Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Mike, Indydawg
Thats cool. I bet you'll get your jacket before me though cause of the time difference. Yea, the tracking numbers are like a double edged sword. You want to know where it is but at the same time you end up contantly checking.weaponx24 wrote:I forgot to post yesterday that I too talked to Tony and he said my jacket will be here tomorrow (Thursday) as well. I am extremely excited! Only thing is Tony didnt give me a tracking number, he just said I'd have to be here to sign for it. No big deal, Im sure if I call him he'd be more then happy to give me it. I want to, but then again I dont, because then I'd be checking to see where its at every 5 minutes!
That's gotta be the next technological advancement - instead of you checking, it sends you a text message every time there's an update.Indiana Williams wrote:Thats cool. I bet you'll get your jacket before me though cause of the time difference. Yea, the tracking numbers are like a double edged sword. You want to know where it is but at the same time you end up contantly checking.weaponx24 wrote:I forgot to post yesterday that I too talked to Tony and he said my jacket will be here tomorrow (Thursday) as well. I am extremely excited! Only thing is Tony didnt give me a tracking number, he just said I'd have to be here to sign for it. No big deal, Im sure if I call him he'd be more then happy to give me it. I want to, but then again I dont, because then I'd be checking to see where its at every 5 minutes!
You definitely should. Just looking at the threads on the gear care forum is enough to send the message that pecards is for ALL your leather gear....well, except maybe sweatbands... :junior: -MSPR wrote:I don't have a problem with Pecards, I just think the jacket looked better before, no offense. I have Pecards, and the only thing I use it on is my Aldens. I don't use it on my jackets, and I don't think they need it. I have worn some leather jackets for years without any kind of leather conditioner, and never had a problem. JMO. I think your jacket looks fine, but I prefer the way it looked originally. Enjoy your Nowak jacket, I think he makes the best Indy jacket out there. Once again JMO.
and your whip handleMulceber wrote:You definitely should. Just looking at the threads on the gear care forum is enough to send the message that pecards is for ALL your leather gear....well, except maybe sweatbands... :junior: -MSPR wrote:I don't have a problem with Pecards, I just think the jacket looked better before, no offense. I have Pecards, and the only thing I use it on is my Aldens. I don't use it on my jackets, and I don't think they need it. I have worn some leather jackets for years without any kind of leather conditioner, and never had a problem. JMO. I think your jacket looks fine, but I prefer the way it looked originally. Enjoy your Nowak jacket, I think he makes the best Indy jacket out there. Once again JMO.
He did nothing to distress them at all?_ wrote:Hmmmm.... I asked Bernie. There was no "crew" and the jackets were not treated with anything. Bernie is his own crew. The jackets were used as Tony delivered them. I had an opportunity to see some of the jackets while shooting was happening at Universal, and they looked just like the jacket I took out of the bag when mine was delivered.Kaplan wrote:...but it is obvious to me that the Bernie Pollack's crew felt differently. The
Hey _,_ wrote: and they looked just like the jacket I took out of the bag when mine was delivered.
I did the high heat dryer thing because I am between a 42T and a 44R. So I generally buy a 44R and shrink it a bit. I did the same thing with my two G&B's minus even the pecards, and after over a year without any leather conditioner I couldn't be happier with them. So, I have done this three times and have yet to see any ill effects other than the shrinking that I had intended.Rundquist wrote: PS- The dryer on "heat" method is not recomended for those that want to keep the structual integrity of the leather fibers. The dryer with no heat is fine. At least Kaplan Pecarded it first before he put it through the ringer. I'd probaly lightly pecard it after as well. If the jacket feels dry then it should be done.
Thanks for looking, sir! I only asked because the front of the jacket looks darker to me than the back (since I was on the motorcycle it got wetter on the front than on the back which stayed virtually dry) and I did not recall that large a difference when I received it._ wrote:I think the rain may have "knocked-down" some of the predistressed finish and made it appear darker, but I did check against unexposed areas and the underlying pigment was fairly unchanged. JMO
And it was not more than mist/sprinkles. I grew up in Seattle, and there it would have been considered a partly sunny day...
lets see.....to do list......take out loan and buy remaining TN indy jackets.........ulldarborealis wrote:Joe
The jacket looks great, now I can't waite for Nov 6 to come fast enought.
When I phoned Tony last week and asked about ordering a jacket, that I would be down in Nov if he would be sold out by then he said NO.
I even asked if I could pay for it now and meet him in Nov to get mesured again he said NO that he would still have them.
So from now till Nov my fingers will be crossed that he does not sell them all.
Yeah, I agree that didn't make any sense. If I ordered my first jacket before the movie came out and was randomly assigned #107, how is that someone who order a month or two after me was able to get a double digit number? That is my only knock against Tony, which really is no big deal, just a head scratcher. Anyway, for my second jacket (knowing then that I could pick my own number) I went with #500.Don't Call Me Junior! wrote:Regarding the numbers, I have to admit I'm a little disappointed to find out some of the numbers that people who ordered way after me were able to get. I ordered before the movie came out. When it came to numbers he told me to pick a number and he would tell me if it was still available. So we weren't wasting too much time I came right out and asked if single and double digits were available. He told me that they were not available so I picked something higher. I'm a little sore about it but I'll eventually get over it.
I'll try beat Kaplan to the punch...Treadwell wrote:Reposting this questin for Kaplan.
Treadwell wrote: What did you treatment do to how the leather feels to the touch? Is it still "fuzzy"?
I'm sorry, I must have missed this one. The answer is, yes. It does loose its fuzziness. In fact after pecards the jacket surface feels like any ordinary non-distressed leather.Treadwell wrote:Reposting this questin for Kaplan.
Treadwell wrote: What did you treatment do to how the leather feels to the touch? Is it still "fuzzy"?
Kaplan and crismans, you guys are going to be the catalysts of a Nowak-Pecard revolution!crismans wrote:Well, you have to add me to the list of blasphemers who have Pecarded their Nowak. I had thought about it just because I wanted the added rain protection and I liked the darker color. I went light with it and it really didn't take out a ton of the distressing.
http://s350.photobucket.com/albums/q421 ... 140053.jpg
http://s350.photobucket.com/albums/q421 ... 140054.jpg
And after taken from my basement lair:
http://s350.photobucket.com/albums/q421 ... 260058.jpg
http://s350.photobucket.com/albums/q421 ... 260059.jpg
http://s350.photobucket.com/albums/q421 ... 260060.jpg
Comments are welcome but don't be too harsh!
Thanks very much. I really like how the jacket turned out. One time what I had in mind actually came to pass.Castor Dioscuri wrote:
Kaplan and crismans, you guys are going to be the catalysts of a Nowak-Pecard revolution!
Seriously though, that jacket looks absolutely killer. It actually achieves the impossible, and makes a Nowak jacket look BETTER! Looking at your photos, it's EXACTLY what I imagine an Indy jacket should look like!