the Hornet's Hats and Hats Direct sites don't really do justice to either hat IMO. Seeing Kiltie and Erri's helped me make my mind up.

I'm treating this as my 'entry level' hat. I will also get a Fed in the near future, but since I'm based in the UK, the shipping costs for the Christy's are a lot less. Personally, I think my ideal choice based on the SOC look would be a JPD.

I have to say I'm really excited now, and can't wait to get my hands on it. By the way, for those of you who have one of these, do Hornet's supply them in those cool red Christy's hat boxes?!
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Post by DR Ulloa »

They are not included with the hats, but can be purchased seperately.

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Post by BendingOak »

kiltie wrote: Everyone see's something in the hat, then, I think, tends to transpose that idea ( ideal ) onto the hat in every scene.
The Christys' isn't this severe, but this is merely an example that the pendulum swings to extremes.

Someone finally got it. thank You.
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Post by mufflowne »

Forgive the quality of the photos Oak, you can see why they are not that great in the fourth picture (haha)

For those who are clueless as to what this is - it's a Christy's that's been taken apart, reblocked with the old AB block and then amateurishly put back together. (ducks and covers)

I know it's not the best it could be, and it's suprisingly hard to get ahold of non-acrylic grosgrain ribbons in the Bay Area, so all I had was this stupid green petersham ribbon.
I wanted to learn how to reblock my own hats so I can buy old lids for cheap and turn them into decent looking fedoras.
I haven't had the time to touch this hat in ages, but now that I finally got around to it, I have something to cover my bedhair with.


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Post by kiltie »

mufflowne -

That's very interesting, and sparks more interest in something I was already wondering about.
How much of the brim was eaten up by the crown with the new block, if any? Is it that, or did you take the brim down some before the reblock, or do the pics just make the brim look narrow-ish? OR, do you simply have a freakish head? I don't think it's the last one, cuz the brim looks consistantly narrow :? .
I'm just wondering, if we're looking at the same HJ type felt, and the Mag/HJ is so very hot for some scenes, then maybe we're looking at a new option.
I'll shoot straight here and say, without any offense intended, I do not like that particular hat. But I wonder if it's just the pictures, or something else I described above. The AB style DEFINATELY wants a wider brim; at least the original actual Raiders measurements. Otherwise, it seems out of whack.
A little more background on this hat, if you would please. I'm very interested.
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Post by mufflowne »

Haha! That's a whole load of interest!

Well here's the tidbit. The felt quality feels "similar" to the HJ felt, but in fact, the felt is the softest and floppiest rabbit felt I've ever seen. And to me it feels and looks and acts exactly as the Raiders felt did. Therefore I think whatever kind of felt supplier Christy's has, might be either the real deal (original Raiders supplier) or a kind of felt that ideal for a nice floppy Raiders hat.

As for the brim, it ate up approximately 1/4 inch all'round. And the bash is installed at like..1.5 inch turn. I just experimented with this hat because I have some ideas brewing in my head, so I wanted to see what works and what doesn't.

But I must say, if I could get this felt supplier and make an AB....that would be a wet dream....wait, isn't that what MAG/HJs are? I haven't seen one in person or even felt it, but it seems the felt might be similar. This particular hat went through a lot of abuse already. I don't remember 100%, but I think it went through a couple of soakings, not to mention a pretty extreme reblocking. Personally, I think that's what gives it the Raideresque brim, because it's handmade and of course because the sweatband is sown on above the brim break. I only hope the AB Henry that's on its way here will be felt of this quality.

Anyone know where to get some NICE, SILK GROSGRAIN? The Christy's comes with relatively nice quality (though not necessarily correct color -or is it?) ribbon. I also think that the hat looks weird to you because the ribbon is petersham. I wasn't trying hard for a Raiders hat or anything, but it feels a little TOD to me.
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Post by Montana Hannah »

mufflowne wrote: And the bash is installed at like..1.5 inch turn.
Please excuse my dumbness; I've worked out what "bash", "pinch" and "swoop" are, but I can't figure out what the "turn" is. I've searched the site but can't find an explanation. Could someone help please? :oops:
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Post by gwyddion »

The "turn" is when you put an unbashed hat upon your head, turn it a little to the right, and start bashing it using what is now the front of the hat as the front of the bash. Basicaly you are then bashing your hat off-centre. this will cause the brim to be distorted in a way that gives you the swoop you see in most scenes of Raiders.

