I need an affordable whip

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I need an affordable whip

Post by Indiana Joyce »

Ok, I dont have alot of dough. But Indy without the whip is the same as Vader without the saber, and I got that covered.

My whip was made in mexico, cost twenty bucks on ebay, and wont crack worth a ####. I have been looking at the JRZJOE whips, but after what I just read, I should stay away.

I cant afford 200 and up for a 10 foot 12 plait SA whip. And an eight foot whip, well, Im 6 foot 5 in shoes. An eight foot whip may as well be a four foot whip in my hands.
I check the for sale thread here from time to time, but I only know one person that got a great whip for a hundred bucks. Bob you lucky SOB lol.

Can anyone give me any tips?
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Post by Shagbd »

the only want to get "Good" and "Cheap" in the same sentence is to go Nylon.
Id Highly suggest Steve Huntress and I have heard great things about Chris Halls whips as well
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Is Winrich still making the IOAB?

Cowhide - NOT Roo - but same Indy style (but less strands), color and length are custom, and I thought it was about $12 / foot? They crack all right, but they are not high end whips.

They are functional whips that anybody except someone who knows whips would think was 'the' whip. Bink and I have them, so do a bunch of others on the forum.
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Oh, hey, look what just posted...
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Post by scot2525 »

I was about to suggest the same thing Shagbd although I don't personally feel that an 8' foot whip would look out of place in your hands Indy Joyce and you may find it is easier to control. Just my two cents. :)
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Post by Magno »

RJallen can get you a great nylon whip for under $150 I think...maybe a little more, I can't remember.
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Post by ichnob »

I don't think Adam is taking any new orders at the moment. Yeah, I feel lucky getting one before he stopped...and I want yet another! :lol:

Anyways, I'd suggest that you follow their advice and try out nylon for now. eBay whips are generally frowned upon and it's kind of tricky finding one of actual craftsmanship with the shoddy quality pictures that eBay mostly uses. Here's wishing you luck that maybe someone will part with one on the Cairo Bazaar for you.
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Post by TurnerME »

Seriously consider Gus Caicedo http://www.purewhips.com He is a super good guy and makes a excellent whip. I own four of his and can strongly recommend them.

If you are looking for a SA whip that actually performs and on the lower price scale, he is your best bet.
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Post by bluzharp »

scot2525 wrote:I was about to suggest the same thing Shagbd although I don't personally feel that an 8' foot whip would look out of place in your hands Indy Joyce and you may find it is easier to control. Just my two cents. :)
I'll put a third nod on nylon. But then again, it won't look like an "Indy" whip. I guess if look is important, and you want it to function well, Adam is a good way to go. However....

I don't know what your time line is like, or how long it would take you to save another $250 or so for a quality roo whip. But think about this for a minute.. most of the quality roo whip makers out there are ROUGHLY anywhere from 6-12 weeks wait time.

So if you wanted a high-end roo whip, you could maybe have the money by the time the whip was finished? Just a thought. But in the end, you won't be sorry.

Hey, ichnob! What part of Reseda? Used to live there and Tarzana on the south side of the "boulevard" many moons ago. Still the same?
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Post by louiefoxx »

Just because you are tall doesn't mean you need a 10 foot whip. A lot of people order 10 foot whips (for their first whip) from me after I try to talk them into a shorter whip...then after trying it they wish they had an 8 foot.

I'm 5'8 and I personally think an 8 foot whip is very slow (but I do a faster cracks), but I don't think the extra 9 inches you have on me translates to 2 or more feet of whip.

Shaq doesn't practice or play with a larger basketball because he's taller and thicker than most NBA players.

If it's your first whip and you've never really cracked one before you really should consider an 8 foot you'll have much more success in learning.

That's just my opinon.


