quick SOC question

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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quick SOC question

Post by okayletsrock »

naturally im still tweaking my soc look, but one thing i cant quite figure out from the screenshots is if the center crease goes under the ribbon, cuz in some of the shots it looks like ti does, then in others it doesnt, i know its a lighting thing, but has anyone got any words of the wise for me?
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Yep.. You're right. On all counts. Sometimes it is the light, sometimes the pinch crease is just different. Heck, it's probably a couple of different hats entirely. They shot that scene for days!

Solution; Which way do you like it best?
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Post by okayletsrock »


i turned it to the point that the ribbon is right on my left eye like i noticed in some pictures.

obviously it doesnt have some dirt yet.
right now im more concerned about the pinch
i did sit on it to try and get that mushroom
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Aeris_Canon wrote:What's an SOC hat? Chewie, can you show us some shots of your SOC hat so we can get some better ideas of how to make one? Since the hat changes so much, in your opinion, what's the best way to get a good SOC hat look thing?
AC, are you messin' with me??? :lol:

For the uneducated, a SOC hat is a Streets of Cairo hat. I had Jimmy Pierce reblock a Federation III as a SoC, but the pictures are current MIA thanks to an emergency computerectomy back in March.

As for my opinion about the ever-changing nature of the hat; The Raiders hat was a very floppy and soft hat (most likely due to being distressed, rather than just being floppy right off the block). While the basics of the hat remain the same throughout the SoC scene, all that runnung and bumping and grabbing causes minor bash shifts in the hat.

Also, as we now know from the detailed reports on set of Indy IV, the prop guys don't always grab the same hat, even for a single scene. They probably had several that looked about the same for stuntmen and hero back-ups. And no two hand bashed hats can be exactly identical.

AC is also asking the best way to get the look. I have no idea. Except maybe, send it to AC. :lol: I see a mushroom reverse taper, and the best SoC hats I've seen on fans have been sat on (carefully). okayletsrock's brim captures much of the warp needed. That can also be achieved by having a long oval head in a round oval hat. Finally, I think the SoC pinch is the severest pinch in the movie, and should be at least down to the ribbon, and the dent on one side should be lower and deeper for that "channel" you see in the close ups.

Also, Canyon came up with this great zig-zag for the top center dent that you can see when the truck blows up. It helps the shape of the crown when viewed front he front.

Does that answer your question, Mr. Canon?
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Post by okayletsrock »

well i have one more lol, whats this zig zag?
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Post by Dutch_jones »

The Raiders hat was a very floppy and soft hat (most likely due to being distressed, rather than just being floppy right off the block)

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Post by gabrielle »

okayletsrock wrote:Image

i turned it to the point that the ribbon is right on my left eye like i noticed in some pictures.

obviously it doesnt have some dirt yet.
right now im more concerned about the pinch
i did sit on it to try and get that mushroom

The brim looks very nice!!! But the crown on the hat looks tapered to me, maybe it's just the angle? Do you have any more photos to share?
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Post by okayletsrock »

ya sure, , i only have a webcam and im staring at my monitor which is why i look cross eyed lol. so it may be the angle but im not really sure what justifies guess u can be the judge :arrow:



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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

okayletsrock wrote:well i have one more lol, whats this zig zag?
I don't have a screen shot of it. Just pop in Raiders and go to the end of the street chase. The truck flips and explodes, and you see Indy from behind. You can clearly see the top dent is not straight. Somebody must have a picture of it! Anyone???
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Dutch_jones wrote:
Something vexes thee?
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Post by Holt »

I take that its a Fed? right?

here is what I did to my Fed4 deluxe.

your crown looks a little tappered and unshaped to me...brim looks good,,,could use a little more abuse to soften it up...

see the difference between your and mine


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Post by McFly »

Holt, you'd better zip up that jacket before Canyon comes through here! :shock: And as always, that hat looks great!

Okayletsrock - I don't think you mentioned what kind of hat you have... what is it? Maybe if somebody else here has that hat, we can see how they did theirs and maybe what'll work nicely for your own!

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Post by okayletsrock »

its a JPD rabbit.

from your pic i can see where i need to fix the front pinch a little bit, but i really dont c this taper you guys are saying it has, but if you guys say it has it, then i may just have to get a reblock from JP and kindly ask canyon to syle it for me :wink:
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Post by WeeMadHamish »

It's just distortion; you're sitting too close to the camera. The second set of pictures look better.

