Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

IndyBlues wrote:
Bufflehead Jones wrote:
I talked to Tony just a few minutes ago,....
Hmm, does this mean you're going after one of the Tony Nowak Crystal Skull jackets, Buff?? If so, what changed your mind?
Yeah, I am going to get one. I saw Mike's jacket and really liked it. My Raiders jacket will take 25 more years of natural distressing and I can never bring myself to distress one. This one already comes that way. Another reason is that the Raiders lambskin is very lightweight and this one is much heavier. This way I have a jacket for more types of weather. When I put Marosy's on, I knew I had to get another jacket.
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Post by TonyRush »

IndyBlues wrote:Congrats, Tony! Can't wait to see pics of your new TN. I know you've been "chomping at the bit" to get yours for some time now.
You're gonna love it!
I can't wait. I feel much better now that I have a firm time-frame. :)

Mulceber, just to clarify, I don't know that he uses Next-Day. FedEx has a couple of different services so he might use the Two-Day option as well. But he DID say that he ships jackets on the same day that they are completed AND that he can finish a jacket on the same day he starts it.

So....from that....if he's starting my jacket on Friday, then it should ship on Friday and be here no later than Tuesday. If he starts it on Monday, then it should be here no later than Wednesday. :)

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The Best Jacket

Post by Ricbob »

Just received my jacket today from Tony. I had requested #004 - fourth movie. I ordered it in lightly distressed.

Gotta tell you guys that are sitting on the fence that this is the BEST jacket i have ever owned. The quality, the craftsmanship, the fit and the leather are the best.

I had no idea what my friend Culpepper was talking about when he kept raving bout his jacket from Tony - now i know.

The bonus is that Tony is also one of the best guys you will ever deal with. He called me to let me know the jacket was finished, he called to provide the shipping info and he called me to make sure i received it before i left on my trip. He really cares about the product and how we feel about it.

Will post some pictures from our trip down to Carmel when i return.

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Post by PSBIndy »

Just ordered #516 (wife's Birthday) on Monday......can't wait to compare it to my Novapelle!..........Guys, do you think Harrison Ford is as jacket-crazed as we poor folk? :D
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Post by TonyRush »

I doubt Harrison cares at all. In one of his recent interviews he was talking about the obligatory photo shoot involved. He'd brought his own clothes and -- at some point during the shoot -- he was heard walking back to the changing room saying, "The leather jacket...they always want the leather jacket". LOL

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Post by PSBIndy »

I recently saw a photo of Harrison Ford in Expedition magazine where he took a trip to South America for some non-profit, save-the-earth type organization....I was kind of shocked at how he looked.....he was wearing a tight, cheap-looking rain jacket and "bicycle shorts" and his gray hair was combed over like a cheap toupee.....I had to read the caption to know it was Harrison......seeing him in that photo, it was hard to believe that this guy played Indiana Jones.
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Post by CM »

PSBIndy wrote:I recently saw a photo of Harrison Ford in Expedition magazine where he took a trip to South America for some non-profit, save-the-earth type organization....I was kind of shocked at how he looked.....he was wearing a tight, cheap-looking rain jacket and "bicycle shorts" and his gray hair was combed over like a cheap toupee.....I had to read the caption to know it was Harrison......seeing him in that photo, it was hard to believe that this guy played Indiana Jones.
Well, he is an actor - kudos to him for not giving a ****
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Post by OWJ88 »

Just received my Tony Nowak Jacket yesterday. Number 288. This is a beautiful jacket. It fits much better than my LC Wested. My Wested is too short under the arms so it rides up when I raise my arms just a litte. Tony's is perfect on length all over. Plus the heavier leather means I can actually wear it during the colder weather.
Tony is a dream vendor to work with. Always friendly, quick to respond, asks questions and even offers solutions. He told me 12 days from order to in my hands and it was exactly that. He even called me on the day of deliver to confirm the shipping info and let me know it was headed my way.
I had the following stitching in black on black in my jacket:

Authentic Indy IV
Limited Edition Jacket
Custom Made for

L.E. #088/777
by Tony Nowak
'Fortune and Glory'

Everyting was perfect. This hobby is crazy, in less than a year I went from no gear to a Magnoli HJ, an LC Wested, a TN KOTCS jacket and I have a Keppler on the way.
gotta love it.

