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Post by Michaelson »

Cool! I'll trade you two pairs of Nike's for a gun! :D

Wait, was this microphone on? :shock: #-o


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Post by michaeljcr »

Just found a German website selling Alden's, by looking up those retailers listed on the main Alden site. Check out the huge prices!

I found at least one pair of shoes at for $390 that the German site is selling for 675 Euros! That's $1066. 77 for a pair of slip ons!

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Post by michaeljcr »

Michaelson wrote:Cool! I'll trade you two pairs of Nike's for a gun! :D

Wait, was this microphone on? :shock: #-o


Regard! Michaelson
I'm not sure we're even allowed to have Nike's over here any more. I understand they're controversial as someone once wore a pair while committing a crime. Of course, I'm sure if I was to join an official re-enactment group of people who simulated sporting activities from a vintage period, I might be allowed to have a pair! :lol:
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Post by bigrex »

crazylegsmurphy wrote:
I don't have to tell you to correct me if I'm wrong Crazylegs, but are you telling us that the exact same boots Marc is offering are available elsewhere and for considerably less? If I'm understanding your statements, you have been contacted by individuals who claim to have spoken to some authority at Aldens and told that the information given out by Marc is in fact not true?
As someone who ordered a pair of these and is a member of the COW community, I would appreciate you providing specific details and contact information on the availability and price of the "original" raiders 405's.
I'm sure Marc would also like this information as he will likely have stiff competition from this less expensive competitor.


How do they say it..."I'm sorry, but I can't reveal my sources."

From the contact I have had (through this post others have contacted me and let me know there are alternatives), it seems that from the limited information Marc has provided in regards to the boot specs, that if one were to look to alternate channels, these same boots can be acquired for quite a bit less.

This is what I was told by two different people, in two different places. My understanding is that one of those people is in direct contact with the president of Alden, and is in the process of figuring out what kind of deal can be made for all. If it turns out it's the same deal, he'll walk. There is also a retailer that I have been put in contact with that will put in orders for this exact boot (long since asked for by others) for no more than $150 customization fee.


Let's have some information for your sources, how about at least the address of a shoemaker, or something to back up your claims. If it turns out your sources can produce it might be a viable alternative for US customers. I guess someone was bound to challenge the price of the shoes, when folks get used to going down to Burlington Coat Factory or even Wal-Mart and picking up regular shoes for as low as $30 USD, then it's bound to be a point of contention.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »


Let's have some information for your sources, how about at least the address of a shoemaker, or something to back up your claims. If it turns out your sources can produce it might be a viable alternative for US customers. I guess someone was bound to challenge the price of the shoes, when folks get used to going down to Burlington Coat Factory or even Wal-Mart and picking up regular shoes for as low as $30 USD, then it's bound to be a point of contention.
And you'll get it, but you won't get it now for the simple reason that the people who are dealing with this don't need me to blow the lid on this thing. This is cool, it's like I'm in some kind of Monday night drama on NBC.

All I can say is that Marc wasn't the only person talking to Alden, and there is a retailer that will take orders for a very reasonable price. I have been told both of these third person, and as soon as I confirm the information, you'll all be the first to know.....well the other people will be the first too know...I'll be like third....or fourth maybe...well, maybe like fifth depending on if like if someone tells their mom...:P
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Post by Tron7960 »

crazylegsmurphy wrote:
I don't have to tell you to correct me if I'm wrong Crazylegs, but are you telling us that the exact same boots Marc is offering are available elsewhere and for considerably less? If I'm understanding your statements, you have been contacted by individuals who claim to have spoken to some authority at Aldens and told that the information given out by Marc is in fact not true?
As someone who ordered a pair of these and is a member of the COW community, I would appreciate you providing specific details and contact information on the availability and price of the "original" raiders 405's.
I'm sure Marc would also like this information as he will likely have stiff competition from this less expensive competitor.


How do they say it..."I'm sorry, but I can't reveal my sources."

