AB Hat purchase wifeblocked...Now with a 3 year deadline!

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by Montana Plains »

There's always room for compromise. Maybe you sell one of the items you have to get the one you really want. You can't put a price on peace.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

She probably doesn't want to see the hat she bought for you as a gift kicked to the curb. Point out to her the differences of the two hats.

Tell her you would want an HJ as it was the original hat for the original Indy movie, Raiders. You also would like an AB because it was the hat in KotCS and was made by one of our fellow forum members. It is a piece of movie history.

You could go on and on about the differences. To her it is probably just another brown hat like the one she already bought for you.
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Post by IndianaChris711 »

I think I agree with all the sentiments expressed here. I think your wife may just be concerned that the hat she got you will be cast to the wayside. Show her the differences, tell her it is a 100% beaver hat, and beaver is different from rabbit. Also this hat was made for the new film, I guess another point. Also the hat would probably take a year to get as Indiana G mentions. It is kind of like why I have three or four pairs of different shoes/boots You need different hats for different occasions. :wink: You just need to work a compromise with your wife, and I hope things work out for you and you get your AB ordered soon.

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Post by Montana Plains »

I should have been more clear. I didn't mean the hat she gave you, I meant some other item you have multiples of. Just to clarify.
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Protect her special hat.

Post by mtechthang »

IndianaChris711 wrote: I think your wife may just be concerned that the hat she got you will be cast to the wayside. Show her the differences, tell her it is a 100% beaver hat, and beaver is different from rabbit.
Indiana Chris is on the right track here! Tell her that beaver will handle the rain and snow better (assuming you don't live near Phoenix :roll: ). You do want to protect that HJ from shrinking/tapering, no? [-o<
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Adventurebilt purchase wifeblocked...

Post by rrhanselka »

There's an old adage that goes something like this:

"It is always easier to get forgiveness than persmission."

But then, don't listen to me, my wife left me after, 37 years, for a younger man. We would have been married 40 years, this next week. I would offer a couple of thoughts. The first, never get too comfortable and take things for granted. The second, there is life after marriage, a pretty darn good life, as amatter of fact.

Go get you an AB. They are beautiful.

My Thoughts
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Post by Lee Keppler »

OK, new idea. Buy her an expensive purse and act rejected and hurt if she leaves the house with another one. :wink:
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Post by WConly »

Lee Keppler wrote:OK, new idea. Buy her an expensive purse and act rejected and hurt if she leaves the house with another one. :wink:
Lee: That is truly cold :roll: ! I love it -- great concept! And, it just might work :D ! W>
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Post by DR Ulloa »

Lee, you should write a book about life. I know I would buy it!

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Good idea, but . .

Post by mtechthang »

Lee Keppler wrote:OK, new idea. Buy her an expensive purse and act rejected and hurt if she leaves the house with another one. :wink:
Lee this would work if she bought the other purse or someone else gave it to her. But if she left with another purse you bought her you'd be stuck a bit. Now, back to reality. If you are like me, one purse is all you would buy for her. I remember the experience, along with buying perfume as being slight less anxiety provoking than hearing that I needed a tube inserted to re-inflate a lung!! How did we get so far from this poor deserving chaps fedora!!! Maybe your best bet is just to [-o<
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Post by Vegeta »

Well......At the moment I dont have to worry about these kinds of situations....I'm in Gabrielles' position. No significant other to answer to. But I'm the kindof person that will spend my money on whatever I want if I can afford it....no matter what anybody says :P
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Post by BroadSword »

gabrielle wrote:I just thought of suggesting you keep checking the Cairo Bazaar and eBay. You never know what will pop up in those places...

Johnny, I need your address to have your AB Deluxe delivered...


