Hey Alejandro,
Glad to see you joined Cow, the biggest Indy fan community in the galaxy!

I am also extremely pleased to see how happy you are with your whip. Along with the darker color, your two 7-hour long practice sessions over the last weekend have really made the whip look older than it actually is.
Regarding the color, I'd love to say is a proprietary finish process to get the "used" look, but it is more a combination of factors. One, I use exclusively hides from Packer tannery. They come drum-stuffed, a process that improves the braiding characteristics by means of adding fats and oils to the finished hides. These oils and fats darken the leather. Some batches are more greased than others, which affects the final color. The latest batch I've got was darker than usual.
Also, I normally use pure kidney fat in my braiding soap, but after the soap supply that I brought from Peru run out, I made some more here in the States, but using lard instead of fat, and it seems that it darkens the leather quite a bit more. I've also found that as the days go by, the oils in the braiding soap will evaporate and the whip will get lighter.
Thanks a lot for the kind words. I couldn't really spend much time cracking whips with you, but I am glad that at least we got to talk a bit as you certainly are one of the nicest guys I've ever met.
Here's some more pics of Alejandro's whip, when it was still looking new, only a few days ago