From the contact I have had (through this post others have contacted me and let me know there are alternatives), it seems that from the limited information Marc has provided in regards to the boot specs, that if one were to look to alternate channels, these same boots can be acquired for quite a bit less.

This is what I was told by two different people, in two different places. My understanding is that one of those people is in direct contact with the president of Alden, and is in the process of figuring out what kind of deal can be made for all. If it turns out it's the same deal, he'll walk. There is also a retailer that I have been put in contact with that will put in orders for this exact boot (long since asked for by others) for no more than $150 customization fee.
You can't reveal your sources?
Marc is expected to provide every spec and detail of these boots? He laid out the time and money to set up this BUSINESS VENTURE. I don't know. I was expecting more than your rather cryptic response. I geuss I'll wait till all can be revealed!
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

You can't reveal your sources?
Marc is expected to provide every spec and detail of these boots? He laid out the time and money to set up this BUSINESS VENTURE. I don't know. I was expecting more than your rather cryptic response. I geuss I'll wait till all can be revealed!
Correct. The difference between Marc and I is that I am not trying to sell boots. I don't need to go around blurting out stuff that has nothing specifically to do with me. I think that's pretty reasonable.

This isn't a popularity contest. I'm not trying to say I'm better than anyone or anything. I am looking out for this community as much as the next person, so if keeping my "sources" quiet for the time being means better deals for all of you, then so be it.
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Post by Tron7960 »


You can't, or rather won't reveal the sources. That's cool.

However, it's fair for us to ask, as you are the one who brought up the mysterious alternate source and pricing in the first place.

If you know that the boots you're talking about are the same as AB's, then why can't you at least reveal the boot specs. You know, leather, stitching, lining etc. That can't be a secret, as you must already know!

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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

That can't be a secret, as you must already know! clarify, I was told that I can order the boot with the exact specs through one person, and the other person told me they're talking to Alden directly about the same boot being offered here.

I'll be checking into the specs of the one place as soon as I can and then post them here. I admit, I am kind of waiting on Marc's deal here. There isn't any point in me screwing up his thing at this point, so once things are done on his end, I'll see what I can do with what I know.
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Post by Fedora »

This is surreal. Marc meets with a Aldan rep, and wants a boot replicated and is given a cost, if I understood Marc correctly. Then when he mentioned what he wanted to sell this boot for, he was immediately told that Alden sets the retail prices. And if a dealer does not charge their suggested retail, they don't get to sell Aldens.

This is common in the higher end items. I know, as I was in retail upper management in another lifetime. We used to fight with the makers of certain items who pre priced their goods. We never won, by the way, so we dropped those items, as we wanted to be the ones who determined our profit margins, not the manufacturer.

Now, either Marc was outright lied to by an Alden rep, or some body is telling tales out of school. I want to know the answer, but comments without us being able to verify it really clouds everything. Marc talked to an Alden rep, and I am sure Marc would give out his name. Before anyone makes claims, they at least need to talk to a rep of Alden, the guy who sells to retailers.

The way to do this, if Marc pulls it off is to sell the boots from AB USA. At least until the dollar gets strong again, if ever. It just depends upon where the market is for these boots. The USA, or the rest of the world. That is, which part would have the most demand, and hence sales. Fedora
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Post by Dr._J »

Rational thoughts from a rational man. I like the idea of selling these stateside. The idea of exporting an item to have it returned to it's country of origin doesn't make much business sense. Especially given the poor exchange rate. Also, I too would like to know what the main differences are from the "standard" Alden 405's. Does anyone know besides Marc? It'll be interesting to watch this project develop; In the meantime, I'll enjoy my regular ol' Aldens. Who knows? In 1000 years even THEY may be worth something!