Regards, Geert
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Post by Montana Hannah »

gwyddion wrote:The "turn" is when you put an unbashed hat upon your head, turn it a little to the right, and start bashing it using what is now the front of the hat as the front of the bash. Basicaly you are then bashing your hat off-centre. this will cause the brim to be distorted in a way that gives you the swoop you see in most scenes of Raiders.

Regards, Geert
Aha! Cool - I'd never have worked that out myself!
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Post by gwyddion »

You're welcome. Bink said that if he has time to do it he would include it in the FAQ thread. Untill then we just do what we are here for: help eachother out. :wink:

Regards, Geert
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

#-o I said you might have to remind me! :lol: :wink:
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Post by gwyddion »

I thought I just did :wink: :lol:

Regards, Geert
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Did you? 8-[ :lol:
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Post by BendingOak »

That christy felt has way to much air in it to be the same felt used on Raiders.
It's not very dense felt and makes it very prone to tapper. Easy to block but not good for fighting tapper. One of the choices you must make with these hats when re-blocking is do you risk ripping it apart because of the machine stitching near the brim break or do you eat up some of the crown, or even take up some of the brim. Don't forget that with water and steam that brim will shrink up as well as the crown.

You can't expect to get a high quality hat for that price.
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Post by DR Ulloa »

I think that the quality of the hat far surpasses the price, but it can't compare to any of the higher quality hats out there. It is just a nice hat with an attractive price tag. I have been very happy with my grey Christy's. It saw a rain shower yesterday, nothing serious but in South Florida it rains just about daily, and is looking better than ever. But Oak, you are right. You cannot compare this hat to something like an AB or one of yours. It is not even on par with the Henry. The Henry is a 20/80 beaver blend. With the Christy's, you are not getting a hat to take into the amazon, but you can wear it just about daily with no adverse affects.

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Post by BendingOak »

DR Ulloa wrote:I think that the quality of the hat far surpasses the price, but it can't compare to any of the higher quality hats out there. It is just a nice hat with an attractive price tag. I have been very happy with my grey Christy's. It saw a rain shower yesterday, nothing serious but in South Florida it rains just about daily, and is looking better than ever. But Oak, you are right. You cannot compare this hat to something like an AB or one of yours. It is not even on par with the Henry. The Henry is a 20/80 beaver blend. With the Christy's, you are not getting a hat to take into the amazon, but you can wear it just about daily with no adverse affects.

I would love to comment more but can't in public. If you want we can take it to a PM.
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Post by mufflowne »

It's true that this felt tapers a lot, but the stock HJ felt as it comes with a factory HJ is even worse than Christy's felt.

The felt does have a lot of air, and Christy's makes for a great lightweight hat for winter and spring.

I know it's not on Par with the Henry, I just hope the Henry, after taking some abuse, will be as floppy as this hat. That's why I like it.

BTW - I think the quality-to-price ratio is in my opinion better than that of Stock HJs.
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Post by BendingOak »

yes , I agree the price is in the right range for that hat.
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Post by Texan Scott »

Waaaa....waaaaa....I want my Pennman!
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Post by BendingOak »

Texan Scott wrote:Waaaa....waaaaa....I want my Pennman!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I am working as fast and hard as i can. I have a good long list in front of me.
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Post by DR Ulloa »

BendingOak wrote:
DR Ulloa wrote:I think that the quality of the hat far surpasses the price, but it can't compare to any of the higher quality hats out there. It is just a nice hat with an attractive price tag. I have been very happy with my grey Christy's. It saw a rain shower yesterday, nothing serious but in South Florida it rains just about daily, and is looking better than ever. But Oak, you are right. You cannot compare this hat to something like an AB or one of yours. It is not even on par with the Henry. The Henry is a 20/80 beaver blend. With the Christy's, you are not getting a hat to take into the amazon, but you can wear it just about daily with no adverse affects.

I would love to comment more but can't in public. If you want we can take it to a PM.
PM me and we can talk.

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Post by eazybox »

mufflowne wrote:
But I must say, if I could get this felt supplier and make an AB....that would be a wet dream....wait, isn't that what MAG/HJs are? I haven't seen one in person or even felt it, but it seems the felt might be similar. This particular hat went through a lot of abuse already. I don't remember 100%, but I think it went through a couple of soakings, not to mention a pretty extreme reblocking. Personally, I think that's what gives it the Raideresque brim, because it's handmade and of course because the sweatband is sown on above the brim break. I only hope the AB Henry that's on its way here will be felt of this quality.

