Style verses Look

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Does a true fan copy his hero or just follow his example?

Poll ended at Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:09 am

Yes, immitation is the sincerest flattery
No, a true fan knows he cannot BE his hero, only model himself that hero's example
Total votes: 45

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Style verses Look

Post by enigmata_wood »

The Fedora Harrison Ford wears in each of the Indy films was chosen, [a] to have a distinctive silhouette, to make Mr Ford look his best. In THAT spirit maybe questing for an exact replica of his fedora is pointless. Not all hats look good on all people.
Why not find a fedora [and Indy inspired clothing] in a shape and colour that makes you look as good as Indy.
I'm sure Indy (if he existed) would prefer that 'each man hacked his own trail'.
That's what I did and my wife thinks it "looks sexy without being sadly geeky".
That's good enough for me!
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Post by Michaelson »

'Neither' should be added to the poll.

Some of us were wearing fedoras on a regular basis long before Indy ever hit the screen.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Done. 8)
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Post by kiltie »

I submitted a NO vote based on being only eight years old when Raiders came out ( so I can't say I've been wearing fedoras since before ). However, I got into the whole "hat thing" before my minor tic over indygear developed, so I've got a pretty wide variety of lids. The Indy is a great hobby type of hat, and I do drag it out for day to day wear on occaision, but if ( as often as not ) I'm wearing a fedora, it's usually an old Resistol Open Road style, Stetson, or my old Banana Republic safari hat ( from when that place was still cool :roll: ).
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re. neither option

Post by enigmata_wood »

I think the 'neither' option just weakens the results.
I was also wearing broad brimmed hats, including fedoras, before Raiders, when wearing a fedora was incredibly UN-cool.
That wasn't what this poll is about though.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Since you clarified what you are after, I removed the "neither" option.
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Post by enigmata_wood »

Completely off topic, how do I change [if possible] my status from 'field worker'. I am in real life an anthropologist specialising in North European Pagan occultism, surely that makes me at least a field researcher?!
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Post by enigmata_wood »

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Re: re. neither option

Post by Michaelson »

enigmata_wood wrote:I think the 'neither' option just weakens the results.
I was also wearing broad brimmed hats, including fedoras, before Raiders, when wearing a fedora was incredibly UN-cool.
That wasn't what this poll is about though.
Well, then, a lot of us won't be able to participate. Thanks for clarifying your question, as that's not how I read it .

I do not 'imitate' or 'model' myself after the character Indiana Jones. I do collect the gear as it reflects a lot of what I've been interested in all my life....and those interests pre-date Indy by a few decades.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Indiana G »

a YES vote from the stitch nazi camp. kind of an open ended question......YES, i want my fedora to look like the movie fedora down to the stitch and crease....but you will never get it exactly correct unless you hire the scientists on that cloned the sheep and steel THE hat from screen-used. :lol:

if you get down to the detail and accept that you cannot achieve that ideal, then you can be happy with the reaaaaalllly good "close 'nuff's" and have indy's adventure spirit instilled into your you said in the 'NO' justification.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

enigmata_wood wrote:Completely off topic, how do I change [if possible] my status from 'field worker'. I am in real life an anthropologist specialising in North European Pagan occultism, surely that makes me at least a field researcher?!
The title has nothing to do with what you are in real life, but with how long you've been posting. :wink:
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Post by jacksdad »

for me Indy pushed me further into getting a fedora but I always liked the look and thought men should go back to wearing hats, I'm a history major and I just think the style was better back in the early 20th century.Now a days we dress so sloppy. I voted yes,forgot to metion it the other day.
Last edited by jacksdad on Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by enigmata_wood »

I agree totally about sloppy dress. I really believe that a person's outer reflects their inner. people dress sloppy because they have been hoodwinked into believing it's a bad thing to be proud of onself or express one's individuality.
Even 'radical' dressers or ethnic groups are usually wearing just an alternative uniform (I know whereof I speak, many of my friends are pagans).
I prefer somewhere between, smart, manly and practical, and if I can do all three at once, excellent!
That's got to be one of the reasons the 30's period Indy exists in was so appealing to me.
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I'm in the "already wearing hats before Indy" category, but I can safely vote "No" as it pertains to my Indy gear hobby. Even though I want to emulate Indy's hat style, I prefer to filter that desire by prioritizing what is right for me over exact duplication. I'm lucky that most of Indy's hats would look good on me, and I like them. This is why I am rarely seen with the sharp Raiders razor pinch. I like the look, but not on me.
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Post by whipitgood »