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Post by WeeMadHamish »

Dr._J wrote:Also, I too would like to know what the main differences are from the "standard" Alden 405's. Does anyone know besides Marc?
I think that's the point of contention. He doesn't seem to be interested in sharing the exact specifics... only vague hints. Are they a trade secret? Is he afraid someone can use them to get a better deal? It's easy to jump to that conclusion -- not that I believe this, myself. I'm more prepared to believe that doing business in Germany just bites, if you want to trade overseas.
PLATON wrote:This thread makes me wonder whether I should sell my pants for $500.
Only if they're THE Pants. :lol:
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Post by Jedinizar »

May I ask a question??
I want to know where or what is the problem, of those who are against Marc, or let me say who don't like the Alden offer??

Yes the boot is expensive, even if the Price of those shoes is 600,-€ and higher here in Germany (and they are!!! beside you will never find an Alden 405 Model here), and even if Marc was told by the Alden guy to put the price to 450,-€.. Or every thing is just a big lie and Marc want to do profit!! I say again what is your problem??? A lot of people are trying to make profit, and Marc has the right to do so. Even if he charge 2000,-€ who can stop him?? If Alden gives him the OK than let him sell with the price he think it's appropriated. You can tray to talk to him to decrease it, but if he doesn’t want to...

At the End you can only do one thing, accept and buy it, or leave him alone...

I'm a Student here in Germany and I have to work very hard for my money, and I don't get any help from no one. But I ordered a pair of this special boot. There wouldn’t be a big difference if I would buy it directly from the US, I would have to pay shipment and taxes... and at the end it would also cost me around 400,-€, and if a pay 50,-€ more for an SA Boot? Than why not??

So pls stop harassing Marc and let us enjoy the waiting time for those who have ordered it.

PS: ehmmm sorry for my bad English
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Post by Dr._J »

No worries, I'm sure it's better than my German. This is a really good time for European Gearheads. Thanks to Marc and others, there are now EXCELLENT resources for leather goods, hats, apparel and You guys have always had great access to jackets (Wested), shirts, pants (Wested, Noel Howard, etc.) and leather goods (Noel again). Not to mention the seemingly never-ending supply of MKVII bags that seem to surface. ;) Now you have BEAUTIFUL high-end holsters, bagstraps, buckles, hats and MEGA-ACCURATE Aldens (coming soon)! Good times indeed.

I thought it stunk when people from overseas had to pay ridiculous taxes on imported items. Well, it seems that may be a thing of the past. Europe is now an officially self-sustaining continent in the world of Indygear collecting. :D

Regards from Across the Pond, Dr. J
Last edited by Dr._J on Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Dr._J »

WeeMadHamish wrote:
Dr._J wrote:Also, I too would like to know what the main differences are from the "standard" Alden 405's. Does anyone know besides Marc?
I think that's the point of contention. He doesn't seem to be interested in sharing the exact specifics... only vague hints. Are they a trade secret? Is he afraid someone can use them to get a better deal? It's easy to jump to that conclusion -- not that I believe this, myself. I'm more prepared to believe that doing business in Germany just bites, if you want to trade overseas.
I had no idea it was a secret. What were the vague hints? Do the people who ordered them know what the changes are? Thanks.

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Post by Jedinizar »

Dr._J wrote:
WeeMadHamish wrote:
Dr._J wrote:Also, I too would like to know what the main differences are from the "standard" Alden 405's. Does anyone know besides Marc?
I think that's the point of contention. He doesn't seem to be interested in sharing the exact specifics... only vague hints. Are they a trade secret? Is he afraid someone can use them to get a better deal? It's easy to jump to that conclusion -- not that I believe this, myself. I'm more prepared to believe that doing business in Germany just bites, if you want to trade overseas.
I had no idea it was a secret. What were the vague hints? Do the people who ordered them know what the changes are? Thanks.

Regards, Dr. J
No he didn't told us, or me any thing, I only Know what we all already knows that color is different and the inside liner is like the one in the 80s
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Boy oh boy are you gonna be disappointed if that's all there is. You seriously dropped that amount on something you have never seen, or don't even have the specs too?

If Marc hasn't told you, then I suspect he doesn't know, and if he doesn't know, how can Alden be charging him such a high amount? Where is the justification?

