Just a few Jacket Questions...

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Just a few Jacket Questions...

Post by Dr.ClarkJones »

Anyone ever own a US Wings Lambskin jacket? How does it compare to Wested or FS? Who makes a jacket that is a dead ringer for a TOD jacket?


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Post by skywlkr »

Wested is the only one that makes a TOD jacket.

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Post by Rundquist »

Many people will say that the US Wings is a pretty close TOD jacket. If I’m not mistaken US Wing's lambskin only comes in a distressed hide. Another thing about US Wings is that some of their older stock comes with a nylon lining that is unwearable. My goatskin jacket had one of these and I had to take it to a tailor and have it changed. The lambskin one that I gave to my dad had one too. It’s not too expensive to do, but it’s kind of a pain. I know that they have since switched over to a cotton lining, but I’d check to make sure what I was getting if I ordered from them. The US Wings has the TOD trademark small pockets. It also has D-rings. The TOD jacket originally had a pronged buckle. The US Wings lamb is lighter in color than the regular Wested Lambskin (but not their original brown) and the Flight Suits lambskin.

Wested makes a TOD jacket that as far as I can tell is the same as their Raiders jacket, only longer. The TOD Wested is supposed to be an inch longer than their Raiders jacket. Mine came in at a quarter inch longer than my Raiders jacket, so much for precision. The Wested lamb does artificially distress very nicely if that’s what you’re interested in. The most accurate side strap fastener that they carry for TOD is their buckle with a slider. They have two colors in lambskin.

Flight Suits only makes the Raiders jacket. If you ordered your size in a long and had the sleeves shortened it would be no different than how Wested distinguishes the Raiders & TOD jacket. Their lambskin is on the darker side and really only distresses naturally as you wear the jacket. You would get their standard rectangular slides as strap fasteners.

I’ve owned a US Wings lamb, 2 Wested lambs, and an FS lamb. My opinion is for you to get the FS. Cheers
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Post by Michaelson »

Just to add, whether you choose Wested or FS, be absolutely sure you give them your correct sizing specs. I've owned everything BUT the lambskin FS, but have tried them on on two different occations, and found their sleeves a bit short for off the rack sizing. I've never experienced this with Wested, so there is definitely a difference in those lengths if going with off the rack purchases. Don't be disappointed right out of the gate by not supplying them with the specs you need the first time. Personally I like both the Wested AND the FS myself. They both have their pros and cons, but are both worthy of consideration. Rundquist supplied an excellent comparison between the big 3. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by junior »

Keep in mind that a cheap French company made the originals. In the jacket section under ToD it gives a description of the ToD jacket.

Temple of Doom Jacket:
General Description: similar to the Raiders Jacket, but with a slightly longer length (1").
Length of jacket (length of storm flap) 22 3/4"
Length of nickel zipper 21"
Cargo pocket dimensions 6" tall x 5"wide with the flap measuring 2 3/4" down the center
Collar description Collar edge 'slightly rounded'
Cargo pockets placement 2.5" from zip or storm flap and 2.5" from bottom of jacket
Side straps placement Bottom of straps are 5" from the bottom of the jacket
Storm flap width 1.5"
Suggested sleeve meaurement 2" below bottom of jacket as worn
Side strap buckles Pronged buckles in antique brass. For added screen accuracy, do not get eyelets placed in strap, as the film jacket only had holes in the leather for the buckle prongs

I don't know what size this refers to, but someone by the name of Yurik posted this some time ago. I would find out what the size was that these measurements were for and see how close it is to your size. Wested would be the only one that would even entertain doing this for you. Tell Peter that this spec list is for a size ______ jacket but you are a size _______ and to make the needed adjustments.


There! I usually only recommend FS. Today , and for this instance, it was Wested.
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Post by Kentucky Blues »

Just to clarify something . . . Wested doesn't make a ToD or LC jacket, only Raiders. The Raiders jacket, however, comes in regular raiders style, ToD style, and LC style. This, I believe, is why the ToD jacket is just a longer bodied Raiders jacket. Thank you :)
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Post by Swindiana »

I got the impression that the cargo pockets were smaller on the ToD one... Where did I get that from? Better check my sources. :wink:

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Post by Michaelson »

You're thinking about Flightsuits. Wested does indeed make all three jacket styles, which not only involves pocket size (inner AND outer) and length, but collar size too (larger for the LC style). FS only makes the Raiders version. Check out the Wested website at www.wested.com for further details. Regards Michaelson
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Post by Kentucky Blues »

