Jacka price increase?

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Jacka price increase?

Post by Shagbd »

just checked out the prices on the 10 foot indy on Australian stock saddle co.... just a few days ago they were $895..... now they are $1195!!! WOW thats a heckava price increase?!!?!?!
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Re: Jacka price increase?

Post by Herr Doktor »

Shagbd wrote:just checked out the prices on the 10 foot indy on Australian stock saddle co.... just a few days ago they were $895..... now they are $1195!!! WOW thats a heckava price increase?!!?!?!
Well, OPEC hasn't agreed to increase production...so it's tough all the way around. ;)
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Post by Boggstandard »

There are several makers whose product I would be willing to buy for that amount of money, but not in this case.

A very high price for what, in my opinion, appears to be a very ordinary whip made by a very able, but not a stellar maker.

What a difference a movie makes: everyone wants a piece of the pie. But, that is what free enterprise is all about. The buyer still has the final say.

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Post by JMObi »

Yes, that price is ridiculous.

My hope is that, being in Australia, I can order from Mr Jacka directly and get it at a fair price.

I like the whip, and think its great simply because its truly Australian, and puts Australia on the map when it comes to a short handled whip, which to me is a fair tipping of the hat to the fact that the inspiration for this whip was in a large part Australian, as well as American bullwhip tradition.

I used to think it was too thick - at about 28mm - but I've changed my mind on this and now think that an ideal bullwhip does need a bit of girth around the transition area - unless of course its the raiders bullwhip, in which case about 24mm at the ringknot seems about perfect imo.
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Post by serrecuir »

The new Jacka whip is a beauty! An added bonus is that it is the primary whip used in the new Indy film. I spoke with Colin at Aussie Stock Saddle this week, and he said the demand for this whip is so high (and the supply is so low) that it's driving the price up. Terry is a one-man whipmaker and can only make so many whips at a time. Soon, he says, the price will go up even more. I'm glad I put my order in months ago.

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Post by dr. tyree »

Is it just me or does anyone else find this kinda sad? Maybe things will get back to normal in a year or two.
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Post by winrichwhips »


It is sad if Terry himself isn't getting more money for his whips as the price goes up.

I spent time with Anthony Delongis, and I got to see the Jacka 'Indy' bullwhip that he had, and for sure it's a large, heavy whip. I myself prefer Terry's older style of lighter bullwhip, before he started putting cable in the cores. Luckily I found a 10 footer when I was out in California and I got a good deal on it.

I also have 3 of Terry's whips that I got from Western Stage Props about a month ago, and the price seems like a steal compared to what the new Indy whip is going for.

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Post by The_Edge »

Boggstandard wrote: A very high price for what, in my opinion, appears to be a very ordinary whip made by a very able, but not a stellar maker.
This is a pretty unfair statement. Terry Jacka makes a consistant, well made whip every time. He has his craft down to a science. I'm not sure what constitutes a "stellar" whip maker but I would place Mr. Jacka in the top tier of modern whip makers.

The price is high though. But if the market can sustain it then I say so be it.

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Post by Hairyloft »

Typical on my timing I was about to order myself saw the price increase and am now not sure, I'm really hoping Terry Jacka sets up his own direct site at some point I'd be happy to pay him and wait, hopefully Bullwhipborton can help us out!!
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Post by BullWhipBorton »

First, Keep in mind these are Colin prices, not Terrys. Terry sells the whips at a much lower wholesale price and The Australian Stock Saddle Company tacks on there own hefty retail cost.

I'm not going to bash them for what they are doing as its his business and he has the right to charge what he wants. Im not going to defend him either, or let alone agree with him because I don’t. Ironically When I approached TASSC last summer about supplying the whips, I was originally quoted me $500 for a 10 ft Indy 4 model, I was set to order one, then literally overnight somehow the price jumped to $900. I said no thank you and started to peruse other avenues to get the whips.