Something totally doesn't add up here.
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Post by Canada Jones »

Marc wrote:I'm not sure if I should apologise for ever contacting Alden here or what now... As of now, I really regret that I ever did :cry: I just wanted a single pair for myself and perhaps some for my buddy Kim who always wanted a pair of authentic / SA Aldens for private use as well.

I contacted Alden in January and asked if that would be possible. Got the reply that they'd have to make a special run and that I'd have to take a dozen min. However first of all I would need to be accepted as a retailer. Drove to Düsseldorf with my wife to meet with John, paid for hotel, food and gas on my own dime. Met with John who accepted me as a retailer and listened to a two hour monologue of me wanting a different thread on the welt, a different color on the welt, a different color a different liner and a few other details that obviously no-one but me cares about. He wrote everything down and told me the price to charge. 450Euro. I converted that into Dollars immediately and told him that I could sell MUCH more if the price wouldn't be so steep (at that time I didn't even know my cost price, but I was almost begging him to let me sell them for less). Answer: no (due to Alden not wanting to grow etc. that's what *I* was told). So I could walk away with empty hands or sell them for the price I was given. I chose the second option. Got back home. Posted what I had experienced and have been attacked ever since. All I wanted was a pair of Raiders accurate boots. If I could have gotton them elsewhere - believe me - I would. Of course, if the Dollar would be 1.2 Euros as it used to, I'd be the hero of the day for "only" charging 375$ for the same boots. However right now you think that I'm a greedy ##### who's only seeing his profit, but nothing could be further from the truth. I work very hard every day to keep my turnaround times for hats below a year and yet I cannot even make a living from this. Of course this is not your problem but mine. However I'm comming to the point where I'm not sure if it's worth hardly seeing my wife for the sake of earning 100-200bucks more a month. I've have the hat I wanted when I started this hobby 18 years ago. And asside from the pants I've got pretty much all the stuff together. Perhaps I should just let it go and call it all a day...


I have come in late to this discussion and just wanted to add my voice to others who appreciate what you do. I think what you are doing for the hobby is honorable and I know Europe's prices are different from those in North America. I taught a course at Oxford University for 13 summers and gasped many times at the price of things like even a cup of coffee when I considered the exchange rate (it was 2 and a half times what a coffee cost in Canada). But that was the way it was. I never accused the store owner of being greedy. If I wanted it, I bought it. If I felt the price was out of my range or not worth it, I did not.

I think those that complain miss the point that what you do gives the Indy Fan community more choice than what they had before. I think that you and Steve have raised the bar and continue to do so for little or no profit to yourself. And yes, it would be understandable if you just wanted to pack it up and call it a day. I guess what I understand better now about you since that article in Der Speigel is that this is a passion of yours and that is the real reason you do it. And that is the kind of person I want to get my Indy gear from - a fellow fan who has the same high standards I have.

Thanks for all you do for so many for so little.


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Post by Jedinizar »

crazylegsmurphy wrote:Boy oh boy are you gonna be disappointed if that's all there is. You seriously dropped that amount on something you have never seen, or don't even have the specs too?

If Marc hasn't told you, then I suspect he doesn't know, and if he doesn't know, how can Alden be charging him such a high amount? Where is the justification?

Something totally doesn't add up here.
I don't understand, what exactly do you want to know?? We all know more or less what is an Alden shoe right?? And I'm not a craft man so I don't know every detail of the shoe.. I see the color of the Alden Model that they are offering today, and I don't like it. And know came Marc and told me that he can offer the same Shoe Harrison had in Raider with the same color, and the liner or whatever and every other spec... Now I have the choice to purchase the normal 405 model, which will cost me including shipment and Taxes around 400,-€. And 400,-€ is a lot of money. Or takes marc's offer. and If I can spend 400,-€ (800 Deutsch Mark) for a shoe, I could also pay 450 for the "same" more SA than the regular 405. And I need only the word of some1 who has a great reputation.
Last edited by Jedinizar on Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Marc »

Thanks Gents.

