From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Well, just got my first bullwhip. An 8 foot Joe Strain. I'm a total newbie, but am having some fun with it. Trying the basic cracks... I think maybe I got a mini crack out of it a couple o' times... (does that make sense?)
Anyways, after only about 20 minutes of use, there are some green grass stains on the fall. Should I worry? Should I try to clean it? Geez, I just stained my $450 whip.
Paul Nolan suggested to me to take a wrap, after you have applied Pecards and squeeze hard and pull down the fall and some will come off.
I tried it, yes it DOES get some off, but we ARE talking about a very pourous WHITE leather.... so its going to get dirty no matter what...
Not only is my fall stained, but a good five or six inches of the whip itself! I've tried cleaning it off, but not much would budge, and it just stains again when I use it.
Grass stains aren’t really anything to worry about. If you wipe the fall down really well with a soft cloth or even paper towel, you can get bulk of the stain off. You can use a little leather dressing to help too. One of the down falls of white hide, is once you start using it you aren’t ever going to be able to get it as clean or as white as it was when it was new. Just keep the whip clean and properly conditioned and it will be fine.
When this happens it is not a big deal but you can also use some saddle soap and a sponge and clean it off, I have used this method in the past and it seems to really help.