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Post by OWJ88 »

I wanted to add that when I called Tony to thank him and let him know I received the jacket he told me..."Tear the s**t out of it."

Will do.

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Post by TonyRush »

ROFL -- Nowak is so funny. I love talking to him.

He told me yesterday, "I'll tell you...I didn't know what I was getting into with these jackets!" LOL

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Post by unerhij »

Newbie lurker here from the UK.

Been trying to contact Nowak for a while but no response. I have yet to try calling because of the time difference...

Do you know if he still has jackets available?

Cheers in advance.

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Post by Demaroth »

unerhij wrote:Newbie lurker here from the UK.

Been trying to contact Nowak for a while but no response. I have yet to try calling because of the time difference...

Do you know if he still has jackets available?

Cheers in advance.

I don't know for sure, but I would wager he probably has a decent amount of "slots" left.

Calling honestly is your best chance, and I'd recommend calling between noon and 4pm Pacific Standard Time. He does respond to emails, but response time has varied from hours to days for me.

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Post by unerhij »

Thanks for that John, just checked the time over there and gave him a call, no answer and no answering machine. I guess persistence will prevail. Thanks again for your help though.
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Post by IndyBlues »

Bufflehead Jones wrote: Yeah, I am going to get one. I saw Mike's jacket and really liked it. My Raiders jacket will take 25 more years of natural distressing and I can never bring myself to distress one. This one already comes that way. Another reason is that the Raiders lambskin is very lightweight and this one is much heavier. This way I have a jacket for more types of weather. When I put Marosy's on, I knew I had to get another jacket.
Excellent! Glad you liked Marosy's jacket. They are nicer in person than any pics I've seen so far. They are indeed a bit pricey, compared to most of the Indy jacket options, but they are worth every penny.
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Post by Mulceber »

Don't forget to account for the time zone difference, unerhij (just in case you didn't already do that).

BTW, I just got a call from Tony today, saying he finished my jacket and shipped it out. :D With luck, it'll be here by Monday or Tuesday. I'll be sure to post pics. :junior: -M
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Post by slydini »

Well I just ordered my second Nowak. Number 306 (my anniversary march 6)
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Post by unerhij »

Fortunatly when I posted that it was nearly midnight here and about 2pm Tony's time.

I have made contact now, will let you all know how I get on and post the obligatory pics when it arrives.

Now the waiting game begins.
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Post by Canada Jones »

Canada, the #612 is really only special because it is both of our birthdays, AND the day Raiders was released.
Marosy and I have similar stories about going to see ROTLA on our B-days on opening day, so the number is sentimental to both of us.
No other special reason for that number.
Just saw you had posted a response to my query a while back. Thanks. Makes sense now.
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Post by gladd96 »

Just received my jacket Friday. It was a bit of a surprise because Tony said he would call with a tracking number when it shipped and I never heard from him... found out that AT&T was having some problems so I think they were probably to blame. Anyway, hate to sound like a broken record but I don't know how else to say it other than this is basically the best jacket I have ever owned. :D

I went with the Ford size specs since my sleeve measurements were the same and his chest would equal a good military fit for me. I'm used to a more relaxed fit but I must say I think the close fitted look is much cooler plus I never wear my leather jackets zipped so not too much of an issue... it kind of adds just a little incentive for me to keep in shape.

Now the pictures (hopefully I'm new to the whole posting pics thing)


I went with the 704 for the 4th of July which is when I saw the original film. Also decided not to have my name on the inscription as it's not really my thing and I figured it would better incase I wasn't satisfied with the fit and had to resell. decided on a reference to Indy's college to give it some personality.





