Anyway, armed with RJAllen's tutorial over at the RPF, I set about the task of making this whip. This is the result. I present to you, "the Punisher":

I was aiming for an 8 footer, but it ended up just shy of 7½. It's lead loaded to give it some weight, and I took it out back to give it a few cracks when I finished it, and it does crack nicely. I did a couple of cattleman's cracks, overhead cracks, coachman's cracks and a slow figure eight, and nailed them all.
I bound the whip for about 2' along the thong from the handle-thong transition, like I would with a leather whip, and I pulled that nylon as tight as I could without breaking my fingers, in order to get a nice and tight plaiting. The last 6-8 inches before the fall hitch is plaited in checkerboard pattern, but the rest is done in cowtail (or whipmaker's) plait.
Now I will need to let my fingers and arms rest and recuperate. I don't normally name stuff I make, but I decided to name this whip "the Punisher" due to the punishment my poor fingers had to endure in order to make it.