The biggest problem, I think, is that the hat just looks too fresh. You're going to need to be willing to literally put your hat through the wringer if you want a top notch Cairo look.

Hey, Holt... did you order your regular hat size when you did your SoC? I'm almost of the opinion that you need to go a size larger and then cinch down the ribbon to get that slackish, not-quite-the-right size look. Your fit looks pretty good, though.
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Post by Holt »

hey weemad..yes I got one size bigger wich turned out to be a tad loose on my head...shrunk it a bit in the sides so I got that SOC style look.

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Post by Canyon »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:Also, Canyon came up with this great zig-zag for the top center dent that you can see when the truck blows up. It helps the shape of the crown when viewed front he front.
Chewie, thanks for the mention. :P :wink:
okayletsrock wrote:well i have one more lol, whats this zig zag?

This is the bash that I have emulated from Raiders...



...which can be seen here


McFly wrote:Holt, you'd better zip up that jacket before Canyon comes through here! :shock:
Haha! Very funny! :lol:

okayletsrock wrote:from your pic i can see where i need to fix the front pinch a little bit, but i really dont c this taper you guys are saying it has, but if you guys say it has it, then i may just have to get a reblock from JP and kindly ask canyon to syle it for me :wink:
Why, I would be honoured. :oops: :wink:
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Indiana Holt wrote:I take that its a Fed? right?

here is what I did to my Fed4 deluxe.

your crown looks a little tappered and unshaped to me...brim looks good,,,could use a little more abuse to soften it up...

see the difference between your and mine


Holt, that pretty much nails it! Way to go.
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Post by okayletsrock »

Aeris_Canon wrote:Which JPD rabbit? Pierce offers a couple versions to be chosen. If I recall, the Cury, you can still have a custom JPD made for $125.00. Which one is that and how much did you pay?

The Raven is also rabbit but not on the Cury.

This should help explain some differences:

"JPD Rabbit" doesn't correctly identify this hat if it's a Cury.
sorry about not clarifying, and its cury
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Post by okayletsrock »

well i actually purchased it from ragingblues over at indylounge
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Post by GCR »

okayletsrock wrote:well i actually purchased it from ragingblues over at indylounge
If that's the case, then I believe your hat was actually styled (creased, bashed, whatever) by Aeris-Canon himself. So I gotta ask, if that's the case, why ya messin' with it? :shock:
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Post by okayletsrock »

GCR wrote:
okayletsrock wrote:well i actually purchased it from ragingblues over at indylounge
If that's the case, then I believe your hat was actually styled (creased, bashed, whatever) by Aeris-Canon himself. So I gotta ask, if that's the case, why ya messin' with it? :shock:
omg i feel like my heart just sunk a little in my chest

if only i had known

/vader "no"

it just wasnt turned enough for my head shape :/

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Post by Kentucky Blues »

Don't worry he's not God. I don't think... Anywho, I'm sure he won't mind, and I honestly don't think he intends the bashes he puts into hats to be some kind of permanent untouchable... ya know, thing. It's perfectly acceptable to alter a hat he's touched (unless it's his), I've done worse things to indy hats that had some significance tied to a member. Just make sure you enjoy the hat :)

-KB :)

Edit: Ya See! He didn't mind! :lol:
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Post by GCR »

Uh...excuse me? Best step away from the keyboard and take a deep breath, Tony. You're absurd paranoia is showing. :roll:

As far as I can see, Okayletsrock's JPD looks pretty good considering the age. The pics I saw of it in the for sale ad at the IL looked good, too.

It was a legitimate question, AND one that was addressed to OKAYLETSROCK, I might add. Despite my having little regard for you or your agenda, I still have high respect for your bashing skills. Considering some folks spend extra dough sending their hats to you to bash, it just made curious that Okayletsrock would be fooling around with it in the first place, probably because he didn't know.

Anyways, keep your juvenile comments to yourself, nobody's trying to bait you here. Oh, and I'd keep the name-calling to a minimum, nobody likes an "internet toughguy". [-X
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Aeris_Canon wrote:
BTW, I know you like to speculate on things you don't actually know, but nobody's ever sent a hat to me for a bash.
Chris King wrote:
Up until Friday, I was displaying the awesome Christy's Adventurer which had been expertly styled by Aeris Canon. As much as I love that hat, this HJ takes its place by a hair.
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Post by GCR »

Aeris_Canon wrote:Hmm? You lurking over on that forum and just waiting to spring that answer? Really? You can't see the ploy?