My KotCS and RotLA jackets... I think I'll be selling the Wested as I don't think I'll ever be taking the Nowak off.

I'm as pleased as I can be with the jacket although it's a shame that it'll be at least three months before I can wear it on any kind of a consistent
basis. One thing that struck me is that it was lighter than I expected. I think perhaps the distressed hide is a bit on the dehydrated side and that it will pick up some weight as it gains moisture... my comparison is based on a 10 plus year old cowhide jacket that is one heavy M----r F----r!

If you like a distressed Indy jacket that will take a licking do yourself a favor and get Mr. Nowak on the phone and order one (or two) of these. $700 is a whole lot of cabbage but I don't regret one cent... especially since it was made in the US.

A big thanks to Tony for making this jacket available!
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Post by PSBIndy »

Awesome jacket! ....can't wait for mine to arrive in a week or so. Did you get the "normal" amount of distress or is that lightly distressed? the color lighter than your Wested?
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Post by TonyRush »

Got a note from Tony that was time-stamped at about 1am this morning.....he says my jacket will be leaving his shop on Monday. :)

Funny how all of Tony's phone calls and emails are always around 11pm California time. I guess that's when he finishes up all his customer service communication for the day.

I, for one, appreciate how willing he is to do that. It's meant a lot working with a vendor who's so accessible and willing to tell you how the order is going, etc. Marc Kitter was the same way with my AB Deluxe fedora.

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Post by gladd96 »

PSBIndy wrote:Awesome jacket! ....can't wait for mine to arrive in a week or so. Did you get the "normal" amount of distress or is that lightly distressed? the color lighter than your Wested?
I didn't specify... basically I told him he was the artist and I wanted his interpretation of the CS jacket. I noticed I didn't have any of the lines on the sleeves that some of the jackets had so maybe Tony has toned down his standard distressing or maybe it's just luck of the draw but either way I'm completely satisfied with the result.

Yes and no about the Wested authentic brown being darker. The Wested is pretty much a uniform color... I did ad Pecards to it but honestly didn't really think it darkened the color of the lambskin. The Nowak jacket is recreating a cowhide jacket of the period where the paint/dye has been rubbed away by abrasion and weather. It has areas that are darker than the Wested and areas that are lighter... it's pretty much everywhere and it changes with the light a great deal. In person I'd say the Nowak jacket looks darker than it does in a lot of the photos I've seen but in general the Wested is darker and much dressier.

I don't think you would be able to wear a lambskin that showed the character of the Nowak jacket, at least not for very long. That "perfect" Raiders jacket is quite the elusive beast. I must say... honestly I prefer the CS look [said while ducking] for a jacket. To me the CS jacket has that warm glowing undertone showing through decades (decades I'd love to have had the chance to live in the jacket but sadly circumstances denied me this) of wear, grime, sweat, blood, etc. Some might disagree and tell me that the distressing looks fake but I'm not after "reality." I want a jacket that reflects a romanticized view of what reality is... in short a tangible piece of a fantasy world that reminds me of the things I hold near and dear or in other words it just think it looks cool.

As long as you were mindful of communicating your measurements, You are going to absolutely love your jacket... you'll still love it even if it doesn't fit but you may hate yourself :wink: The way the jacket has been reinforced at the color and shoulders seems to provide structural support and makes the jacket quite comfortable and sturdy. I'd be surprised if anyone bust a stitch on one of these babies.
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Post by Don't Call Me Junior! »

TonyRush wrote:Got a note from Tony that was time-stamped at about 1am this morning.....he says my jacket will be leaving his shop on Monday. :)

Funny how all of Tony's phone calls and emails are always around 11pm California time. I guess that's when he finishes up all his customer service communication for the day.

I, for one, appreciate how willing he is to do that. It's meant a lot working with a vendor who's so accessible and willing to tell you how the order is going, etc. Marc Kitter was the same way with my AB Deluxe fedora.

