Found an Indy Jacket at a Military Supply Store

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Found an Indy Jacket at a Military Supply Store

Post by DocIndyJones »

I was in this Millitary Supply store across the street from the Milwaukee Public Library (Great Library in Downtown Milwaukee... it's an old converted museum...that's where I work on my grail diary most of the time)

Anyway I was in the store pricing web belts and such when I saw it...It was brown distressed leather... had flap pockets in the front with handwarmers(the slits), the strips on the shoulders (don't know what there called) the only big problem was that the wrist where elastic but I can fix that, I'll remover the elastic and then use the sewing machine to sew the sleaves together. They wanted $125.00 which isn't too bad. They only had a medium there which I could have worn but I'd like alittle more space so I asked for a large and the guy said he could get it in like 5 days.

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Post by Renderking Fisk »

How about some pics.
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Post by Michaelson »

Sounds like an A-2 jacket to me. That's what I started out with, found in a surplus store, but for $75. Times and prices change. Good jacket to start with. (I took the elastic out of my sleeves too! :wink: ) Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Rixter »


I remember that library from not too long ago while taking some classes at MU one semester. I also used to spend a lot of time at the Milwaukee County Courthouse across the way, eh, jury duty and such. ;) I also recall they had a number of military surplus stores scattered all around town, I don’t recall that one though. They also had ONE good hat store a bit down from the Milwaukee Area Technical College, across from the Milwaukee Journal Newspaper building, on 3rd Street, but I’d be surprised if it was still there.

BTW: Don’t forget to visit the Museum, kitty corner from the Library, the last time I was there it was considered one of the finest in the country along with having a world class Zoo on the other side of town.
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Post by Bushman »

I taught at MU for a time. Your remarks about the Library and Courthouse bring back a number of memories! I recall a good military surplus store on West Wisconsin Avenue, but it was not across from the Courthouse. It was a few blocks east (towards the lake).

I also remember walking down West Wisconsin Avenue early one morning, around the corner from my digs, and having to step over a chalk outline on the sidewalk. Small wonder my colleagues always said, "You live where???!!!" :shock:

Dr. Bushman :wink:
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Post by Rundquist »

For that much money you should think about a Wested which wouldn’t be that much more. I think that you’d be better off myself rather than to try and change a jacket. Cheers
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Post by Kentucky Blues »

I think I may have to disagree with you there, Rundquist. Shipped, the wested is more than twice the price of the jacket this guy's getting.
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Post by Rundquist »

Dakota Brown wrote:I think I may have to disagree with you there, Rundquist. Shipped, the wested is more than twice the price of the jacket this guy's getting.
If you factor in the jacket upgrade which I would wager will eventually happen, it will be like having wasted $125. Cheers
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Post by Kentucky Blues »

Well, you never know how long it's gonna be for him to upgrade. it took me about 9 months after I bought my first jacket for $100 before I bought my new jacket for $160. Basically, it all comes down to when he wants the jacket, and how much he's willing to pay in the long run. Well, part of the long run.
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Post by Michaelson »

Humm, adding to that argument, Dakota, it took me 12 years to upgrade from my A-2 to a Wested, so it's all in where you are in the hobby at the time, I suppose. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Fedora »

OK, a bit off topic, but.....I spent many hours at that same library in, uh, 1971-72. :shock: I also practically lived at the Museum that is fairly close by if I recall correctly. Up on the 3rd or 4th floor of the museum, they had these 2 African drums. I used to beat on these things, and you could hear them all the way in the basement, a watering hole in those days. I used to wander down Wisconsin Ave. and end up at the War Memorial by the lake. Used to be this torch that burned all the time there in honor of the dead. Thanks, this has brought back many youthful memories of my time in Milwaukee. Back it those days, on the East Side, on Brady St, was where the hippees hung out. Quite colorful for a farm boy from Mississippi. :wink: Back in those days, I would wander up and down Wis. Ave. at all hours of the day and night and and it safe to do so. I doubt that it would be that way now. And all of the free concerts by the Lake, and Summerfest...... regards, Fedora
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Leather Jacket

Post by DocIndyJones »

Quickly on the jacket topic... the reason it's really appealing to me is that I can get it NOW and don't have to wait for shipping. And unlike some people on this board and don't take offence to this because I'm not trying to be offensive to anyone, I really not a stickler for screen accurate this...and this is the maker of the orginal long as it looks pretty close I'm happy. Now when I say close I mean, it has to have the flap pockets in the front, leather collar, brown leather, but if it doesn't have the proper buckles or the zipper is wrong that's fine with me, so this jacket will do all right and I'm sure I'll be very happy with it. When I finally get it I'll post pics.

