"Screen Accurate" Indiana Jones Boxers. No Joke.

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Post by PSBIndy »

Magnoli makes great stuff..............but $75 for underwear?! :shock:
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Post by IndianaChris711 »

I came across this thread earlier today and was amazed someone was even selling Harrison Ford's boxer shorts. I agree though $75 bucks is a lot for underwear, no offense Magnoli. Unless I was getting 10 of them, maybe it would be worth it, but one... I don't think so. Like Tom Cruise says to Dustin Hoffman in Rainman,

"Underwear is underwear wherever you buy it, at K-mart or wherever."

I think that pretty much says it all.

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Post by IndyFalco »

IndianaChris711 wrote:
"Underwear is underwear wherever you buy it, at K-mart or wherever."

but...... This is Adventure Approved Underwear !!! :whip:
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Post by Mulceber »

IndyFalco wrote:
IndianaChris711 wrote:
"Underwear is underwear wherever you buy it, at K-mart or wherever."

but...... This is Adventure Approved Underwear !!! :whip:
Speaking of which...

Hey, Marc, get in here! We've got a new product for Adventurebilt to manufacture! :lol: :junior: -M
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Post by Canyon »

Indiana Neri wrote:
Strider wrote:I thought those were black speedos? Someone has that picture. I just don't.
Canyon, we need ya on this one :lol:

Okay, I'll get a time machine, go back to 1980 and see if I can get a closer look at Harrison's undies. :twisted:

Seriously though, those look like black Calvin Klein style cotton boxer shorts.

What can I say, the guy has taste. :P

Let's take a look at this for a second. I've heard that Harrison wore white boxers in Raiders and now it looks like he also wore black as well.

In Last Crusade, during that scene where Sean and Harrison remove their wool pants, I remember hearing that Harrison was wearing red boxers.

So that leaves Temple of Doom. Black silk boxers sound good to me, or maybe a different colour, perhaps, green or purple (two of my favourite colours) :P
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Post by Bruce Wayne »

[quote="Canyon]So that leaves Temple of Doom. Black silk boxers sound good to me, or maybe a different colour, perhaps, green or purple (two of my favourite colours) :P[/quote]
take this to the bank. indy switched between green and pink plaid & purple & magenta polka dots...
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Post by anniv111701 »

"Why in the world would Ford need costume underwear?? Wasn't like he was filmed in his underwear, where it was seen onscreen. Unless there were some deleted scenes.
Hi all,

I was just rereading Last Crusade and in the novel (and presumably an early draft of the script?) Indy loses his pants just before the tank goes into the ravine (pg. 176, June 1989 first edition paperback).

Also, I just wanted to say how proud I am that my very first post on COW could reference such a majestic and important topic as HF's skivvies... :wink:

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Post by CairoIndy »

anniv111701 wrote: I was just rereading Last Crusade and in the novel (and presumably an early draft of the script?) Indy loses his pants just before the tank goes into the ravine
The mind boggles!..I can't even IMAGINE how that could happen-I mean,trousers can't be blown off by the wind(like the hat was?)Did Vogel try and grab Indy and accidently pull his pants off instead? :?I'm curious now, You have to tell me how Indy lost his pants in the novel! :lol: ..anyway,Welcome to COW Mike! :D
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Post by Canyon »

Mike, welcome to the forum. :D

Yes, we are all crazy here (including me) :twisted:
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Post by anniv111701 »


Thanks for the warm welcome! :D

In the immortal words of Indigo Montoya; "Let me 'splain...no, is too much, let me sum up":

"Indy, still infuriated, looked at the hatch. "Don't ever call me Junior again!"

No sooner had he spoken the words than Vogel swung a length of chain and snapped it twice around Indy's shoulders.
In a final act of desperation, Indy struggled to slip out of the chain as he was dragged across the ground. But now the chain was caught on his leg. He ripped open his pants, and pushed them down over his hips and then his knees.
Indy's pants were almost off when the tank hit the edge of the cliff and plummeted over the side, plunging towards the deep gorge.

Dazed and bewildered, Indy staggered from behind a cluster of rocks. He was carrying his pants, which had been slit from the waist to the ankles. Remnants of the pants were gathered around his boots.
Even Indy couldn't resist a grin. "I got a lot of fond memories about that dog."
Sallah laughed even louder and slapped Indy on the back, causing his pants to drop around his ankles.

