How many people call your bag a "man purse"?

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How many people call your bag a "man purse"?

Post by Indiana Joyce »

I carry my bag all the time. Especially right now as it holds all the material i need to keep working on my Grail Diary. But its ok for skateboarders to carry canvas bags, and hikers to have bags strapped to them, but Im carrying a man purse?

you have no idea how much i want to learn how to use my whip, carry it with me, and beat the #### out of people.
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Post by McFly »

Nobody calls it a man purse when I have it on, except my mom, because she knows it bugs me. Don't let it get to you, man. They're just jealous of your wicked cool gas mask bag. :wink:

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Post by Indiana Joyce »

Well as mentioned by another fellow New England Indy, new england is not a very friendly place, so i think that has something to do with it.

Kinda having an identity crisis right now...I got my gear together and I love it so much I wear at least one article every day. But, I get made fun of nonstop.
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Post by wearp »

This past Saturday I attended Annie Oakley Days in Greeneville, Ohio. There were a number of other COW members there as there is alot of whip cracking at this event. I had dressed in my Indy outfit and was whip cracking with the other participants. Meanwhile, my daughter, who was watching from the stands struck up a conversation with a little girl who was in the stands with her. My daughter told me later that, during the course of their conversation, the little girl pointed me out and said, " that man looks just like Indiana Jones. He's got the hat and purse, and everything". I had to laugh when I heard that. What else would a little girl describe it as, but a purse.

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Post by Wade Egan »

no one has ever called mine anything other than a bag.

of course, I am six feet five and a little rough looking. :twisted:

i've sold two of my Magnoli bags right off my shoulder to girls who want it for a purse. just proves it to be a great piece of all around gear for everybody. people who make fun of other people are just jealous of their individuality. screw 'em.

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Post by d_jedi1 »

My wife calls it a "man Purse" but mainly because she knows that it annoys me...
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Post by Alex »

Last edited by Alex on Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Hmm...can't bring myself to type in that whole story again just a couple days later, so here's a cross-link to another bag thread...about when I was wearing it at a govt conf and an AF Lt called it a purse...and the unexpected result... ;) ... ht=#458789
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Post by Indiana Williams »

I always get sideways looks or comments about my bag, same with the fedora. but honestly I know its not a purse so I just let them be close minded and go about my buisness. Thats a great story, Jerry. when I was still stationed at Pendleton I had a Lt.Colonel I worked for get a kick out of my MkVII. It was a similar situation like what happened to you. a junior officer made a comment about my "purse" and the Colonel corrected him. Good times.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Wait, you were at Pendleton and you're showing your 20 in WGS84 format? Oh, wait, that's right, Marines. I forget, it's the infantry that's still stuck on UTM. ;)

It rarely ever happens here, but if someone calls it a purse I tell them I can get them one, too. Most of them actually ask me where, and I get to tell them 'Soldier Of Fortune, go look it up.' ;)
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Post by unerhij »

Over here in the UK I have it reffered to as a MAN BAG which isnt actually as bad as being called a purse. If I was you I would correct people telling them its your man bag form now on..
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Post by SpeedRcrX »

It's funny to read this, because in France a lot of men wear "purse" and it's not a big deal at all. For us, it's just a bag.

When I was in Japan even more men wore purse and like us it's a bag. (it was fashion)
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Post by Jonathan Jones »

I think the term "man-purse" is funny and endearing, so that's what I call my bag when I wear it, ("Hang on, my wallet's in my man-purse.") It always gets a chuckle. If someone else calls it a man-purse I just say "Yep" and go on. I like myself too much these days to wreck my mood worrying about what someone else may be thinking.

My Best,

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Post by DR Ulloa »

Same here. My Fiance and sister call it my murse, or man-purse all the time. They do it to bother me, but now its just become a running joke. I'll refer to it as my man-purse as well...I just have fun with it.

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Post by rick5150 »

The United States seems to be more sensitive to men wearing bags. I have seen a lot of yuppies in the big cities wearing shoulder bags and I think that they look goofy in that context. To me, in this situation, a briefcase looks ‘normal’ for a man. Or even a hand-held bag. Only my opinion, of course as most people must think they look smashing carrying a shoulder bag.

The appeal of the MKVII, in my opinion (other than the Indy connection) is that it is a soldier's bag - and how much more masculine can you get than a soldier? But the Indy fan walking around the streets wearing a big hat, leather jacket and a shoulder bag - it is not necessarily looked at as being the epitome of masculinity. Men just don't wear shoulder bags as much as women in the US. Or if they do, they should prepare for the snickers. Like it or not, that is just the way it is.

Let’s determine the boundaries. If that same exact MK VII bad went through the wash and came out pink, would you wear it in public? So, is it the bag, or the color making you uneasy? The bag has the same functionality as it did when it was olive drab, so if you think you are just carrying it because it is useful, think again. Bags are more associated with females in the US. We cannot just demand that everyone accepts that we are carrying bags just because that is what we want, and expect it to happen.
Alex wrote:Its kinda weird at first but the manly leather strap and the large chrome buckle keeps it from being too girlie.