Now..."Fedora" as far as downtown Milwaukee is concerned... it still very safe place to walk around at anytime of the day or night. I grew up outside Chicago and use to go downtown all the time and I look at Milwaukee as Chicago's little kinda has the same feel but I do for sure feel safer here then in Chicago. And if your ever planning on visiting again let me know and maybe we could meet for lunch or something.

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Post by Michaelson »

I've said it before, and I'll say it my opinion, it makes absolutely NO difference what you have or don't have in gear, that's not the intent of our hobby. Our hobby is to 'celebrate' the spirit of the character, Indiana Jones, and if you decide to wear an Optimo and Flightsuits jacket, or a Dorfman wool fedora and a Carhart jacket, you're as much a member of the fellowship as the next person, and I'm proud to be in there with you. No need to give us reasons...if you like it, it works for me. High regards, and try and post pictures once you get it. High regards. Michaelson
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Post by Lao Feng »

Yes indeed, Michaelson...It's the "spirit" of the character that counts, and perhaps a hope in all of us that there are still adventures out there even in this digital age that brings us together in this forum.
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Post by Farnham54 »

Indeed, Michealson, I agree 100%. It is not the bash of the HoJo, it isn't the Gusetts of the Wested, and it isn't the Braiding of the Bullwhip, it's the spirit of adventure, discovery, and at the same time morality that Indiana Jones represents.

Embracing the spirit of the character is what is definatley important to me, anyway.


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Post by Fedora »

You know, what I really miss? I miss all of those years that I scrounged for Indyesque gear, prior to the internet. Sometimes the journey is better than the destination. Now that I finally have most everything that I always wanted, there is an emptiness. Or perhaps it is just part of my mid life crisis. :P I just know that over the years the search for Indy articles has brought much satisfaction. Sure, they were not always accurate, but that's part of the journey. It has been a blast. Fedora
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Post by Michaelson »

Not me, my friend. When living in backwater Ohio, I was lucky to find one paperback copy of Raiders when the movie came out, and other than that, the only other 'real' Indy item was located 60 miles away in Huntington, W.Va. Period. I wouldn't relive those days for that reason, though have to admit the finding of an item back then was MUCH more exciting than finding one now, as now it's just a matter of dickering for price. Back then, it was finding the dang thing in the first place, THEN we discussed price! But we digress..... :wink: High regards. Michaelson
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Re: Leather Jacket

Post by Rundquist »

DocIndyJones wrote:Quickly on the jacket topic... the reason it's really appealing to me is that I can get it NOW and don't have to wait for shipping. And unlike some people on this board and don't take offence to this because I'm not trying to be offensive to anyone, I really not a stickler for screen accurate this...and this is the maker of the orginal long as it looks pretty close I'm happy. Now when I say close I mean, it has to have the flap pockets in the front, leather collar, brown leather, but if it doesn't have the proper buckles or the zipper is wrong that's fine with me, so this jacket will do all right and I'm sure I'll be very happy with it. When I finally get it I'll post pics.


Of course it only matters if you like what you buy. You’re going to be wearing it after all. I just thought that I’d interject an opinion that you might not have thought of. Happy hunting :). Cheers
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Post by Rixter »

I recently made an acquisition of what the seller called a “Howard Hughes” jacket last week. Now I didn’t exactly know what that was at the time, although I have seen pictures of the jacket Huges wears at that time at the controls of the "Spruce Goose," but it is a beautiful distressed leather and has that early rugged, bombers look to it, and although not an Indy jacket, I couldn’t be more pleased.
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