What's the best "cheap" fedora to get?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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What's the best "cheap" fedora to get?

Post by JC1972 »

I have only a Dorfman Pacific and would like to upgrade. I don't wear the fedora that much so I probably could just stick with my DP. But I'd like to get a hat to be proud wearing. I know there's Christy's & Fed IV at $100, Fed IV Deluxe at about $150, Lee Keppler at $140 I think & Camptown at $175. Out of those, what would be the best hat to get? Is the Fed IV Deluxe that much better than the reg. Fed IV? Plus also being in FL, I may need a hat for that kind of climate, if there's one better than another for such a need. I appreciate everyone's input. Thanks!
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Post by Dalexs »

You cannot go wrong with any of the Akubra Federations, especially for the price.

The Feds are probably the lightest weight out of all of those (good for the hot Florida climate!) but still a tough as nails hat.

You could always look around Ebay for a Stetson of some sort and have it reblocked/rebuilt. You can usually get decent rabbit blends for a steal.
Last edited by Dalexs on Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Not Too Far From You

Post by basilbakerst »


I'm not too far from you here in Florida. I live in New Smyrna Beach and work in Orlando (actually Maitland, but the company has an Orlando mailing address). Based on what I've read on the forum, I'm going with a Fed IV standard. I also only own a DP wool fedora, but it's not very conducive to wearing in the hot Florida sun. I've seen what some of the people have done with the Fed IV standard in various posts, and the hats are quite impressive. There's one CS bash (Indiana Holt's on the "my CS hat" thread) that is spot on. I hope to be ordering mine soon so I'll let you know how it wears in our sweltering, humid home. Cheers.

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Post by Indiana Green »

Just in case you haven't ordered your Fed yet, I thought I'd chime in to tell you that I just ordered a Jimmy Pierce custom and he has rabbit felts for $125 and $160, I believe. The $160 is what is on his website and I believe that's the better quality rabbit felt but if you ask he probably still has the $125 rabbit. They're custom made, not factory, and I've heard nothing but good things about Jimmy's work!
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Post by Kokomo Jones »

webhead73 wrote:" . . . I say go for a Camptown. If you are on a budget, the Camptown Legend is as close to an Adventurebilt as you can get. There is nothing "cheap" about his hats or service."
I'll second that!

Plus, the felt is a beaver/rabbit blend and anytime you can get beaver (whether 10% or 100%), you are getting your money's worth.
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Most of the choices you've listed are probably about the same in terms of how warm they are, except maybe the Christy's. I have never seen one in person, but I hear they are similar to the Herbert Johnson felt, and that's the lightest Indy hat I own.

However, I find taking the liner out of a hat can do wonders for comfort in warmer climate. I can say honestly, from experience, that the Federations, the Kepplers, and the JPD's are high quality hats you can wear proudly. The others I've never owned, so I can't say.
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Post by JC1972 »

I see Miller has their own hat and one by Dorfman Pacific that's exclusive. Which is better? I'm probably leaning to a reg. Fed IV. but I may go for the Camptown.
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

A Miller would be about the same as a Dorfman, but a step or two down from an Akubra... in terms of quality. However, the Miller does look nicer than the DP.
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