I thought I had posted the differences a couple of times (at least I can read them in my earlier post on this page :wink: ) but I'd be glad to do so again. Just let me fetch my specs. to double check...

Ok, here you go:

I've chosen the leather and the treatment of the leather, based on research I have done over several months. The same with the color. I've chosen a lining for the boots that - according to my and many other peoples researches - is the same as on the boots worn by Harrison Ford in Raiders. Same with the lining of the tongue and the leather used inside the boot. I've chosen the thread for the welt stitch as well as the welt / edge color.

Believe it or not but I hope that the efforts I did will result into Alden going back to making the boots per these specs. as a standard. That would be the biggest kick I could possible get out of this. In this case, a small group of customers and a big group of gearheads would have been able to make a change that for over two decades seemed impossible. Remember, all I really wanted, were some s.a. boots for myself. If I could have gotton them elsewhere without going through all this trouble, I would have chosen to do so. I know the little tag under my name says vendor but I'm FIRST of all a gearhead myself. And just like Steve, I wouldn't have started making hats if I could have found the hat *I* wanted elsewhere.


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Post by michaeljcr »

crazylegsmurphy wrote: If Marc hasn't told you, then I suspect he doesn't know, and if he doesn't know, how can Alden be charging him such a high amount? Where is the justification?

Something totally doesn't add up here.
Hi crazylegs, I genuinely mean this in a friendly way and i hope you take it in the spirit in which it's offered, but I think you really need to let the price thing go and just accept that it's a European price set by Alden's based on their general pricing policy and not about the Indy boot or the US price,
It is really high compared to the US pricing, but I've even posted info above from a separate German stockist selling Alden shoes that are on a similar if not greater price scale. Any future US retail price for this boot will be great for North American fans, but doesn't have anything to do with the German price, nor does it have much relevance for those of us on this side of the pond.

I'll bet you an imaginary pound (or euro!) that a normal Alden 405 boot would cost nearly as much in Germany as Marc's special version, less the approximate extra for custom specs that you've mentioned in your previous posts. I just don't see how it's productive to the conversation to keep ignoring this basic difference in pricing policy and location. If I've misunderstood your point of view I apologize in advance, but can you see what I'm getting at?


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Post by starks_6 »

To be honest if people are so concerned about the price of this boot and feeling that Aldens is overcharging and Marc is supporting it, I hope you people are willing to write a letter to David Morgan asking him to drop the price of his whips also because you can get a "close enough" from countless other vendors! Have fun with that
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Post by Shishak »

I've chosen the leather and the treatment of the leather, based on research I have done over several months. The same with the color. I've chosen a lining for the boots that - according to my and many other peoples researches - is the same as on the boots worn by Harrison Ford in Raiders. Same with the lining of the tongue and the leather used inside the boot. I've chosen the thread for the welt stitch as well as the welt / edge color.

I've been watching this thread from the beginning because I too do not like the current color of the Aldens. It's slightly better than the pumpkin shoes from a few years ago, but still not right. So I'm very interested in seeing how these shoes turn out. I can't justify spending the $700 (and yes, I realize that you are NOT charging $700, but 450 Euros), so I'm hoping something will work out where these same shoes are available stateside at some point.

I do have a question about these shoes, and it is this: in your opinion, how will the quality of these shoes compare to the current Aldens? I'm not talking about the craftsmanship of the shoe itself, but rather the materials that will be used to make them. Given that it's been almost 30 years since the Raiders boot was made and technology has changed quite a bit in this time, will the materials used in making this boot be outdated? I'll admit that I don't know much about the current materials either, but I'm thinking that over the years things like the liner could have changed for the better (moisture wicking or what have you), and maybe the thread is made of a stronger material, leather is more durable or pliable, things like that. Is this Raiders boot going to be made with 30-year-old technology or is it just a cosmetic change to the current materials?
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Post by Marc »

Thank you for the interesting question Shishak.