Well, the reason I stated that, is that on Peters site, where it says order, it tells you to pick you raiders jacket style, which includes raiders, ToD, and LC.
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Post by Michaelson »

Old wording. It's supposed have read 'your Indiana Jones style (instead of 'Raiders' style), order....'etc.I just dropped Peter an email regarding this wording. He makes 3 different jackets, though, rather than just one. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Plynck »

Michaelson wrote:... Wested does indeed make all three jacket styles, which not only involves pocket size (inner AND outer) and length, but collar size too (larger for the LC style)...
My recent purchase of a Wested TOD in authentic lamb yielded a collar that I would consider to be closer to LC than a Raiders, so, make sure to specify the one you want. I don't know if it has always been made that way, or whether it is Peter bowing to popular sentiment. Personally, I like the Raiders collar better.

Best to all,

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Post by Michaelson »

I've heard that one before too. Mine came with correct collar, but I've heard from folks that also received theirs with the LC collar by mistake. Agreed, be sure to be specific in your 'wants' when corresponding with ANY of the companies. That way should something go 'south', you have a record of what you REALLY wanted on your jacket. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Dr.ClarkJones »

Thanks for the help, I think I am leaning toward a Wested for now. Maybe sometime next year I will get a FS. Does anyone know how long it would take for a Wested if I ordered it in late October/early November?(getting closer to the holidays and everything)

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Post by Michaelson »

I've heard the turn around has been tremendously fast, but to make sure, I'd HIGHLY suggest you take the time (and funds) and give Peter a call and see. He'll be the one to tell you that, as if there's no movie production work going on, it should come in short order. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by cliffhanger »

I ordered mine last year about mid-late September, and I got it like 5 weeks later. But as Michaelson said, it all depends on movie productions and all that. I was afraid that with autumn approaching I would NEVER get it, but I think if you order soon, you'll "beat the rush".


P.S. It will be the longest 5-6 weeks of your life. No kidding :(
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Post by Cabinetman »

Strictly speculation here - When I ordered my first jacket in March, it was 4 weeks to the day. I remember at the time checking once in a while as the days rolled by to see if the credit card had been charged. It was closer to the time I received the jacket rather than when I ordered it. Also, I think it was a week before Peter acknowledged the receipt of my order (which was faxed; I faxed again this time) and told me what the order number was. This time around, he sent me an e-mail the very next day (which was 8 days ago). Also, I checked my credit card today and surprisingly (pleasantly, mind you) found Wested listed. Based on my one and only previous experience, it seems things are moving along quicker than the first time out. But, again. This is speculation. I'll post when it comes if I'm town.
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Post by junior »

Did everybody just skip over my post.

There's the ToD specs.

Get it.

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Post by Michaelson »

Uh, yes we got it, junior. Those were the specs as offered by Yurik. There have been others offered as well, supposedly based on the jacket in the possession of Noel Howard. Peter Botwright also states he made jackets for the production when Ford told Lucas he absolutely hated the French jacket. These are the specs that you're getting on the TofD jacket from Wested now. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Rundquist »

Dakota Brown wrote:Just to clarify something . . . Wested doesn't make a ToD or LC jacket, only Raiders. The Raiders jacket, however, comes in regular raiders style, ToD style, and LC style. This, I believe, is why the ToD jacket is just a longer bodied Raiders jacket. Thank you :)

Although technically Wested offers three different styles, in actuality you’re right that there isn’t that much difference between them. This is from the Wested site:

“The Temple Jacket had the same specifications as the Raiders Jacket, but was produced in a slightly longer length for this film.”

You can conclude from this that the pockets on the Raiders & TOD jackets (or at least on what Wested offers today) are the same. The only difference between the two is the length of the jacket.

There are only two differences between their LC jacket and their Raiders jacket, the press-studs on the storm flap and the larger collar. Incidently the collar on their LC jacket should have a different design. Here’s a pic off their website and a few pics of the original design. Essentially their current LC collar is a larger version of the Raiders/TOD collar. Just getting technical for a bit for those that are interested. Cheers

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Post by Captain D »

Ahhhhh, look at that Last Crusade jacket :D ......I'm sorry to say this Indiana Joe.....I was leaning towards the original Raiders style, but now....... :wink: LOL.

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Post by Indiana Joe »

And turn away from the one that started it all? From the original? Surely you jest! :wink:

No, you're not joking---and I won't call you Shirley. (sorry, couldn't help it)

LC is right up there for me, Cap. For me, it's very close to ROLA. Oh wait!! --we're not talking about the movie.......
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