Yes, girls rarely have leather straps and buckles on their purses. :P

I may be mistaken, but at least one of the bag strap manufacturers here was touting that the strap was made from the same type of leather used for women’s purses. It was supposed to imply that it was comfortable and made for that type of application, I think.
Indiana Joyce wrote:But its ok for skateboarders to carry canvas bags, and hikers to have bags strapped to them, but I'm carrying a man purse?
As an avid hiker, I think that the fact that you are carrying things in your backpacks that relate to your very survival are deterrents from any emasculating name-calling. Food, water, shelter, protection from the elements, etc. Think about this for a minute: When you are out hiking in the woods, who is going to make fun of you for carrying a backpack? Other people carrying backpacks? It is required gear. I cannot speak for the skateboarders though.

I have trouble accepting the mindset that seems to be more popular here lately. If you dress in a manner that attracts attention because it is different than the way other people dress, why are you surprised when people goof on you?

Then how do most of us react to being insulted? We make fun of the way that the folks that insulted us look and say they are jealous and whatever. They are not jealous, believe me. In the way that I find the yuppies in the city looking goofy, others look at us Indy fans the same way. Add to that, the fact that we are emulating a fictional character in public and you have a smorgasbord of things to make fun of.

In my case, men did not wear shoulder bags when I was growing up so it looks odd to see that now. It takes time to change a fashion, and maybe we are on the cutting edge and have to ride out the insults. More than likely, we are on a fashion tangent somewhere that will not gain much popularity – or not enough to make a difference anyways.

If you want to carry the bag, feel free. Just be ready for the insults; but still feel comfortable while wearing it.
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What's a Fella to do?

Post by YARVTON »

If you don't have many pockets, where do you put your stuff? Old-fashioned sportcoats have lots of pockets. So does a Safari Jacket. But if you walk around in T-shirts and jeans, or shorts, you need a bag for sunglasses, phone, camera, excess keys, pills, nosespray, magazine or book, perhaps even wallet... No matter how "fashionable" or "acceptable" it may be at present, the business suit with baseball cap & backpack is both ridiculous and impractical. And the Fedora with bag certainly works better and is far more stylish. Only if you value the opinion of the Dumb and the Sloppy will you have any real problem.
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Post by Indiana G »

How many people call your bag a "man purse"?
just one so he's a mkvii bag........

"it puts the lotion on or it gets the hose again........"

:shock: :evil: :wink:
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Post by nicktheguy »

There are people out there who will always bug guys with bags - I wouldn't worry about it. The main reason some guys don't have "Murses" or Man Bags is that the necessity of the cargo pant has kept them from using them. If cargo pants dropped out of fashion then you'd see a heck of a lot more guys with bags. In Europe you see a lot of that.
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Post by SpeedRcrX »

rick5150 wrote: Yes, girls rarely have leather straps and buckles on their purses. :P

:oops: All my bags are with leather straps and buckles..... :oops:
rick5150 wrote:The United States seems to be more sensitive to men wearing bags.
Well, in countries I visited (mostly Europe) it's a common thing for men to have a bag especially the young ones like this one :


Edit : Some people told me I have a man bag :wink:
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Post by scot2525 »

My dad called it a "man purse" when he saw it for the first time a few weeks ago.
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Post by Harris Steele »

I like the shoulder bag in general but I have a costume version of the MK VII and besides that I think the MK VII outside of an Indy gear look or costume does come off a little purse-like despite it being a military bag. I think it's the size of both the bag and thinness of strap personally. Again this is just my opinion on the aesthetics of the bag.

I found several other shoulder type bags both military and "military styled" men's bags that had a feel similar to the Indy shoulder bag but were larger, more like a "bag" less like a purse, in the modern sense of the word. I posted pics of one that I bought in a previous thread. With that bag's size it just does not say "purse" to the casual observer. But I speak from the point of view of someone used to seeing shoulder bags on guys, mostly guys in their mid twenties, early thirties and younger though. Also more common on newer TV shows to see these bags on guys.
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"man-purse" oh, no!

Post by YARVTON »

There's always a pro camera bag. Won't be called a purse, even if you use it as one.
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Post by JimL »

I call mine a "Murse" The gay girls get a kick out of it (They usually don't carry a bag at all). "Did you say Purse?!?"

Anyway, I was in Atlanta this past weekend, and I carried it about 99% of the time. Rain was a threat all weekend, and I had a small umbrella along with a spare camera battery and other stuff in there- too big for even cargo pant pockets.

The strap on there now is a 1" wide nylon strap I had from my night vision monocular case. I clipped it on (the stock strap is way too short for me) and I did not get a second look. I have a couple leather straps now, but those are in CT and I'm in NY...

I'll use my bag, Murse or whatever you want to call it whenever I feel the need. I'll wear my jacket too- if I feel the need. I don't care what others think- never had, never will. I do pay attention to fashion (not so much fad) and keep myself well groomed. I suppose if I dressed like the rest of humanity (for the most part that is) I might be more self-conches as my pants were down below my butt...