I really like the style of the Indy Fedora. My father was very big on hats and owned a Brown Fur Felt fedora that looked just like Indy's. Unfortunately his head was the size of watermelon. I'm not very particular about precise measurement as I believe certain people just don't look right in certain styles. Let's face it, most of us look pretty funny in the gear anyway, but who cares. I'm new to this and I dig it. I'll definitely get some use out of my hat aside from dressing up for Halloween. If I could have a hat custom made to be more flattering to my features I would, but the Indy measurements seem pretty good. I guess I didn't really answer the question, but I say to each his own.
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Post by msrowe88 »

I said yes but eventually money comes in to play. :cry:
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Post by Zombie Jones »

I voted "yes", and here's why. The term "fan" is a shortened version of the word "fanatic". Since the American Heritage Dictionary defines fanatic as "A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause," a true fan would emulate his or her hero as closely as possible.

Personally, however, although I am a fan I do not consider myself to be a fanatic. I'm a "jeans and tee shirt" kind of guy, so between that manner of dress, my hair (which until recently was worn in a ponytail that hung half-way down my back), my goatee (or beard, as the mood strikes), and my tattoos, people often assume I'm a biker regardless of what I wear.

As such, the only hat I've worn on a semi-regular basis is my Fed IV. I've always liked fedoras and have wanted an "Indy" style fedora ever since seeing Raiders for the first time in 1981, but didn't feel they looked "right" on me. After seeing Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I finally decided to indulge this whim, which is when I got my Fed IV. The people whose opinions I've requested (those who would offer an honest opinion, I might add) have told me it looks good on me, so that's good enough for me, and I'm now looking for a "classic" style fedora to wear as an alternative. When cooler weather permits, I'll wear my Wested jacket as well. As for the rest of my "Indy" gear, it will be reserved for Halloween and special occasions only.
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Post by aza1701 »

I voted "No" because so many other people did and I couldn't handle the peer-pressure 8-[ :wink:
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Post by Indiana G »

aza1701 wrote:I voted "No" because so many other people did and I couldn't handle the peer-pressure 8-[ :wink:

at least you're honest :lol:
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Post by enigmata_wood »

Price is definitely an issue. I have ordered a Dorfman Pacific Licenced fedora off Amazon for that very reason for £30. I'll steam and give it an 'Indyesque' re-bash it, to suit me. If it's any good I'll post some before and after pictures to show you what can be done on a budget.
On that topic, one way to get a fairly cheap Indy jacket [or other rayment] might be to buy two similar wrong secondhand ones and use panels and patches from one to alter the other.
I saw just two such jackets in a charity shop for £20 ($40-ish) last week but frankly couldn't be bothered!
If anyone is following my post on making a crystal skull, I haven't abandoned that, it's just on ice while I do stuff like pretending to have a life!
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Post by Indiana Strones »

Michaelson wrote:
Some of us were wearing fedoras on a regular basis long before Indy ever hit the screen.
Eheh, yes, but 5 of 2466! :wink:
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Post by G-MANN »

Indiana Strones wrote:
Michaelson wrote:
Some of us were wearing fedoras on a regular basis long before Indy ever hit the screen.
Eheh, yes, but 5 of 2466! :wink:
Make that 6 of 2466.

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Post by Don't Call Me Junior! »

I answered no. I have lots of heroes - family members, friends, fictional book and movie characters, etc. I try to model myself off traits that I admire in many of them so I'm not trying to be exactly like any one of them - not even Indiana Jones! But as not all of my heroes have as excellent a taste in hats as Indy it is one of those things that I can use as a reminder to strive for excellence in these traits and still look great!
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Post by enigmata_wood »

I liked your comment about wearing The Hat [and I extend that to include any garment from any inspiration] as a self-reminder to strive to be more like your ideal.
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