When do you wear your lid?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by starks_6 »

Bufflehead Jones wrote:
Indiana G wrote:
ztmario wrote:I kind of envy you guys for being able to pull that off in the outside world. it's not that I look bad in my hat.. but I'm only 22 and, unfortunately, have no choice but to care what other people think. as stupid as that sounds, there's just no way I'm going to walk into a bar or club and pick up a girl with a big brown fedora on. at least not without trying a whole lot harder. :?
i totally understand where you're coming from....i was 22 once :wink:
Yeah, me too. I've been 22, two and a half times, already.
Im 23 and I wear my fedora everywhere! my fiance gives me grief over it lol
But really I dont care what people think, This is my hobby (well, one of) and Im not going to be denied the enjoyment of it due to other young people. Dont get me wrong, I dont waltz down the local shopping center whip and all but the Fedora is one thing that demands respect 8)
Last edited by starks_6 on Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gabrielle »

My fedora is like an everyday well loved part of my wardrobe. I wear it like I wear underwear, it just goes with everything... :)
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walking into a bar wearing a brown fedora...

Post by YARVTON »

You might not pick up any girl, but you might meet the RIGHT girl.
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Post by rbinko2001 »

I usually wear mine when I go hiking.
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Post by morethanatimelord »

long drives,taking the dog for a walk, sunny shopping days anywhere really however i find it depends on what you are wearing i dont believe the hat goes with everything
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

gabrielle wrote:My fedora is like an everyday well loved part of my wardrobe. I wear it like I wear underwear, it just goes with everything... :)
Does that mean you wear your underwear on your head, because I can't see how you can wear a hat around your butt all day. :wink:
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Ha Ha! :lol:
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Re: walking into a bar wearing a brown fedora...

Post by Mulceber »

YARVTON wrote:You might not pick up any girl, but you might meet the RIGHT girl.
Agreed. I'm 19 and I wear my fedora pretty much everywhere. My girlfriend is absolutely fine with the fact that I wear hats. Don't make yourself a slave to what strange women think of you. :junior: -M
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Post by Mr. Z »

Heck yeah man; you've got to be you-that's more than good enough!
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Post by Marcus Brody »

I own somewhere around 10, plus or minus fedoras that I wear depending on the situation and what clothes I'm wearing. Generally, I don't feel the need to wear them for the sake of wearing a hat, but if it's sunny outside I'm definitely gonna wear one. I also don't wear one if I'm not gonna have a place to put it if I take it off.
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Post by Zombie Jones »

Marcus Brody wrote:I also don't wear one if I'm not gonna have a place to put it if I take it off.
That pretty much sums it up for me. Whether I wear a hat or not usually depends on the mood I'm in, but if I'm planning to go somewhere where it would become problematic to adhere to proper "hat etiquette" I'll usually leave it at home rather than risk having it lost, stolen, or damaged.
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Post by darthbish »

gabrielle wrote:My fedora is like an everyday well loved part of my wardrobe. I wear it like I wear underwear, it just goes with everything... :)
so long as you don't wear your underwear, as a hat :lol:
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Post by Marcus Brody »

Yeah, unless you're going to a very empty theatre or one that happens to have those vintage wire hat hangers under the seats, don't bother bringing a hat. The people behind you probably won't appreciate it if you keep your hat on. Same goes for class or any other similar situation.
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Post by ichnob »

Most of the theaters I've been to have stadium seating, so the people behind me aren't blocked by my hat. Either that, or they aren't bothering to complain to me. However, I do sometimes take my hat off in a theater if I want to recline all the way. I'll rest my hat on my knee in that case.
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Post by jacksdad »

hi all,
well as far as wearing a fedora I got mine on Saturday and wore it all weekend in the house.I decided that if I'm going to start wearing a hat and be comfortable I have to go out in public. I wore it to a few stores and the library and felt fine. I think like everyone else has said it just takes a little getting used to.
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Post by Michaelson »

I guess the easier question for me would be, when DON'T I wear mine. :-k :wink:

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Post by lingarn »

Presently, I only wear my fedora when it is raining out. A trenchcoat and my Fed beat an umbrella any day... Although that's the kind of statement that usually comes back to haunt you. :lol:

When things cool down in the fall, I'll probably start wearing the fedora again whenever I'm outdoors... I look forward to being able to wear my jacket again too. :wink:
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Post by hocfutue »

If I leave the house, I've got a lid. Not a big fan of getting my head wet in the rain or baked in the sun. A fedora has definite advantages over a ballcap--no sunburned ears, for example.

Got a compliment on my Fed today at the car wash from the guy who was out there squinting in the sun.
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Post by FtrPlt »

My hat is stictly outdoors/field attire -- mainly hiking, riding, and working around the yard. As already mentioned, they're superb for keeping the rain and sun off.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

When I'm building decks and sheds.
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Post by DanielJones »

Whereever & whenever. This last weekend was at Disneyland. Made others self concious wearing their DP Disneyland fedoras. :wink:


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Where to wear? EVERYWHERE.

