OBJECTION your honor...Argumentative!Hokey marketing and ancient hat shapes are no match for a good AB at your side, kid. ----Piker

Dude - I'm just sayin': The option is out there, and I think it's viable. I really am disinclined to try and "sell" anyone a hat. I said as much in the dead thread. I like mine, and I'm just showing it off. I really don't care much for internet commerce, in general. I like to have a thing in my hand before I make a decision. The ABs have plenty of stellar reviews, but also fall into a price range and a wait time that far exceed my bounds.
I'm not thinking of it as a contest, and I certainly wouldn't throw away an AB if you offered me one within my means, but I think this hat deserves a fair shake, and maybe a little more. I'm a hat Liberatarian ( sp? ).