Thank you all!
I had mixed feelings about showing the "block". It's kind of like ending the tour of a newly remodled home with the dingy, unfinished basement.
Even so, I thought you guys should know what I used, and if it can help some of you get the same results, then good!
alphared6, here is the block/tub Rubbermaid thingy in comparison to the final shape of the crown.
So you can see, even though it starts of perfectly round, the hat will conform to your head. One advantage to putting a round oval hat on a regular oval head is the cool way it warps the brim. My head shape is regular oval, between sizes 7 1/4 and 7 1/8. My inspiration this time was this thread:
About half way down in the comments, Steve indicated that a re-block by him may not be likely in my lifetime

, so I decided I'd do it myself (again!).
binkmeisterRick, you may be right about the felt reacting differently on a thinner hat. This one has softend quite a bit over the years, but is fairly thick felt. I do think this would work just fine on a PB, or Federation, something with a good 6" tall crown. I tried it on my old Stetsons, and the problem wasn't that it wouldn't hold the shape, but that there wasn't enough crown to work with. My hat started off 6" tall, and very tapered, and ended up about 5 1/2" tall and untapered. You loose some crown height when you stretch the dome out.
The block I indend to make will likely be made of ash or oak, and will have a slightly rounded top, and mabey not a true stovepipe shape. Until then, this works for me!