Nothing for months and then this? LOL! Oh how you must have waited. ;)
You want to take a second (or longer, maybe you move your lips when you read) to go back and read my first post in here over again? You want to pinpoint where I said anything negative about you, or Jimmy or his hats that you obviously love so much? I'll wait. Go ahead, read it again and find it for me.
But yes, let's not get paranoid. What was your story about your JPD? Something happened to it?
I saw no reason to bring up what happened to my JPD, and I still don't. This thread (and my posts) wasn't about my old hat or what happened to it, it was about Okayletsrock's hat, and once he mentioned where he got it, I figured the poor guy didn't even know he had his hands on an "Indiana_Tone" original.
Well, it can be found on IL, I guess. Plenty of reading to see how this just made you curious. :lol: Like a woman scorned. You cute, pudgie-troublesome monkey. ;)
Can't resist, can ya? One of those types who think they're being funny, sitting in front of their computers on the other side of the country, causing trouble and calling names without having to worry about face-to-face consequences. How about this, how about you be a man for a change, Tony, and quit the name calling. Anybody can throw around names when they don't have to stand face to face with the other guy. (EDITED FOR LANGUAGE PLEASE REREAD THE RULES: viewtopic.php?t=28929)
nobody's ever sent a hat to me for a bash.
Okay, so some of my assumed details were off, but correct me if I'm wrong, Chris King did somehow acquire a Christy's Adventurer that you had attempted to bash into a passible Raiders fedora, right?

You really should speak to a professional about the paranoia, man...it's getting pretty bad. :roll:
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Okay, enough is enough. No use for foul language on either part, AC AND GCR. Move along.
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Post by okayletsrock »

whats an indiana tone ?
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Post by Indiana G »

that's AC's old call-sign.
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

okayletsrock wrote:whats an indiana tone ?
Beige. :lol:
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Post by Dutch_jones »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:
okayletsrock wrote:whats an indiana tone ?
Beige. :lol:
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Post by Mulceber »

authentic brown. :junior: -M
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Post by okayletsrock »

aeris is a guest? did he get banned or something? :?:
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Post by DR Ulloa »

Wow, I didn't notice that until you mentioned it, okayletsrock. I know the MODS here don't like to kiss and tell, but has Aeris been given the boot? I know ex-COW members aren't allowed to be spoken of no matter how big a presence they were on the forum, like Tony was.

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Aeris was first suspended because of his recent actions and behavior and then he asked to be removed from COW. Enough said. Move along.
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Post by DR Ulloa »

Thanks Bink.

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Post by DanielJones »

binkmeisterRick wrote:Aeris was first suspended because of his recent actions and behavior and then he asked to be removed from COW. Enough said. Move along.
So, renaming him "Sparkey" in any of his old posts is better behavior?


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Post by DR Ulloa »

DanielJones wrote:
binkmeisterRick wrote:Aeris was first suspended because of his recent actions and behavior and then he asked to be removed from COW. Enough said. Move along.
So, renaming him "Sparkey" in any of his old posts is better behavior?


Makes me think of Chevy Chase in Vacation.

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Post by okayletsrock »

DanielJones wrote:
binkmeisterRick wrote:Aeris was first suspended because of his recent actions and behavior and then he asked to be removed from COW. Enough said. Move along.
So, renaming him "Sparkey" in any of his old posts is better behavior?


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Post by carolinamike »

When did we get guest accounts? I remember having to join in order ask about what hat I should buy. In fact that's how I came to be a member of this community. Otherwise I would have just gotten my answer and then moved along. Instead I came home every day and checked to see if I'd been approved for membership yet. Sometimes several times a day.
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

carolinamike wrote:When did we get guest accounts?
A "guest" is actually a terminated membership to call it anything. They are posts of former members who were either banned or left of their own accord. In the past, the Staff had "deleted" their account, which turned "off" their profile, PM's, personal info, etc, but retained their posts and labeled them as "guest." We're currently under discussion in the back rooms if posts as well should be removed. This however may "fracture" existing threads and such with missing information. So it's an ongoing discussion.

I now return this post to it's regulary scheduled topic.
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Post by Indiana G »

MJ, you could have picked a better name though........that's the name of my dog which is in my avatar. now i've got to deal with further ambiguities in my cognitive day to day....time for my meds.
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