well I got a box from Joe today... no surprise as I have been religiously tracking it since he shipped it last week

I ordered quiet a few things from him and I want to give Joe props for an AWESOME presentation!
he didnt just throw everything in a box and mail it, each item was meticulously placed and wrapped with green paper that somehow gave the whole thing a very regal feel.
Bascially I ordered a 9' KOTCS style whip from Joe..... what he delivered was so much more... this whip far exceeded my expectations and as Dan Trout said "its the most beautiful Strain whip" hed" ever seen".
and it really is.
I have been in the whip world only a few months and I have seen every picture, videu etc of these whips but nothing could have prepared me for the way it is in person. I finally GET the "connection" that Thefish always talks about.
Unfortunatly its very hot and humid outside so not the best time to go cracking, however i plan to go to the Karate school tonight and Ill have a bit more room.
My first impression was how STIFF it is! i realize its a 12 plait whip, but its like all the strands are ONE PEICE of leather.... its almost not human the way Joe plaits! lol
i guess its going to take some breaking it, but i WAS able to get off a few flicks and it cracks effortlessly and LOUD!
I could go on and On about this whip, but Ill have more to say once i have cracked it a bit.... so ill report back later.
anyway, here are some pictures of the items I got from joe.... Like i said, i got several goodies!

http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... Strain.jpg
closeup of the handle:
http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... Handle.jpg
the fall hitch
http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... lhitch.jpg
PS: I just posted the links so i wouldnt get in trouble for any size requirements on the forum