Yes, that must definitely be his communication time. I live in CT and he's actually called me after midnight a couple of times for followup sizing information. My wife heard the phone ringing last Saturday night at half past midnight and and wondered out loud "who the heck is calling this time of the night" and when I looked at the caller ID and saw the 310 area code I said, "Wait! That's Tony! I need to take that call!".

I think my wife is amused by my Indiana Jones hobby. She just handed me the phone and went back to bed. As she likes to tell me, I could be into much worse things for a hobby.
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Post by teds3 »

I received my new NW jacket last Thursday and I have to agree with everyone else, it truly is one of the finest jackets I have ever tried on. Tony must have been swamped working on other jackets because I never got a phone call with the tracking number it just showed up one day and luckily my fiance was home to receive it. I think it added to the elation I had of just coming home and finding that a package arrived and opening it up and finding this great jacket inside.
I had previously ordered a Wested back in 2003, ToD style, but unfortunately for me the sleeves were just a little too short and the body felt a little too tight. It was one of those where you couldn't raise your arms without the entire jacket riding up half your torso. But with Tony I was able to go over some measurements with him and this new jacket fits perfectly in my opinion. BTW, if anyone is looking for a Wested Tod Style jacket in a size 46, I plan on selling mine.
If anyone is thinking about getting a Nowak jacket and haven't done so yet, I strongly encourage them to do it. The jacket and customer service have been second to none from my experience.

I am having problems uploading some of my pics of the jacket but when i fix it I will post them, hopefully soon.
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Post by TonyRush »

gladd96 wrote:As long as you were mindful of communicating your measurements.....
Now, one thing is interesting -- in my last conversation with Tony in which he went over my measurements.....he changed some of the numbers based on making my jacket "proportionate" to what he made for Harrison.

This sounds good. I like it. But, I'm also a bit nervous because it means that the jacket is going to be made based on ADJUSTING the numbers I sent him....not on the actual numbers.

For instance, he asked my height and I told him. When he compared my height to Harrison's height, he suggested that I should make my jacket a good 1.5" to 2" longer than I'd initially thought. I'm a tad bit concerned (and said so) that we were making such a dramatic adjustment over the phone. But, he was very confident in his opinion that to do it according to my measurements was going to product a too-short jacket. So, we'll see.

Question: does he use FedEx Next Day or Two-Day? He's shipping my jacket tomorrow (Monday) and I don't yet know if it'll be here Tuesday or Wednesday.

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Post by Demaroth »

TonyRush wrote:
gladd96 wrote:As long as you were mindful of communicating your measurements.....
Now, one thing is interesting -- in my last conversation with Tony in which he went over my measurements.....he changed some of the numbers based on making my jacket "proportionate" to what he made for Harrison.

This sounds good. I like it. But, I'm also a bit nervous because it means that the jacket is going to be made based on ADJUSTING the numbers I sent him....not on the actual numbers.

For instance, he asked my height and I told him. When he compared my height to Harrison's height, he suggested that I should make my jacket a good 1.5" to 2" longer than I'd initially thought. I'm a tad bit concerned (and said so) that we were making such a dramatic adjustment over the phone. But, he was very confident in his opinion that to do it according to my measurements was going to product a too-short jacket. So, we'll see.

Question: does he use FedEx Next Day or Two-Day? He's shipping my jacket tomorrow (Monday) and I don't yet know if it'll be here Tuesday or Wednesday.

My jacket was shipped to me 2nd Day FedEx Air. (It got to me in one day, since I'm luckily "down the road" from him. heh)

I think you'll be fine in the adjusted measurements. We did the same thing for me, since I am 6'2", and the jacket fits perfectly length-wise. I felt a little apprehensive as well on that, but I figured this guy knows more than I do about tailoring, so I'd trust his judgment. :D

Let us know when you get it. I'm still trying to get pics of mine; I was trying to get a friend over here all weekend to take pics of me in it. I may just give up and take pics of it on my bed or something.

