new link for Raiders bash?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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new link for Raiders bash?

Post by Jehster »

Hi everyone:

I've finally got my first Indy fedora on its way (a Fed IV in the dark brown.) For some time, I've had this link bookmarked:

to help once I finally got a hat ... but now that link isn't working. And neither are the links that are in the sticky "Fedora FAQs and Links."

Can anybody help with a new link? Or do you have the old page saved to a disc, and could you send me that?

Many thanks in advance. And I'm certainly hoping that bashing a hat is as easy as so many folks here say it is! (Although I wonder how many tries it'll take to get it as good as Aeris Canon's??)


Last edited by Jehster on Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by tucolino »

hi there,Jehster.

i got mine today and been playing with it all day,shaping here and there...
you gonna love it,incredible hat.

anyway,don´t know if this one is the same tutorial,as i didn´t had the old link,but one forum member post this one and i copied the link: ... torial.htm

hope it help you

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Post by Jehster »

Hi Tucolino:

Thank you for that link -- it's formatted slightly differently, but it is indeed the same info.

But also, ...

Hi Aeris_Canon:

I didn't know all the history of that tutorial, but I take it from your response that it was yours? And from a while ago, and you no longer practice all those particulars? The only reason I brought your name up in the first place is that you've got the best and most consistent bashes I've seen, not because I thought you'd originally put that together!

If I've got that right, do you have any other tutorials or suggestions -- either your own, or by someone else that you think are valuable? I'd love to have your help and input, as I've never bashed a hat before, and I'm a bit nervous ... particularly as I've read conflicting information about the Fed IV's (not that it's a bad hat by any means. But some folks think it's super easy to get a good look out of it, while others say that its very durability in inclement weather makes it challenging to shape.)

Thanks for your help,

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Post by Holt »

just work it everything you can with it...use hours on it like I did...

then it may start looking something like this...
I did not use 1 tutorial..just alot of reference photos from raiders..

its a fed4 deluxe


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Post by tucolino »

yep your tutorial is still an incredible place for newbies about fedoras hat bashing, like me!!
it puts you in the right cordinates for bashing the hat,and that´s something it helps, and i appreciate a lot,also for learning.
best regards
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Post by Dalexs »

Aeris_Canon wrote:With a focus on results for an accurate Raiders hat I'm not hosting that particular tutorial any longer.

Dalexs, I did not realize this was linked from the FAQ page in addition to my page being copied and repasted as their own by some other indy info forum.

Thank you for linking instead, though.

Although I'm no longer using it, did you want those files for a generic indy type hat tutorial to host here directly on Indygear? It's still helpful for some it seems.
I just sent you a pm about it.
It would be nice to maintain a copy of it somewhere.
But I think we need to actually ask the original owner of the tutorial for permission to use it in it's entirety. Because I do think it is a valuable asset.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

AC, would you be willing to recreate the tutorial if needed? (That's assuming we can't use the original.)
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Post by Jehster »

Thanks for the encouragement and photos, Holt. That looks great, as does your CS bash in the other thread. Are they the same hat? Is it that easy to switch bashes around?

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Post by Ken-Obi Wanabi »

That is a great tutorial! I'm still working with my fairly new AB. It looks better, but it still doesn't look right. I'll give this tutorial a try this weekend.
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Post by lpa53 »

tucolino wrote:Aeris_Canon:
yep your tutorial is still an incredible place for newbies about fedoras hat bashing, like me!!
it puts you in the right cordinates for bashing the hat,and that´s something it helps, and i appreciate a lot,also for learning.
best regards
Me being a newbie, this was a great tutorial and I've saved it as a Favorite, but I do have a couple questions.

The work starts with turning the hat to the wearer's right (it looks in the bottom photos like the wearer's left but I assume that's because of the photo being taken in a mirror). Is this what gives the hat the "turn" - angling the brim to the right but keeping the top bash straight ahead?

Also, the tutorial doesn't say much about get the brim swoops the way they're supposed to be - any info on that part?

Soon I hope I'll get my hat from Mr. Keppler and hop that he's done a good bit o work already.
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Post by Zombie Jones »

lpa53 wrote:The work starts with turning the hat to the wearer's right (it looks in the bottom photos like the wearer's left but I assume that's because of the photo being taken in a mirror).
You're correct, the photo was taken in a mirror.
lpa53 wrote:Is this what gives the hat the "turn" - angling the brim to the right but keeping the top bash straight ahead?

Also, the tutorial doesn't say much about get the brim swoops the way they're supposed to be - any info on that part?
Turning the hat to the right causes the brim to distort, which causes the desired "swoops"...if you have a "long oval" shaped head, that is. If you have a "round oval" head (like me), the turn doesn't work as well (or not at all, in my case), and you'll simply have to shape the brim by hand.

One thing to remember--the turn is perfomed before you bash the crown. Once you achieve the desired brim shape, you bash the crown with the hat in that position.
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