The only one with customer service like that is Peter Botwright and maybe Joe Peters. He's in an elite Triumvirate of business men who can't be topped. Now his Triumvirate is only a Biumvirate. -IJ
I have had the privilege of dealing with Noel on no less than 6 occasions, and have always found the personal touch he offers, and the quality of his customer service to be absolutely above reproach! C' many retailers send his customers a Christmas card??!!! I was amazed the first time, then since have looked forward to it every year. There are a few items from MBA that I would have eventually bought that I will not get the chance to now, but what I have purchased from MBA has always been an enjoyable experience. He, and his services, products and personal touch will be sorely missed.
I just had my first dealing with Noel and MBA and I regret that I didn't place many more orders sooner. Noel would reply to all of my e-mail right up until my package was sent this past Monday. I guess I will join the many others who were thoroughly impressed of MBA and Noel and saddened that it's the end. Thanks Again Noel!
I imagine you still have a small amout of time... but I really don't know. You can e-mail him or call him. All of his info is here:
I'm with Renderking--When? How? Why? Where will we go now? When did all of this hit the fan?! If all this is indeed true (more shock than disbelief at this point), then we all need to stand, tip our respective fedoras, and raise our glasses to one of the great ones out there. Now we can cry into what, if anything, is left of our drinks . OK, Gearheads, we all know of many folks we have come to count on over time for their fine and selfless dedication to quality gear. Do (or can) we award sainthoods? Just a thought amidst the sadness.
Henry Jones Sr wrote:I'm with Renderking--When? How? Why? Where will we go now?
There was a post before the big server crash that said Noel is Going Out Of Business/ Retire from making costumes. Sept. 19 is to be the last day. There was a mad rush for shirts, pants, etc. I was able to get one of the last pairs of pants. I think Fedora purchased two.
Henry Jones Sr wrote:I'm with Renderking--When? How? Why? Where will we go now?
There was a post before the big server crash that said Noel is Going Out Of Business/ Retire from making costumes. Sept. 19 is to be the last day. There was a mad rush for shirts, pants, etc. I was able to get one of the last pairs of pants. I think Fedora purchased two.
Wow, Pyr. Thanks for the sad confirmation. Geez, ya go and move 1100 miles away, you're offline for a little while, and things like this happen. What will we do? What will we do?
I just signed the guestbook as well. I suggest everyone here who is a customer of M.B.A. do the same. We owe it to Noel Howard and his fine staff to show our appreciation for all of their hard work and efforts.
Well, today's the day. Farewell, M.B.A. Costumes. Everyone who owns Indy clothing- take good care of your threads! It may well be awhile until we are able to get more. Everyone else, raise a glass to Noel Howard & staff. A toast to M.B.A. for years of dedicated service to the IndyGear community. Salude!
whipwarrior wrote:Well, today's the day. Farewell, M.B.A. Costumes. Everyone who owns Indy clothing- take good care of your threads! It may well be awhile until we are able to get more. Everyone else, raise a glass to Noel Howard & staff. A toast to M.B.A. for years of dedicated service to the IndyGear community. Salude!
Does anyone know what Noel is doing with his leftover stock, or what his plans for the future of MBA-made gear might be? I hate to see such one-of-a-kind items as the shirts and trousers unavailable for more than a short period of time. Now that I think of it, why aren't there more suppliers of shirts and pants? We've got about 7 hatmakers to choose from, and at least 3 good jacket manufacturers. What's up with the threads?