They rested only a short time, attending to their cuts and bruises and discomforts. Indy had found a pair of pants among some of the supplies left behind, and they fashioned their headwear. Finally, they climbed onto the camels, and set off across the desert.

If this had indeed been scripted in an early version of the movie, then only the penitent man would have been pantsless before God for at least several minutes of film time... :shock:

Thanks again for the words of welcome!

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Post by zeus36 »

Watch Raiders again and you'll see that Harrison wore briefs, not boxers.

You can see the seams thru his pants and those lines indicate tighty whities.
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Post by IndyFalco »

zeus36 wrote:Watch Raiders again and you'll see that Harrison wore briefs, not boxers.

You can see the seams thru his pants and those lines indicate tighty whities.
OMG... has it really gone to this point !?!?!? Well obviously it has, but... WOW.


Ummm, thanks for keeping an eye out for that one?
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Post by BendingOak »

I can see it now. Everyone at the summit now must drop their pants to see who has SA underwear. :shock:
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Post by Indiana Neri »

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

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Post by Michaelson »

BendingOak wrote:I can see it now. Everyone at the summit now must drop their pants to see who has SA underwear. :shock:

Uh.....no. =; :lol:

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Post by Dutch_jones »

Michaelson wrote:
BendingOak wrote:I can see it now. Everyone at the summit now must drop their pants to see who has SA underwear. :shock:

Uh.....no. =; :lol:

Regards! Michaelson
Yes, where is "this" summit located, Guantanamo Bay?
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The shorts have it

Post by Indiana MarkVII »

The Brooks Brothers offerings of the non-elastic boxers come in two different rear closures (oh, I couldn't resist that one). One version comes in the French back with buttons to adjust for waist sizing, and the other comes in a Tieback, which has a drawstring in the back for adjustment. Each is USD $25 per pair plus shipping. Stock up now so you are ready for the next big, or small, Summit.

Is anybody else going for total (except for the elastic/button adjustment difference) screen accuracy?
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Post by IntempestaNox »

Michaelson wrote:
BendingOak wrote:I can see it now. Everyone at the summit now must drop their pants to see who has SA underwear. :shock:

Uh.....no. =; :lol:

Regards! Michaelson

Well...ok. :roll: ;-) :P
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Post by tym »

PLATON wrote:Well, If I were to buy underwear I 'd rather get Alison Doody's (Elsa Schneider)

:) :rolling:
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Post by scot2525 »

Has IndyMagnoli replicated a pair of these yet?
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Post by PSBIndy »

scot2525 wrote:Has IndyMagnoli replicated a pair of these yet?
If they did, I wonder if it comes "pre-distressed"....in the "right" areas.
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Post by Indiana G »

if someone did get them.....i'd take their word on it.....no need to see pics thanks. :lol:
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Post by bigrex »

Yes, I think I would pass on showing those off. I can see it now, a post entitled, "Screen accurate Indy undies, this thread is worthless without photos)" [-( Hmm, I think I've dallied enough on this subject... =;
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Post by Imahomer »

I have a friend who is under contract with a pro baseball team. He gets all of their used equipment and sells it off. He also deals with vintage equipment too. He told me once that was offered a Hall of Famers jock strap and he knew he'd be able to sell it for big money, because the Hall of Famer was a real popular player.

When I asked him if he got it, he told me he had to draw a line in the sand somewhere and he wouldn't deal with anyones underware. I guess not everyone has the same ideals.
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Post by Jakob Emiliussen »

Imahomer wrote:I have a friend who is under contract with a pro baseball team. He gets all of their used equipment and sells it off. He also deals with vintage equipment too. He told me once that was offered a Hall of Famers jock strap and he knew he'd be able to sell it for big money, because the Hall of Famer was a real popular player.

When I asked him if he got it, he told me he had to draw a line in the sand somewhere and he wouldn't deal with anyones underware. I guess not everyone has the same ideals.
Ha ha, good story :)
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Re: "Screen Accurate" Indiana Jones Boxers. No Joke.

Post by Bruce Wayne »

I rediscovered this thread while searching for something unrelated. And reading thru it got me thinking. If Indy never appeared on screen wearing tidie whities, then how do we know that these are "screen accurate?"

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Re: "Screen Accurate" Indiana Jones Boxers. No Joke.

Post by Michaelson »

Yeah, 'screen accurate' is a misnomer in this particular case.

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Re: "Screen Accurate" Indiana Jones Boxers. No Joke.

Post by binkmeisterRick »

And how many folks would be trying to match the, uh, color they see on screen? :Plymouth: