Is there really a big difference in quality between the regular and the deluxe? Is the deluxe worth approx. $60.00 more? Does anyone have experience with both hats that can state from handling both that the deluxe is far superior or not???
I'd like to place an order, but I want to know for real if the deluxe is truly worth the extra expense?
I would assume it is. I've never owned a regular, but from what I've heard, the deluxe really is better. And all things considered, the extra $60 isn't that much, especially compared to other hats out there.
I'm gonna chime in and say that, IMHO, the Deluxe IV takes a bit batter shape, but that they are both excellent hats........and the Heritage and Tawny Fawn versions are also very nice...............
Can't remember ANYONE disappointed with the Fed Deluxe quality. Of course, the regular is a super-good-deal for quality/price. And certain colors are available only in regular. Why not try a pre-owned one first and see if YOU like it better?
I'm very interested in getting an Akubra Federation IV due to its balance of price and quality, and I'm thinking of purchasing the Standard versus the Deluxe. It's only a $60 difference, but $100 is a much easier sell to my wife than $160. I made a rash decision after seeing KotCS a couple of times to get an inexpensive, officially licensed wool Indy fedora for around $40. The hat's fine for displaying in my office on the hat rack, but it's not something worth wearing on a regular basis. After reading posts on this message board over the past few weeks, I've definitely settled on a Fed IV. The replies on this thread seem to indicate a leaning towards the Deluxe, which makes me question whether or not to go with the Standard. Has anyone had bad experiences with the Standard holding up over time? The consensus across most threads dealing with these two hats is that they both stand up well with time's passing. I'm just looking to solidify my choice. Thanks.
gabrielle wrote:I've decided on the deluxe as it's apparently soft and easy to bash out of the box. This will be my 1st bash so the easier the better!!!
It's a bit stiff out of the box, but once you break it in and loosen the stiffener, it becomes VERY soft! I'm lovin' mine!
How have your two Standard Fed IVs held up so far? I'm pretty sure I'm going to go that way, and I will perhaps "upgrade" sometime in the future. Thanks.
Federations, be they deluxe or not, are easy to bash. They are friendly to re-bashing, too, as long as you don't leave the same way for more than a week. Even then, one good rain and you can have fun playing with it!
Before the Fed IV, I would have said the deluxe isn't worth it. But there were issues I didn't like back then. By all accounts, all of them were addressed with the IV's, so if I invest in another Fed, it will be the deluxe.