The quality will be the very same as on the current boots. I've been told by another retailer, that Alden tends to be a little more picky - quality control wise - when making special runs, however I cannot confirm this as of now. Of COURSE the special made boots that John had with him when we met were 100% flawless. I wouldn't have expected anything less when comming to a showroom of any other vendor. So I'll wait and judge when the ordered boots arrive. Then craftmanship and also the the technology and materials have hardly changed on classic boots. Neither from Alden nor from other shoe maker in the same league. See, the materials I chose are still being used on other shoes as of now. It seems to me that the liner and upper leather was changed to a more "rugged" design due to the 405 being what Alden call a "work boot". So in short, it's made with 130 year old technology. As are their other shoes.


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Post by Shishak »

Thanks Marc! I'll be very interested in your review of these boots when they finally arrive.
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Post by RichardSK »

Inquiry to Fedora:
What is the prospect of you being the U.S. vendor of S.A. Aldens? There is no way that I would pay for an American product being sold from Europe with all of the additional costs. Aldens won't respond to inquiries about the "correct" shoe. Personally, I don't understand why they don't just make the correct shoe available to all of their U.S. retailers rather than the shoe that we have had to accept

Sorry, upon reconsideration, I have deleted Steve's response to my question as I did not ask his permission to post his answer. Richard
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Post by Fedora »

Inquiry to Fedora:
What is the prospect of you being the U.S. vendor of S.A. Aldens?
Marc and I have not even talked about this, but you have to remember that I have agreed to let Marc go after this other Indy gear stuff. I just don't have the interest to do so. I am just a hat guy, as that is the only part of Indy's outfit that attracted me from the beginning. I know nothing of the boots, the shirt, the pants, the jacket. In fact, most would be surprised that I am so ignorant on these other items. On the other hand, Marc is full of youthful energy, something that is lacking in myself at the age of almost 57 years. He is also intensely interested in these other gear items.

I just recieved a shirt from Marc yesterday, the AB Raiders shirt I guess, and I was amazed at how close the cloth was to my NH shirts. I checked out the craftmanship of the shirt and was impressed as well. He also sent me one of those Indy holsters, and being very appreciative of good leather and craftmanship, I was blown away by the quality. Don't ask me if it is accurate, but I assume it to be since Marc was involved in the making of it, and Kim is certainly up to the challenge. And he sent me an Indy bag. Thanks Marc!!!

Back to the boots. If Marc thinks selling the boots from my shop is the way to go, we will do that. I leave all of this sort of stuff up to him. He calls the shots on this, as these are his projects, and I just sit back and appreciate his anal attitudes towards the other gear items. I already knew how particular Marc was, and I know without a doubt, anything he puts the AB name on is gonna be at least as good as what is out there, and more than likely better in accuracy, but in quality as well. I trust this guy. Fedora
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Post by Tron7960 »

RichardSK wrote:Inquiry to Fedora:
What is the prospect of you being the U.S. vendor of S.A. Aldens? There is no way that I would pay for an American product being sold from Europe with all of the additional costs. Aldens won't respond to inquiries about the "correct" shoe. Personally, I don't understand why they don't just make the correct shoe available to all of their U.S. retailers rather than the shoe that we have had to accept

Sorry, upon reconsideration, I have deleted Steve's response to my question as I did not ask his permission to post his answer. Richard
If you haven't been able to get a response from Aldens about the "correct" shoe, then I guess we can assume you are not one of Crazylegs secret sources? Would you be able to tell us what your inquiries were about, or were they just regarding the cost $ ?

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Post by RichardSK »

My question was put to Steve Delk as to whether he would be interested in being the State-side distributor of the shoes that Marc is selling in Germany. I could get no response from Aldens' factory or their S.F. store about getting them here.
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Post by RichardSK »

We need a State-side vendor. Period.
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Post by sneakertinker »

I would be more than happy to purchase a second pair through Steve if he were ever to offer them on the U.S. Side of things...