Post by laughograms »

DanielJones wrote:Whereever & whenever. This last weekend was at Disneyland. Made others self concious wearing their DP Disneyland fedoras. :wink:


I wear my wool (non-crushable) DP all the time, unless I am in a t-shirt and shorts -- it just does not seem to go. When I finally get my first "real" fedora next week (a Fed, good starter hat, yes?) that, too, will be worn all the time. I was a little apprehensive at first but I have got nothing but compliments, and as I am a large chap it seems to suit me.

My 3-yr-old son has not taken his crushable wool DP off since we got it for him at Disneyland almost a month ago. "Indy" came past us and stopped and looked down at him and said, "Nice hat, kid," and he just about died right there on the spot. Here's a pic of him in his DP.

(More at http://jackjackattack.blogspot.com)

He is a major Indy fan. Every morning on the way to day care i have to play the Raiders March and he will NOT leave the house without his lid ("Oh! My Indyjoneshat!"). I think he is a lifetime hat-man already.

If you catch the eye of one of the DL Indys as they are rushing through Adventureland looking for their maps, you'll get a "Nice hat, fella" from them.

BTW, I strongly recommend any Indy fan visit Disneyland this summer and enjoy the Indy stuff they have going on. Plenty of fights, chases through Adventureland and an enjoyable little live show. I have some issues with "DL Indy's" gear . . . but then I would. My wife just rolls her eyes if I start kvetching, and as she's a CM (and thus my ticket to the park), I keep it to myself :lol:.

My first post by the way. . . glad to be here! :junior:
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Post by Mr. Z »

Welcome laughograms! Great to have you here; love the story, by the way. Disneyland is a great park, and what they're doing for Indy this summer is awesome.
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Re: Where to wear? EVERYWHERE.

Post by Zombie Jones »

laughograms wrote:...and as she's a CM...
Closet Mouseketeer? :mrgreen:

Welcome to the best forum on the 'Net, and thanks for sharing your story! Good looking boy you have there; nice to hear he already has good taste in movies. :wink:
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Post by floyd1977 »

The very first time I wore my fedora I got a hundred meters or so from my house and a guy in a car yelled "HAT OFF" or something like that!
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Post by Zombie Jones »

floyd1977 wrote:The very first time I wore my fedora I got a hundred meters or so from my house and a guy in a car yelled "HAT OFF" or something like that!
Morons abound. Some nitwit can walk down the street with his backside hanging out of his pants and his baseball cap worn any way but correctly, and nobody gives him a second glance; you wear a Fedora, and some people look at you like you're from another planet. :roll:

The Fedora is a timeless classic--I say wear it with pride! If people don't like it, it's their problem. Of course, that's just my opinion; I could be wrong...
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Post by morethanatimelord »

Zombie Jones wrote:
floyd1977 wrote:The very first time I wore my fedora I got a hundred meters or so from my house and a guy in a car yelled "HAT OFF" or something like that!
Morons abound. Some nitwit can walk down the street with his backside hanging out of his pants and his baseball cap worn any way but correctly, and nobody gives him a second glance; you wear a Fedora, and some people look at you like you're from another planet. :roll:

The Fedora is a timeless classic--I say wear it with pride! If people don't like it, it's their problem. Of course, that's just my opinion; I could be wrong...

yeah!!! that really drives me mad!!! here in the uk we have groups of very charming youngsters called chavs. for some reason they think the height of fashion is to go around in a flat cap,tracksuit top and bottoms and trainers...now wait if you thought that sounded bad...it gets worse!. the tracksuit bottoms are tucked into there socks?!?! so picture this for a moment if you will walking up to you and calling you a prat for wearing a very stylish fed?!?!. personally id love to bullwhip them to within an inch of there lives.

i wear my fed with pride, it takes few days to get used to but once you do you will never want to take it off! :)
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Post by jacksdad »

the track suit thing just sounds weird. I live in the states and have seen some stuff,but he tracksuit blows my mind. are they knee high socks oh who cares I just hope that doesn't catch in the US. Good luck over there.
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Post by Indy35 »

My first post here, i have several lids and once i've got a camera to post pics i will. But i want to add to this discussion, and particularly to the age issue, im only 23.

I wear my lid every day going to the office, or at least one of the four. I use them like they are a regular part of my clothing. I just make sure the lid matches or works a bit with my other clothes. You should probably avoid wearing a brown lid with black or grey, but a grey fedora i've found works with almost anything. But ultimately who cares, wear it. If kids can wal around with green mohawks that are nine inches tall, i can wear a simple fedora.

As for girls, i figure if they can't like me in the lids, then forget about'em. To be honest it can be a great thing, it makes you stick out, and more often than not i get great comments from women. Generally its the wise ### dudes (about my age) that give you the cracks and s#*%. It can be a good conversation starter, just the other day i held a conversation with a girl for almost a half hour, for no other reason than she saw my hat. Thats my kind of girl, one that can appreciate the lid.

I also have had people genuinely interested in the hats, and not just indy hats. I wear two that are more a kin to everyday 40s style, a bogie or stewart look. And they're just as interested in those, sometimes more.

So wear your lids proudly, we're the last of a dying breed, it takes a lot of brass to walk outside and wear a fedora with a 5.5in crown, unless you're lucky enough to be in Texas or OK, then your lid looks puney.