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Post by Indiana G »

i thought todd was blowing out their whip inventory at toddscostumes.com?

those are pretty cheap but their longevity has yet to be proven as they do not have the usual suspects in its construction (rubber core).

if you want a costume whip that looks close and just want to crack a couple times when making an entrance to the costume party....that might be a way to go.

if your looking to get into whip play, take a mortgage out and buy either a morgan or a jacka :wink: :lol:
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Post by Magno »

Let me just also add that the Todd's whip is not intended for cracking, and will break. Costume piece only.
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Post by winrichwhips »


If an 8 footer will look like a 4 footer in the hands of someone who is 6' 5", then accordingly a 10 footer will look like a 5 footer. So, he really needs a 20 footer to get the look of a 10 footer :wink:

I'd say have a look at www.purewhips.com. I have indeed stopped taking new orders for IOAB whips, though I still have a lot of them to make before I have all my orders finished. Once I get these done I hope to concentrate more on making higher-end kangaroo whips for myself.

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Post by bluzharp »

winrichwhips wrote:Hmmmm...

If an 8 footer will look like a 4 footer in the hands of someone who is 6' 5", then accordingly a 10 footer will look like a 5 footer. So, he really needs a 20 footer to get the look of a 10 footer :wink:

I'd say have a look at www.purewhips.com. I have indeed stopped taking new orders for IOAB whips, though I still have a lot of them to make before I have all my orders finished. Once I get these done I hope to concentrate more on making higher-end kangaroo whips for myself.

For YOURSELF Adam??? I never thought of you as being selfish! Lol! :D
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

winrichwhips wrote: I have indeed stopped taking new orders for IOAB whips, though I still have a lot of them to make before I have all my orders finished. Once I get these done I hope to concentrate more on making higher-end kangaroo whips for myself.

Well, it's a shame considering how awesome those budget whips are, but a man needs to have himself some fun, right?

Besides, I have one already, so nyaa nyaaa! :twisted:
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Got to agree with that, a shame. But after - gosh, 4 years of making them, Adam? You did a great service for the community when there weren't any other economical options, so hat's off to you and best wishes with your roo whips! Image

So back to the point of the thread, if the guy who came up with the 'Indy-On-A-Budget' whip gives you a recommendation, I'd consider that *solid*. 8)
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Sad to hear that, Adam, but I understand. Just so you know, the IOAB prototype is still going strong. :wink:
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Post by BullWhipBorton »

Sorry to hear that Adam, Though I can understand wanting to get back to more challenging projects too. I have recommended your IOABs many times, they are they are very nice whips. Perhaps you would considered doing IOAB’s as an exclusive for Club Obi Wan members once you get caught up with your current orders?

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Post by scot2525 »

winrichwhips wrote:Hmmmm...

If an 8 footer will look like a 4 footer in the hands of someone who is 6' 5", then accordingly a 10 footer will look like a 5 footer. So, he really needs a 20 footer to get the look of a 10 footer :wink:

I'd say have a look at www.purewhips.com. I have indeed stopped taking new orders for IOAB whips, though I still have a lot of them to make before I have all my orders finished. Once I get these done I hope to concentrate more on making higher-end kangaroo whips for myself.

I can say that Gus at purewhips.com makes a fantatastic whip and with Adam and Lauren giving him endorsements you should seriously look to him for a whip. I strongly urge you also reconsider choosing an 8' whip over a 10' whip.
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

How about a discount for a fellow Adam? Like Henry Jones Jr, I too hate my name...
Its more then wanting to do a few practice cracks. I want to be able to show off with this thing whenever Im in costume. Maybe I should get an 8 footer. If the group says its a good idea, then maybe it is. I just wanted a ten footer because thats what he was mostly seen with in the movies. I know they used a 16 footer sometimes and that would be cool, I heard the longer the whip the harder it is to crack it.
Then theres the question, get new shoes, or get a whip...decisions decisons.
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Post by G8RBYTE »

Thank you Indiana Joyce for posting this thread.

As a beginner, I too have been looking for an affordable bullwhip. I took the expert advice tendered here and placed an order with Gus at Purewhips for an 8ft 12plait Indy.

As my Grandad used to say, "It's time to git crackin' boy!"
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

yeah im going to order an 8 footer from him shortly. dang bills!
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Post by Whipcrack »

Save your $ until you can afford something worth having. Wasting $20 on a cheap Mexican whip and then complaining about it is foolish.

If you buy a proper whip you will be able to crack it every day and it will last for years. What did you think you were getting for $20?