Oh, what's the new price now on the AB and AB Deluxe for COW members? Anyone know???
This is exactly what I do. I've always scoured the used market for buying WW2 reproduction gear. You can find some really great deals! I've already scored a Wested Raiders jacket using this method. I broke down and just got a Fed IV from Hats Direct, but I did find a used one in the bazaar, but the seller never answered me. I suppose it was sold. I'm real bad about spending though, it's a weakness I have...especially when there is a real good deal.
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Post by crismans »

Okay, this is not an attempt to say "this is what you should do" type of reply. But my wife and I decided early on that we would have a joint checking account to take care of house expenditures (things like the electric bill, water bill, house insurance, etc.) and each have a separate account to handle any personal bills and purchases.

This really seems to work for us. If she goes and spends $200 on some clothes, I don't care a bit. If I spend $200 on something I want, I don't feel guilty or have to justify it, and she doesn't care. She may roll her eyes because she doesn't "get" it, but she doesn't fuss.
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Post by mtechthang »

BroadSword wrote: it's a weakness I have...especially when there is a real good deal.
Where?!?! What's a really good deal?!?!? Do they have my size?!?!? I need one?!?! What is it?!?!? Oh. Sorry. Lost it for a minute there. :roll:
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Post by Piker »

This may not sound right.....

I told Mrs Piker (Ms Chi Omega) "He raises his prices on May 22."

She sez, "Better order now!" So, I only did as told.

The non-Indy Art Fawcett? have to save up cash. September.
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Post by Johnny Fedora »

Thanks for all the support and understanding everybody! I appreciate all of the suggestions and have started a semi-clandestine Adventurebilt fund where I'm squirreling away all of the extra little cash I can pinch from here and there into it. It's slow going though as, A. I never use cash, and B. both the wife and I share bookkeeping duties. :wink: Oh well. The only real development is that couple of posts down Steve has stated his intention to retire in three years! That tears it! Gotta kick this fund into high gear! Who knows maybe I can set a goal for myself to receive the last AB USA fedora. :lol:
To quote José Jiménez..."Oh, I hope not."


Hang on Steve! Don't hang up your hat :wink: till I can get one!
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Post by ichnob »

Heh, that's exactly what I'm doing JF, with the exception that my AB savings account is my Paypal account. Just gotta make sure I don't purchase stuff on eBay/Paypal sellers for a while.
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Post by DR Ulloa »

I am definately going to be purchasing another AB before Steve retires. Johnny, I know you called the last one, so I will take the second to last. better make it a Raiders since I already have the CS on order. Maybe a gray one too?

...bottom line, you have to get one before Fedora retires. Who knows how much these hats will sell for on the auction site and at the bazaar after Steve retires?

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Post by jacksdad »

I'm in the same boat even posted a wives question in Loa che section. I have resorted to paying with money orders and not using our credit card when I can . What i do is take money each week and put 10 to 20 in envelopoe where she doesn't look. I love my wife and we are really close going to be married 15 years togther 22 overall,women just don't get guy stuff and they buy what ever they want whenever they want, I just do it this way to avoid arguements. I bring stuff out slowly where she doesn't really notice it. Like othres have said I could be into worse stuff. so good luck. I'm starting my AB savings this week hope to put in an order in the fall.
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Post by mtechthang »

women just don't get guy stuff and they buy what ever they want whenever they want, I just do it this way to avoid arguments.
Given that my wife and I are happier now than 27+ years ago, a little gentle nudge from an old geezer? "Women don't get guy stuff," used to be true but now that I explain things carefully and thoughtful it isn't. Might I, gently, suggest better communication is always a good thing? I do get the occasional, "Why do you need another hat? (or knife, or tool, or the Blu-Ray copy of the Die Hards, etc., etc.). But I don't do it in secret!! I have found that if we talk about it she comes around. I must add it hasn't always been so and we've worked hard to get to that point. Here's my only real point. Do you know the number 1 reason for the dissolution of longer term marriages. Financial infidelity. Yup. I'm not saying this to criticize what works for some but I do find suggesting it is a good long term strategy to others is a mite problematic given the preceding fact. :)

Suggestions: Read, Crucial Conversations (great for work and everywhere else in addition to the spouse!). It has to do with why people feel threatened, etc and is a great strategy. John Gottman's "A couple's guide to communication" or "Why marriages succeed or fail". I'm not suggesting, btw, that anyone's "in trouble", or "wrong", etc.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Reminds me of how hurt I felt when my girlfriend told me that it was her or the retro stuff.

