Fed on abc's "wipeout"

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Fed on abc's "wipeout"

Post by Indy_Werner »

Anyone else see that poor Indy fed get soaked over and over again? lol Did ya catch what kind it was?
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Post by Shawn »

I wish there was a better showing from that gent. My wife looked at me with a "is this one of your fanatic online people" look. Looks like he just wanted to get the hat on TV.
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Post by McFly »

:lol: I saw that, too! I actually thought it was a pretty nice looking fedora!! And I think it even had a Raiders bash! The crown looked like a good height and the dude had some more than half-decent brim swoop going on, didn't he?

Kudos to the dude for a good hat...

No kudos for performance, however. :wink:

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Post by Darth Indiana »

any chance of this being on teh youtube yet?
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Post by Michaelson »

I missed it last night, and we don't usually watch network television.

For those who aren't familiar with the program, it's the American 'take' of the Japanese 'MXC' program.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

You can go to ABC's website and watch the entire episode. He is I *believe* the first contestant.

I watched it and I have to say that looked like a very nice hat. I don't know if it was an AB or not but it sure wasn't any Dorfman he was wearing.

The guy didn't do to well either and that poor hat got trashed...... :cry:
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Post by Zombie Jones »

Darth Indiana wrote:any chance of this being on teh youtube yet?
Here ya' go. Get it before ABC pulls it.

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Post by Cole »

And it has another Indy reference in it.

"That's not true Andew, your body is a temple.......OF DOOM" :lol:

The poor hat, what a waste. The guy however deserved the beating for doing such a show in such a shape. :) :twisted:
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Post by IndyFalco »

I give the guy Kudos for keeping the hat on... or putting it back on ... through out the entire course.

Heck... they should make these course for all the INDY's in training. Lets see how far we can all fare in this game.

:D :D :D
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Post by Bardoon »

Hahaha...Oh poor Indy fedora. :lol:

Wipeout is such a rip-off of MXC...
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Post by Treadwell »

...which is a ripoff of Sansuke/Ninja Warrior.

These copies just don't get it. NW doesn't use dorky music, added sound effects (yes, all that thumping and splashing is sweetened), and snarky commentary scripted and recorded after the fact, ridiculing the contestants.
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Post by prairiejones »

I thought it was a very good looking hat. I can't believe that he wore it on there. That's taking distressing to a ridiculous level.
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Post by McFly »

Treadwell wrote:...which is a ripoff of Sansuke/Ninja Warrior.

These copies just don't get it. NW doesn't use dorky music, added sound effects (yes, all that thumping and splashing is sweetened), and snarky commentary scripted and recorded after the fact, ridiculing the contestants.
I like this show much better than MXC, and Ninja Warrior, although having watched all 3, I like Ninja Warrior better than MXC, too. But this one is still my favorite, mostly because it's very funny. In fact, I've signed up for it because it looks like so much fun - but I probably won't get picked, and rest assured if I do... I'm NOT wearing a fedora. :lol:

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Post by Magno »

I found the constant references to the hat very annoying. Like it is just SO weird.

The hat looked great though. It looked like it could have been an AB, although with that constant beating, I wouldn't doubt it to be an Akubra.

P.S. he grabs it by the crown.
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Post by Magno »

McFly wrote:
Treadwell wrote:...which is a ripoff of Sansuke/Ninja Warrior.

These copies just don't get it. NW doesn't use dorky music, added sound effects (yes, all that thumping and splashing is sweetened), and snarky commentary scripted and recorded after the fact, ridiculing the contestants.
I like this show much better than MXC, and Ninja Warrior, although having watched all 3, I like Ninja Warrior better than MXC, too. But this one is still my favorite, mostly because it's very funny. In fact, I've signed up for it because it looks like so much fun - but I probably won't get picked, and rest assured if I do... I'm NOT wearing a fedora. :lol:

Wait, how easy is it to sign up? Where is it located?
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Post by Michaelson »

They showed an 'out take' program last night, and this fellow's performance was on the program. They did refer to him as 'Indiana Jones', and showed him falling over and over again, and in 3 different languages.