I mean honestly, how am I supposed to run from the cops with my pants like that? :wink:
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Post by Vaderbreath »

When I had one of my high school kids call it a man-purse the other day, I angrily (only as a joke) said, "It is not a's just a purse!" Then I told her that it was a british gas mask bag. Then she thought it was really cool.

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Post by JimL »

I find that a simple glare is often enough to keep the comments at bay... :D
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Post by nicktheguy »

At the end of the day, who really cares what people say about our murses, man bags, man purses, or cool bags? We know what we've got, what we use, and too bad for them for not being any wiser. The bags are practical and cool.
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Post by jacksdad »

My wife called it at first my purse, but now she doesn't care, besides I carry alot of stuff, you look foolish with your pockets stuffed. I use it for work and carry pop, tools and meds that I need daily in it, can't carry all of that in your pants pocket or your jacket during the winter. I'm to the point I really don't care what people think, besides I was downtown Tuesday and saw alot of men carriying messenger bags and other kinds, so whynot a cool gas mask bag. I like it and it's one of the best and most practical purchases I have done in awhile.
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Post by Harris Steele »

Because of this thread my wife now calls my larger shoulder bag that I have talked about here a man purse just to razz me. So it goes to show you that regardless if it's a gas mask bag, a messenger bag or another military bag, it can still be called a purse. So like others have said on this thread, we just have to not care about what they are referred to as and just enjoy their usefulness regardless.
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Post by PyramidBlaster »

How many people call your bag a "man purse"?
None that have lived. :wink:
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a simple glare...

Post by YARVTON »

A crack o' the whip wouldn't hurt.
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Post by Rabittooth »

It's always been "ManBag" here in this household. Pretty sure my Wife named it. Fine by me. S'what it is!


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The "ManBag"

Post by YARVTON »

Coming soon in a variety of masculine fabrics and manly colors. It's a marketing concept long overdue.
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Post by theinterchange »

Well, I feel, that it being worn over your head and across for the most part doesn't make it look purse like. If it was worn over one shoulder like women carry purses, yeah I can see it being termed as such. I wouldn't call it a purse.

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Post by Renderking Fisk »

How many people call your bag a "man purse"?
Only my wife and my mother.
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Post by JimL »

"My Grandmother hung me on a hook once... Once." :lol:

Any Johnny Dangerously fans in here? He wore a Fedors too didn't he? (I havent seen it in a while).

"It's an 88 magnum. It shoots through schools."

Man that was a great movie...
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Post by Cassidy »

J!m wrote:"My Grandmother hung me on a hook once... Once." :lol:

Any Johnny Dangerously fans in here? He wore a Fedors too didn't he? (I havent seen it in a while).

"It's an 88 magnum. It shoots through schools."

Man that was a great movie...
If a woman calls your adventuring satchel a purse, remember one thing.

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Can you blame them? :lol:
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Post by Michaelson »

Dames are put on this earth to weaken us, drain our energy...laugh at us when they see us naked.
Well, the one I'm married to is going to help me cut grass this afternoon, so if the above makes her happy, so be it. :lol:

Regard! Michaelson
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Post by rick5150 »

J!m wrote:Any Johnny Dangerously fans in here? He wore a Fedora too didn't he? (I havent seen it in a while).


Chorus Girl: I'm not wearing a bra, Johnny.
Johnny Dangerously: Yeah? Well that makes two of us.

Under-rated Keaton movie for sure.
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Post by JimL »

"It'll be good to see Mom spit again..."

I'm going to have to watch that again- maybe tonight!
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Post by mooniteman »

Honestly I take my bag with me everywhere - I don't even think about it - it really never crosses my mind to be embarrassed

-BUT if anyone ever has something not so nice to say about me and my MKVII I'll be sure to thank them for noticing me - where as they just blend in with the crowd.
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Post by Mustafa »

I have been wearing my magnoli now for a couple of days and gotten some "looks". I live in a very conservative area where a guy wearing a backpack is seen as unuasual. I am prepared for any remarks least I can keep all my stuff organized!
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Post by IndyJango »

I use mine mostly on the weekends when we are traveling. Holds whatever I need for the day. Even works great to carry both video camera and digital on vacation trips. Probably the best and most useful prop I have ever bought.

As for the people that think it's a purse, I think there is only one thing to say.......

"You fargin icehole"
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Post by JimL »

Oh, yeah...

"You have wiolated my fargin rights!"
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Post by DVD Connoisseur »

Here in the UK, "man bags" are common-place. On my daily commute, I'd say 50% of young men carry some sort of satchel with their work / packed lunch / MP3 player / laptop, etc. inside. An Indy bag would be unlikely to raise any eyebrows - it's a very practical item.

I haven't purchased an Indy bag yet but I use my Jack Bauer-style bag and my "I Am Legend" Belstaff without a second thought.
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Post by conceited_ape »

This topic comes up pretty much annually. The one thing that continues to surprise is the fact that some people actually let this bug them! Seriously, why care? You know it's gonna happen. It's the predictability of people. You can't crusade against ignorance (you're vastly outnumbered anyway :lol: ) so just go about your day. Apes will be apes... I should know. :wink:
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