Until then I will sit and wait for my pair from Marc as well as the black custom pair I just ordered from Alden :lol: ...
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Post by starks_6 »

so, any updates??
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Post by Mola Ram »

sneakertinker wrote:I would be more than happy to purchase a second pair through Steve if he were ever to offer them on the U.S. Side of things...

Until then I will sit and wait for my pair from Marc as well as the black custom pair I just ordered from Alden :lol: ...
You might want to wait on that....

Alden will be releasing a black Indy boot into the standard line
in about 3 months time.
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Post by sneakertinker »

You might want to wait on that....

Alden will be releasing a black Indy boot into the standard line
in about 3 months time.
Yeah I know...The pair they are releasing will be all black (even the welt) with white stitching, or this is what I was told...Basically it will look like the black cardovan 405 (Except in black calf) from Alden of Carmel with white stitching.

The pair I Custom Ordered will just be in black leather (calf) and black stitching, everything else will stay the same...So basically I will have a black leather boot with a light color welt, brown neoprene sole, and black stitching...
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Post by Indiana Strones »

Marc, any news from Alden? :roll:
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Post by Neolithic »

Last I heard they would be ready or shipping around September?
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Post by sneakertinker »

Yeah Marc said it would be around September or October for them to start shipping...Then I can order my Delux Fedora and a couple shirts...The wife is making me wait :cry: :lol: ...
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Help! My Head is Schpinning...!

Post by YARVTON »

I read through these pages with a mixture of Shock, Awe, Disgust, and quite a bit of Hilarity.

Now while Business & Me go together as Rattlesnakes & Indy, I would ask the following to those who might know:

What Princely sum would Alden & Co. actually receive after going through the trouble to make These Special -- or any other Special Boots, particularly with production runs approaching A Dozen or So? I saw some mention of certain thousands, though surely some here know that Total Sales is quite a different number from Profit to Manufacturer -- and I won't complicate the issue by mentioning NET PROFIT.
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These are all individual make-up orders correct? You are not stocking up on sizes at all? Forgive me if this has been covered.

Come September when everyone is getting their boots and of course there will be renewed interest again....would it be another 6 month wait to restock?
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Post by Tron7960 »

Nothing new to add here other than my anticipation is building!

I haven't been wearing my Aldens much lately, as Summer affords other footwear opportunities. However, with Autumn fast approaching, I'm letting my imagination wander to the day I receive that special box containing my perfect Raiders boots. It's going to be great!
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Post by Texan Scott »

Any chance of finding an Alden rep. stateside, who is sympathetic to the cause, who might help to add to the 405 line, so that a fan or other customer could possibly order a black, cordovan, natural brown, or even a natural oil finish. If the boots were offered in a natural finish, a person could age, distress, apply oil, tan or color them as they wished. Seems like there would be a way for the Gear fan, people who need them for orthopedic reasons, and anyone else to peacefully co-exist? Alden might even see sales increase with optional color offerings.

It is my understanding that Mr. Ford's one contribution to the costume was the boots, so he may have used his own pair of naturally distressed Alden's, after years of wear. As time goes by, people often get them shined, and a shiner will often apply a new coat of shoe color, when the need arises. Maybe after years of use, his own boot's color changed? As they get older, you basically don't get them shined anymore because they are work boots, so part of the boot is its natural color, while the rest is partially some type of finish.
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Post by Indiana G »

Texan Scott wrote:Any chance of finding an Alden rep. stateside, who is sympathetic to the cause, who might help to add to the 405 line, so that a fan or other customer could possibly order a black, cordovan, natural brown, or even a natural oil finish. If the boots were offered in a natural finish, a person could age, distress, apply oil, tan or color them as they wished. Seems like there would be a way for the Gear fan, people who need them for orthopedic reasons, and anyone else to peacefully co-exist? Alden might even see sales increase with optional color offerings.