Supposedly this new price has to do with the supply not keeping up with his demand, which is a believable, Ironic that it happened the weekend the new movie opened. Terry supplies a lot of companies with whips and has a lot of standing orders to fill though and can only make one whip at a time. There have also been some rumors going around that Terry is retiring from whip making soon, which are very much untrue, Terry told me just this morning that he is not retiring from whip making any time soon.

Kyle, well said.

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Post by dr. tyree »

I think Terry's whips are superb; I love mine, wish I had a couple more.

The price of roo hides, release of the film, and maybe a little opportunism are just combining to drive up prices right now, which stinks. I do agree with Adam; I hope of all the folks who are "gettin' paid" in connection with the movie, Terry is one. He and the other whipmakers who have kept this amazing art alive have my utmost respect.
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Post by Boggstandard »

Quoting The_Edge: "This is a pretty unfair statement. Terry Jacka makes a consistant, well made whip every time."

The words "very able" were meant to, and I believe they do, acknowledge his craftsmanship. As for "stellar," I think anyone who has seen and handled a variety of whips from various makers knows a "stellar" whip when they encounter it.

Based on the several Jacka whips I own, and more that I have handled, I certainly can recognize the quality of his work, but I simply do not regard them as anything special.
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Post by Whipcrack »

It is not just whips, the American $ is being BASHED on all fronts. Four years ago I bought a 100 euro note for $93 US. Today the 100 euro note is worth $156 US!!!!!!

Time to start looking at US made crackers unless the foreign orders have already made the waiting lists for US whips too long.......

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Post by bluzharp »

dr. tyree wrote:Is it just me or does anyone else find this kinda sad? Maybe things will get back to normal in a year or two.
I hear ya bro, but I doubt it. People screamed when gas rose to $3.50 a gal. but were confident it was temporary. I don't think we'll ever see it less than $3.75 in our life time. Maybe not even less than $4.00. :shock:

Sorry about my slight digression. Unfortunately, the price of whips may indeed follow suit the same way. Let's face it; why should anyone be surprised when a quality whip maker raises the cost of their work because the price of living is skyrocketing? (IJ Franchise aside of course.) I mean is there a Whipmaker's Union with a good health plan I'm not aware of?

All that said, I do agree with Dan's statements 100%. (Dan, I think you should have been given the deal you were originally told by TASSC. That's just ethical business.) I'm not a "doomsayer", but the economic situation we're facing right now has people a little jumpy.
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Post by Hairyloft »

I noticed on the site the price is back to $895, I'm guessing the $1195 wasn't too popular :)
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Post by thefish »

I think it's more a point that Terry is busting his chops trying to fill the orders. Not Colin, and Terry isn't making any more money, so yay for the price decrease.

But me personally, I'll wait until I can order from Terry himself.

Love his whips, no question there, but I don't necessarily want a Crystal Skull bullwhip. (and I think Terry's work is "stellar!" It's just quite different than what other whip makers do. Some folks don't care for that difference, others absolutely love it. Don't get me wrong, I love Strains and Nolans and DelCarpios, and Murphys, etc. etc. Just in a different way.)

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Post by Shagbd »

DANG Dan!!!

Now you have got me wanting a Jacka!!!!!!!!
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Post by thefish »

Lord, David!

Your Wife is going to take a bus to Ohio to KILL me!!!

I swear...Strain, DelCarpio, Midwestwhips, Steve Huntress, (by the way, got my bull from him today. I have chosen....wisely...You won't be disappointed!) and now Jacka? I'm gonna have to start charging you a finders fee!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by Michaelson »

bluzharp wrote: I hear ya bro, but I doubt it. People screamed when gas rose to $3.50 a gal. but were confident it was temporary. I don't think we'll ever see it less than $3.75 in our life time. Maybe not even less than $4.00. :shock:
The price of regular gas in my home town of Estill Springs, TN was $4.05 last Friday. It fell to $3.89 yesterday, was $3.85 this morning, and is projected to fall again tonight.

Never say 'never'. :wink:

Regards !Michaelson
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