Sorry to sound like a responsible adult but you will be better off with a quality whip in the $200 range.

I would also recommend staying away from nylon, they don’t crack as well and do not have the feel of a natural whip.

Good luck!
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Post by rjallen70 »

I would also recommend staying away from nylon, they don’t crack as well
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Post by bigrex »

If you want a prop whip that isn't really made for cracking but is still a dead ringer for the movie whip you can always try Todd's latest offering for only $99. The others have already steered you right for a good full fledged whip.

http://www.toddscostumes.com/indy/whips ... p_whip.htm
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Post by Magno »

Whipcrack wrote:Save your $ until you can afford something worth having. Wasting $20 on a cheap Mexican whip and then complaining about it is foolish.

If you buy a proper whip you will be able to crack it every day and it will last for years. What did you think you were getting for $20?

Sorry to sound like a responsible adult but you will be better off with a quality whip in the $200 range.

I would also recommend staying away from nylon, they don’t crack as well and do not have the feel of a natural whip.

Good luck!
DO NOT try to tell this guy to stay away from nylon because it is inferior. Just because YOU don't like nylon does not mean that it is inferior. You are WAY out of line there.

And why the attitude towards the OP? He never once complained about and/or expressed any expectations about that 20 dollar whip, and you're making it seem like he's been whining about it for years.

I guess somebody's in a bad mood today.
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Post by Boggstandard »

Whipcrack is not the only one who might view the Nylon whip with a skeptical eye.

Are respondents no longer allowed to express an opinion on this forum?

I do agree that if one wants cheap and synthetic, they should go for it- just don't expect a silk purse from a sows ear.
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

The only reasons I dont want a nylon whip or a Todd's whip, is because I want screen accuracy, whip cracking, and I want to know its going to last a while. That is why Im going to go with Gus.
I went with the 20 dollar whip because I had just started and got my Indy together in 6 weeks.
And just to confirm that my Indy looks ok, my gear list is
Akubra Fed IV hat bashed LC style. Wested Jacket. Shirt from China. Dyed cocoa brown pants from LL Bean and the big and tall mans shop. Close enough shoes. Belt with leather keeper and brass buckle similar to LC. whip holder from JRZJoe(yeah I know everyones opinion about him.) Bag and strap from Todds costumes. Close enough shoes.
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Post by Magno »

Boggstandard wrote: Are respondents no longer allowed to express an opinion on this forum?
Uh, he wasn't expressing his opinion, he was expressing it as fact. That's what got me angry.

Don't try to make me the bad guy here...
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

Well being the starter of this thread, I appreciate everyones opinions and take them as such. Whether anyone believes what they are saying as fact, I still take it as an opinion and make up my own mind. But I will say that Im glad I didnt make a huge mistake and buy another crappy ebay whip, based on everyones opinion.
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Post by scot2525 »

Indiana Joyce wrote:The only reasons I dont want a nylon whip or a Todd's whip, is because I want screen accuracy, whip cracking, and I want to know its going to last a while. That is why Im going to go with Gus.
I went with the 20 dollar whip because I had just started and got my Indy together in 6 weeks.
And just to confirm that my Indy looks ok, my gear list is
Akubra Fed IV hat bashed LC style. Wested Jacket. Shirt from China. Dyed cocoa brown pants from LL Bean and the big and tall mans shop. Close enough shoes. Belt with leather keeper and brass buckle similar to LC. whip holder from JRZJoe(yeah I know everyones opinion about him.) Bag and strap from Todds costumes. Close enough shoes.
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Post by Zombie Jones »

I'm very pleased to read the positive comments about Gus Caicedo's whips. As this will be my first whip (I've never even touched one, let alone held one or tried to crack one) I didn't want to spend hundreds of dollars for one, but I also didn't want to throw my money away on a cheap costume eBay whip, so I ordered an 8' 8pl from Gus a little over five weeks ago. I haven't received it yet, but I can say Gus is very easy to deal with and we exchanged a few pleasant communications as he answered some questions I had regarding falls and crackers. Sounds like I chose wisely as well.
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