By the way, i wear my brown lid pretty much everywhere, im a jean and boots guy. Ironically my brown wolverines are worn enough that they look a little like indys, but its only conicidence :D
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Post by Cairo Jones »

When exploring, hiking, walking the dog...

... and giving the Nazis some stick!

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Post by Indiana Williams »

everywhere and anywhere... 8)
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Post by morethanatimelord »

jacksdad wrote:the track suit thing just sounds weird. I live in the states and have seen some stuff,but he tracksuit blows my mind. are they knee high socks oh who cares I just hope that doesn't catch in the US. Good luck over there.

i think they tuck there tracksuite bottoms into there socks for when they ride a bike or motorbike or something so the bottom of the tracksuit doesnt get caught inb the bike chain...but they seem to just leave they like that rather than un-tucking the trousers from there socks
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Post by Zombie Jones »

Cairo Jones wrote:When exploring, hiking, walking the dog...

... and giving the Nazis some stick!

Or schtick! :wink:
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Post by Kladd »

I don't wear it just to take a bath & go to sleep ...
Almost ... 8)

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Post by Indiana MarkVII »

I've been wearing a hat of different styles for many years. I have gotten compliments while wearing my Tilley T-2, the brown Raiders bashed Adventurebilt fedora, a super-fino straw Panama, a golfers cap or what I like to call my convertable open top cap, and even the grey Traveling hat while boarding the aircraft last week for my trip to Wichita. I wear the hat daily for the short walk out of the house into my vehicle, but usually take it off while driving. I don't like the brim bumping the head rest, so I just set it down. Then, I pop it back on for both good style and sun protection as I walk from the parking lot into my workplace.

I used to take it off as soon as I entered the main doors, but now I consider those first hallways as public corridors, and leave it on until I come to my desk, or at least my department.

I did wear the gray Traveler on the airplane and throughout the trip last week. One of the crew made a positive comment about the hat as I boarded, so that gave me a good feeling. I did leave it on the hotel room closet shelf throughout my stay in Kansas last week, as there was no real safe place to put it while I was square dancing. I popped it on for the first post dance after party with friends sitting about the pool deck, and one guy I've known for many years asked "What's up with the hat?". I replied simply, "I like hats."

I too, wear hats a lot, so that when I don't have one one, I feel incompletely dressed. In Arizona, I wear a hat with a brim, so no baseball caps for me outside, I don't have too many caps, exept for a few in a collection, like my Verde Valley Railroad engineers cap that really never get worn.
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Post by Mr. Z »

I will be wearing mine in Disney World next week, so I've got that going for me ... which is nice. ;)
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Post by laughograms »

As far as chicks digging the hat. . . well I wore mine to a party at the Playboy mansion a couple of weeks ago (yes, I AM bragging) 8) and a number of extremely nice looking women in various states of scantilicious clothing/bunny outfits complimented me . . and this is just a crummy DP. Wait till I get my Fed IV, I will be irresistable. Guess I should have bought one before I got married. :wink:
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Post by Mr. Z »

Wow! That is a brag worth trumpeting!!
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Post by gabrielle »

Underwear jokes aside... :D I wear a fedora all the time, rain or shine, hot or cold. I wouldn't leave the house without a hat anymore than I would leave without my watch or key lanyard!!! 8)
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Post by floyd1977 »

laughograms wrote:As far as chicks digging the hat. . . well I wore mine to a party at the Playboy mansion a couple of weeks ago (yes, I AM bragging) 8) and a number of extremely nice looking women in various states of scantilicious clothing/bunny outfits complimented me . . and this is just a crummy DP. Wait till I get my Fed IV, I will be irresistable. Guess I should have bought one before I got married. :wink:
Ok lets talk turkey... What will it take to convince you to get me in there???? :shock:
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Post by laughograms »

floyd1977 wrote:
laughograms wrote:As far as chicks digging the hat. . . well I wore mine to a party at the Playboy mansion a couple of weeks ago (yes, I AM bragging) 8) and a number of extremely nice looking women in various states of scantilicious clothing/bunny outfits complimented me . . and this is just a crummy DP. Wait till I get my Fed IV, I will be irresistable. Guess I should have bought one before I got married. :wink:
Ok lets talk turkey... What will it take to convince you to get me in there???? :shock:
Aw, heck . . . I hope I can get back in there myself one day! A very good friend from way back in high school is close with the promoters of a boxing match held there every year and broadcast on ESPN. They offered VIP tickets to him and he called me up at work (classic ex change too: "What are you doing after work?" "I dunno, I think the wife's cooking spaghettig." "No, you're going to the Playboy Mansion." "Uh, what!?")

Needless to say, we had the best old time. Ringside seats, free food, drinks, cigars, extremely fine small batch wines from Hef's personal vendors, the very best of everything for hours and hours. Visited the grotto, the whole nine yards. And of course the ladies, dear Lord, the ladies. One of the most memorable nights of my life!

I got to know the promoters myself 8) and they said we'd have a hookup next time. So there's not much I can do for you personally, I'm just lucky to have a well-connected friend of 25 years or so!
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