It is my understanding that Mr. Ford's one contribution to the costume was the boots, so he may have used his own pair of naturally distressed Alden's, after years of wear. As time goes by, people often get them shined, and a shiner will often apply a new coat of shoe color, when the need arises. Maybe after years of use, his own boot's color changed? As they get older, you basically don't get them shined anymore because they are work boots, so part of the boot is its natural color, while the rest is partially some type of finish.
anyone stateside can go about and do this. just call the san francisco shop, talk to jim smith, and order up the boots how you want them. it'll be an extra $200 or $250 (from what i recall) customization fee and of course the looooooonnngg wait for production.

of course, you are at the mercy of jim's design specs without marc's keen eye for detail.

i almost did go this route but for that much bread, i wanted to be able to pick the leather/stitching/colour myself.......and have it in a month for that price!!!! :lol:
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Post by SpeedRcrX »

michaeljcr wrote:Just found a German website selling Alden's, by looking up those retailers listed on the main Alden site. Check out the huge prices!

I found at least one pair of shoes at for $390 that the German site is selling for 675 Euros! That's $1066. 77 for a pair of slip ons!

I think, these days, here in Europe we're like some... Vaches à lait (sorry I can't think of an equivalent in english... if someone know a similar expression.)
But this situation can change and tomorrow it could be the contrary.

Anyway back on the topic...

hey, guys don't forget to take some nice pictures when you get your shoes, I'm really curious to see these Alden
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Post by gwyddion »

SpeedRcrX wrote:I think, these days, here in Europe we're like some... Vaches à lait (sorry I can't think of an equivalent in english... if someone know a similar expression.)
Milking cows?

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Post by SpeedRcrX »

I search the internet it seems the equivalent of "une vache à lait" is a cash cow
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Post by rbinko2001 »

I think it is really awesome that Alden is making an exact screen accurate boot from Raiders. However, the reddish-brown boots from the truck chase scene are also "screen accurate." How does one decide which are more correct than others? In my opinion, if it was seen on the screen then it is correct for screen accuracy. I think todays color of Aldens match the truck chase scene almost exactly. I would love to own a pair of the older brown ones, but I will be more than happy with the "normal" ones. If only they would come in from the factory. 3-5 weeks left to go and still waiting.......
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Post by Tron7960 »

However, the reddish-brown boots from the truck chase scene are also "screen accurate."
I agree, and love my "reddish-brown" Aldens. However, just like having more than one jacket or fedora with differences ranging from significant to subtle, I don't need these, but want these "Raiders" Aldens and trust Marc to deliver!
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Post by Indiana G »

Tron7960 wrote:
However, the reddish-brown boots from the truck chase scene are also "screen accurate."
I agree, and love my "reddish-brown" Aldens. However, just like having more than one jacket or fedora with differences ranging from significant to subtle, I don't need these, but want these "Raiders" Aldens and trust Marc to deliver!
you see the reddish boots in raiders in that one 1/2 second scene.......but you never see a full shot of them with HF inside of them (ie - those weren't the hero boots) :wink:

i read that it could have been one of the stuntmen's foot in that shot. i couldn't tell you for sure as i was only 10 years old when that pedal went to the metal :lol:
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Post by rbinko2001 »

I don't think that "screen accurate" means that the actor has to be inside the said wardrobe. Even though the truck chase scene was still only a second or so, and despite who was in them, those were still "screen used" Aldens. Take for instance the General Lee from the Dukes of Hazzard. I spent 10 years of my life restoring mine and making it as "screen accurate" as possible. The difficulty with that was that they used so many different cars per episode that it was impossible to make one exact replica. What I did was I picked one scene from one of the episodes and replicated my General as exact as I could to that specific car. Point being, my car is just as screen accurate as the next guys car, but his might be different because it is based off a different scene or episode. That's why I feel that both the brown and the reddish-brown Aldens can both be deemed "screen accurate." Just my opinion.
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Post by sneakertinker »

I have to agree with rbinko2001 on this...If a boot is shown on screen then it's SA...But I also am of the train of thought that the boots shown in the truck scene and the "Hero" boots are not the same color...Both SA but two different boots...
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