It really hurt putting her stuff on the side of the street. I think I pulled something in my back.
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Post by Indiana Croft »

Renderking Fisk wrote:
Reminds me of how hurt I felt when my girlfriend told me that it was her or the retro stuff.

It really hurt putting her stuff on the side of the street. I think I pulled something in my back.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's rich Mr. Fisk, as you've met my lovely bride, you know she's into what I'm into and I'm into what she's into. (does that make sense :shock: ) any way after 23 years, were still a happy couple and if theres something I want, well start saving and selling stuff on evil bay.

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Post by Renderking Fisk »

That's rich Mr. Fisk, as you've met my lovely bride, you know she's into what I'm into and I'm into what she's into. (does that make sense ) any way after 23 years, were still a happy couple and if theres something I want, well start saving and selling stuff on evil bay.

Well, your wife is a sweetheart and a doll. I can't wait to see the two of you again the weekend after my birthday.

Marriage has to be about give and take. And I'm not talking about one person does all the giving as the other does all the taking. It has to be 50/50 or it's not going to work out.

I would guarantee that if our buddy here was more into the whole era and collected Bogart Gear, or Ladd Gear or Nick Charles/William Powell Gear - you would be talking about how your wife won't slow down with all the buying she does for you.

Get some Vintage Posters and hang them around the place where you live, make your home more like Indy's and not a shirne to the movies... and I'll bet your wife will be buying YOU more vintage gear with out you even having to ask.

My wife bought this Black Cashmere coat for me. After wearing it for 5 minutes she said: "You really need a gray fedora to go with that."
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Post by darthbish »

Easy........DON'T TELL HER...

I've got a Fed IV arriving this week, and she won't know a thing until Mr Postman drops it off.
By then, it'll alllllllllll be too late...MUAH-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAAAAAAAA :evil:
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Post by DR Ulloa »

Renderking Fisk wrote:
That's rich Mr. Fisk, as you've met my lovely bride, you know she's into what I'm into and I'm into what she's into. (does that make sense ) any way after 23 years, were still a happy couple and if theres something I want, well start saving and selling stuff on evil bay.

Well, your wife is a sweetheart and a doll. I can't wait to see the two of you again the weekend after my birthday.

Marriage has to be about give and take. And I'm not talking about one person does all the giving as the other does all the taking. It has to be 50/50 or it's not going to work out.

I would guarantee that if our buddy here was more into the whole era and collected Bogart Gear, or Ladd Gear or Nick Charles/William Powell Gear - you would be talking about how your wife won't slow down with all the buying she does for you.

Get some Vintage Posters and hang them around the place where you live, make your home more like Indy's and not a shirne to the movies... and I'll bet your wife will be buying YOU more vintage gear with out you even having to ask.

My wife bought this Black Cashmere coat for me. After wearing it for 5 minutes she said: "You really need a gray fedora to go with that."
I can't tell you how right you are. Even I can see that the sort of dedication we have to Indy is sort of juvenile. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. Buat most people do. But, if you fascination is spread throughout the era, Indy seems as merely a byproduct of the age. My fiance knows that I love 1930's fashion, film, music, what have you. The Indy thing makes a little more sense to her and not simply some childhood obsession that I have not let go. If all you are into is Indy not necessarily the rest of that time period, that is fine, but she will understand it more that way.

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Post by Indiana Croft »

To be honest, my fasination is with Indy, I like older fashions, but not something I'd wear. It's not uncommon for me to put on some cargo pants, a Indy shirt of one of the many mfg's I own, my Aldens, Todds or Wested and a AB fedora and I'm out the door. I'm a big movie poster collector and right now the most vintage I have framed is Clint Eastwoods Eiger Sanction.

I apluade you guys and your vintage clothing and love the photos I've ssen. Just not my scene.

And ya I have to agree, my wife is a sweet heart. :wink:

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