That hat held up pretty well! :lol:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

What are you guys talking about? It's the preview for IndyV! :lol:
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Post by McFly »

Magno wrote:Wait, how easy is it to sign up? Where is it located?
Very easy. If you go to ABC's website and go to the WipeOut page, scroll to the very bottom. In the small print you'll see the word "casting" well hidden with the copyright info and all that. Click it, you'll see the details, you shoot them an email with those details and a picture, and you're golden!

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Post by mufflowne »

That WAS a nice hat. Looked like an AB. The guy's sort of stupid to put it through the elements like that. Bet he was happy it didn't get jumped in the mud. Don't want to think what all the chlorine in the water did to the lid either. eek.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I don't think it was an AB because when I've gotten my original AB absolutely soaked, it didn't collapse like that one did. I'd vote for an Akubra, though, or some other rabbit hat.
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Post by McFly »

Maybe an HJ? It had some taper to it, if I remember correctly... although it DID have a pretty wide brim, so that leads me to think it could have been an Akubra. Definitely not a Fed IV...

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Post by Indiana G »

maybe it was one of the original hats made by swales for ROTLA......wouldn't that be hilarious???.......yet extremely heartbreaking all at the same time........ :lol:
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Post by Dutch_jones »

It looked like a normal akubra fed. Not the 4th version the ribbon and the tall crown led me to believe so. But this was the first I saw of this programme, i had to watch the entire ep on youtube. Seems funny ( had me smiling) but I cannot see this being entertaining every week?

Yesterday I saw a commercial on tv for the Dutch version of this program. Apparently this is shot in Argentina ( or at least the Dutch version is)

thanks for posting :D
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Post by Mola Ram »

binkmeisterRick wrote:I don't think it was an AB because when I've gotten my original AB absolutely soaked, it didn't collapse like that one did. I'd vote for an Akubra, though, or some other rabbit hat.
I've had my snowy river Akubra completely soaked/submerged in water and it looked way better than that when I picked it up. :lol:

I've never seen the show before. And after watching that clip......it just looks terrible. I've watched MXC and ninja warrior for a few years, this show is just a terrible american attempt at something good.... :?
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Post by McFly »

Dutch_jones wrote:but I cannot see this being entertaining every week?
Oh it is. They change it up so it's always fresh. :wink:

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Post by Dutch_jones »

McFly wrote:
Dutch_jones wrote:but I cannot see this being entertaining every week?
Oh it is. They change it up so it's always fresh. :wink:

OH! I thought the same track is everyweek? Then it can be really funny yes, looking forward to this :D
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Post by McFly »

They have 4 rounds.

First is the round you saw with the Big Balls. The Big Balls and the sucker punch wall are always there, but they change the other obstacles.

Round 2 is the Sweeper! It's got about 12 platforms, about 6 feet high. The 12 people who make it through round 1 with the best times each stand on one platform, and the "Sweeper" is a big pole that swings around. The people on the platforms have to jump over it, and it gets faster and higher each time. The 6 remaining people move on, and the last person standing gets $1000 as a bonus. When you fall, you hit the water.

Round 3 goes back and forth every week. Every other week it's the "Dizzy Dummy," which spins the last 6 people around and around and around. Then they get let off and have to run through 1 of 2 obstacle courses. After one person finishes, everybody else gets back on and does the course they didn't do the first time. This goes on back and forth until 2 people are left, and they don't move on.

The alternative to round 3 is the "Dread Mill," which is a very long treadmill running sometimes at 15 mph! These people are put on it, and have to deal with obstacles that get thrown onto the treadm- excuse me.. the DREAD mill!

Round 4 is the WipeOut Zone! It's crazy. Think Ninja Warrior's last round, and it's very similar to that. The winner gets $50,000!

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