Anyone know where to get some NICE, SILK GROSGRAIN? The Christy's comes with relatively nice quality (though not necessarily correct color -or is it?) ribbon. I also think that the hat looks weird to you because the ribbon is petersham. I wasn't trying hard for a Raiders hat or anything, but it feels a little TOD to me.
The Christys felt is similar, but, I think, lighter than the Magnoli HJ. It's hard to be certain because the Magnoli is reconditioned-- preshrunk, repounced, and waterproofed as well as reblocked. The ribbon on the Christys looks pretty good but is a slightly lighter brown than the Magnoli's ribbon; I think only Steve and Marc know where to source this ribbon, which is supposed to be the one used on the original Raiders hat.

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Post by mufflowne »

Why the secrets, guys?
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Post by BendingOak »

mufflowne wrote:Why the secrets, guys?

Not any secrets. Just didn't think would should take over the thread over something that should be private.
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Post by Hedji »

What is the wait time after ordering a Christy's? Are they pretty quick?
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Post by DR Ulloa »

Normally about a week.

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Post by Doctor_Jones »

Well, I'll be in London for a couple of days later next week and I'll have a quick peek at Christy's and check that hat out. I'm really anxious to hold one in my hand and feel and see it for myself.
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Post by Kokopelli »

DR Ulloa wrote:


hey Doc...what's that tan colored fedora on the rack in the background?
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Post by Doctor_Jones »

well, i will go to the shop. maybe they can bash the hat for me?
or, if they don't, how do you best bash a christy's?
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Post by JC1972 »

Is it me or did anyone find it weird there was no color chart for the colors Christy's has? How is someone supposed to know the difference between Brown and Sable or Grey Mix and light grey? They show the colors the hat is available in but not what the color looks like.
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Post by eazybox »

JC1972 wrote:Is it me or did anyone find it weird there was no color chart for the colors Christy's has? How is someone supposed to know the difference between Brown and Sable or Grey Mix and light grey? They show the colors the hat is available in but not what the color looks like.
There are color swatches at the top of the page that can be enlarged.

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Post by JC1972 »

eazybox wrote:
JC1972 wrote:Is it me or did anyone find it weird there was no color chart for the colors Christy's has? How is someone supposed to know the difference between Brown and Sable or Grey Mix and light grey? They show the colors the hat is available in but not what the color looks like.
There are color swatches at the top of the page that can be enlarged.

Thanks. Guess that's what happens when one doesn't get much sleep from a couple of days/nights in Tampa :oops:
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Post by eazybox »

Doctor_Jones wrote:well, i will go to the shop. maybe they can bash the hat for me?
or, if they don't, how do you best bash a christy's?
I found the felt very easy to work with and it didn't take long to get the look I wanted.

The best way is probably to look at good photos of the hat in your favorite scene from different angles, and try to replicate the bash as closely as you can. If you run into trouble, you can ask the members here to assist you with the problem areas. There are tutorials, but they tend to come and go and I'm not sure where you can find one now; maybe someone else knows.

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Post by eazybox »

JC1972 wrote:[quote="
Thanks. Guess that's what happens when one doesn't get much sleep from a couple of days/nights in Tampa :oops:

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Post by gwyddion »

Just wanted to say that I have that tutorial saved as a word-file. If anyone wants it, just PM me your e-mail adress and i will send it to you.

Regards, Geert
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Post by Montana Hannah »

Mine arrived safe and sound on Wednesday evening. I love it, and will post my thoughts on it soon. In the meantime, here are some "fresh out of the box" pics! The last one is my Denis Muren/China Clipper tribute...


Hope they're not too big! I did resize them honest.
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Post by Doctor_Jones »

Looks like a great hat you got there. I'm really anxious to see it with my own eyes. Just got an e-mail back from Hornet Hats who sell the christy's in london. I asked them about the sable and the light sable, what the difference is in colour.
But they let me know that "The Light Sable refers to the weight of the Fur Felt and it is not as thick as the Sable."
So, it's not the color that differs then? :?:

oh by the way, about the bashing, thanks eazybox. Hornet Hats let me know they won't bash the hats itself but will only give advice on it how to do so.
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Post by Kt Templar »

Doctor_Jones wrote: But they let me know that "The Light Sable refers to the weight of the Fur Felt and it is not as thick as the Sable."
Wow, that would be a surprise!

I am sure the "light sable" I had was the same physical weight as the "sable" I later got which was darker in colour.
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Post by eazybox »

Doctor_Jones wrote:Looks like a great hat you got there. I'm really anxious to see it with my own eyes. Just got an e-mail back from Hornet Hats who sell the christy's in london. I asked them about the sable and the light sable, what the difference is in colour.
But they let me know that "The Light Sable refers to the weight of the Fur Felt and it is not as thick as the Sable."
So, it's not the color that differs then? :?:

oh by the way, about the bashing, thanks eazybox. Hornet Hats let me know they won't bash the hats itself but will only give advice on it how to do so.
No problem. Regarding the color, I think that from what Kt Templar just posted and also from some of the photos I've seen, there is a difference between the two. I may eventually have to get a Sable to see for myself!

Sometimes salesmen get things mixed up. I don't know why they would offer them as separate colors if there wasn't some difference, but I can hardly tell from the color squares on their site.

In my case, I originally ordered the Sable and received a Light Sable, and just thought I lucked out, because that shade matched my old HJ's so closely; it's just a tad darker.

I would like to see a Sable first hand now, to compare the colors and the felt density, but I'm not sure it would be worth buying another hat just to do that. I really don't think the difference could be that critical, at least for me, at this price level. :wink:

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Post by Doctor_Jones »

well, i hope to see them both at the shop in next week.

By the way, Hornet Hats had let me know that they will have every model of hat which is on their website in their stores by the end of this month.

So, if anyone is in London, they can just drop by and have a look. I wonder how it looks like right now. Just need to wait a week...
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Post by DR Ulloa »

citRon wrote:
DR Ulloa wrote:


hey Doc...what's that tan colored fedora on the rack in the background?
That is a straw Panama Jack hat. Funny story about that hat, I had accidentally left me fedora at my condo in Orlando and didn't want to go the whole day at Universal Studios without a hat. I purchased the hat at the Brown Derby hat store in the park and went about my business. It was a very nice fit and very comfortable, not to mention it breathes very well. It is actually a very nice hat with nice ribbon work...especially for a $25 hat. Well, on the Jurassic Park ride in Islands of Adventure, the hat flew off my head and landed in river. I wasn't able to recover the hat becuase it had been shred to pieces by the following boat. While I visted the restroom after the ride, my fiance bought me the same hat in the Jurassic Park shop and said "Please take it off for Dueling Dragons!" I know it would have been en even better story had I recovered the hat, but I thought it was a neat story anyway.

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Post by kiltie »

Dunno how many saw pics of my Adventurer post-rain, but I did some tweaking yesterday. Looks pretty alright, considering. I used Kahl Hat Stiffener from the western store and sorta cheated it. Rather than spraying it on and then shaping after it dried, I put my fingers in the crown where I wanted it shaped, sprayed, then molded from the outside.
If you're inclined to try this, you gotta make sure your hands are super clean, and once you commit to an action, you gotta do it quick, then leave it alone. If you don't, your fingers will want to stick to the felt and make it tacky.
Anyway, I'll let it train for a coupla days, then put it through the ringer to make it softer. In all fairness to those who totally oppose this blockshape, I did have to extend the side dent ( albeit very shallow ) a bit more than some may see as SA. As Kinky Friedman says: "Beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder."
Please keep in mind, these are the notorious "reversebathroommirrorphonecamera" pics :roll: .

Front: ... G_0462.jpg ... G_0470.jpg

Back: ... G_0469.jpg

Side: ... G_0465.jpg
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Post by Indiana Strones »

Christy's will be my next hat!! :D
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Post by CairoIndy »

Kt Templar wrote:

I am sure the "light sable" I had was the same physical weight as the "sable" I later got which was darker in colour.
..I ordered a light sable and they sent me one without any sugar in it! #-o
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Post by Erri »

Doctor_Jones wrote: So, if anyone is in London, they can just drop by and have a look. I wonder how it looks like right now. Just need to wait a week...
Wish I could, I'm still waiting to see a good grey that matches the grey raiders hat but from pictures it's too hard to say. I'll have to hop in the shop for that.
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Post by DanielJones »

Well Erri, be sure to take pictures and show us what you find out.


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Post by Erri »

DanielJones wrote:Well Erri, be sure to take pictures and show us what you find out.


Well I'm not exactly in London right now and I'm don't think I will be any soon, so that might take a long while. I'm hoping someone will do it for me actually :lol:
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