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Post by TonyRush »

John, thanks for the extra details. I've no doubt that Tony know what he's doing.

Incidentally he rang tonight at -- surprise surprise -- around midnight CST to give me my FedEx tracking number. The jacket will be here by 3pm tomorrow.

I'll post pics ASAP. :)

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Post by Demaroth »

So, I finally got my friend to come over and take a few pics for everyone. Click on the image for a link to the larger version. I hope the thumbnails aren't too big for the board.

The photos are a bit dark, as it was late and we didn't have wonderful light in my apartment. The statue in the last one didn't come out very clear, but that's a replica of the Maltese Falcon, made from a casting of one of the original statues. :D

Image Image Image Image

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Post by OWJ88 »

Great looking jacket John. The drag of getting them now is that we have to wait for the weather to cool down to really enjoy it.

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Post by IndyBlues »

Demaroth, your jacket is amazing! Perfect fit. Congratulations on getting your jacket. Nice Maltese Falcon, too. :wink:
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Post by Demaroth »

Thanks guys. I honestly can't say enough great things about the jacket. This has been one of the best purchases I've ever made, right up there with my DOXA diving watch. ;)

Next on the list: AB fedora! :D

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Post by Bruce Wayne »

i ordered my early last week. i requested number one. of course, that one went to mr. pollack. i then requested number three, which i am recieving. i am considering going back to him later this year for a mutt jacket, but i am not sure. are they going to be a limited edition as well?
how long do thes jackets usually take to get made?
in regard to shipping, is one day shipping something i would need to ask for, or is that standard?
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Post by PSBIndy »

Has anyone had their number changed at the last minte? I had #516 reserved when I ordered---Tony said it was available back then. Today, right before it ships, he tells me the number is no longer available.....I thought that was rather disappointing considering how good his service was up to this point. :(
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Post by Demaroth »

PSBIndy wrote:Has anyone had their number changed at the last minte? I had #516 reserved when I ordered---Tony said it was available back then. Today, right before it ships, he tells me the number is no longer available.....I thought that was rather disappointing considering how good his service was up to this point. :(
Yes, but I had it happen the other way. When I ordered, he asked me for a number, and I said 013; he said that it was taken, and I said that I could just get a random number then. Two weeks later, when he called to confirm details to make it, he asked again about the number, and I said that it didn't matter, since 013 was taken. He replied that he didn't recall saying that 013 was taken, then checked, and said that I could have it.

It certainly was a little odd, but it worked out for me. :) But on the other hand, somehow my name got left off the embroidery, so maybe that was my trade-off? :P

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Post by OWJ88 »

PSBIndy wrote:Has anyone had their number changed at the last minte? I had #516 reserved when I ordered---Tony said it was available back then. Today, right before it ships, he tells me the number is no longer available.....I thought that was rather disappointing considering how good his service was up to this point. :(
When I received my jacket, everyting on the jacket was perfect, but Tony sent me a certificate that was for another jacket. I called to thank him for the coat and tell him it was perfiect but he must have sent the wrong cert with it. It had someone elses name and #. I wasn't bothered by it, the coat was right, but someone else might want to get their cert of authenticity. Tony overnighted me a new COA that day. I didn't ask him to, he just did.

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Post by TonyRush »

I've had my new jacket for 24 hours and I've found myself reluctant to come here and make a post.

Why? Because I don't know what to say. It's just the most incredible jacket I can imagine. I don't know how else to say it. It's just not really describable! I kid you not.

After several hours, I finally thought, "Well, I guess I ought to call Tony and let him know that I got it and how pleased I am", so I called him up.

"Tony Nowak speaking"

"Tony, it's the other Tony".

"Mr. Rush, did you get your jacket?"

"I'm wearing it right now!"

"No, you're not!"

"Yes, I am! It's's incredible...I just didn't have any idea...."

Nowak laughing.....

"I'm serious. I don't think there's anything that anyone could have told me before now that would have really made me understand what I was ordering."

Nowak still laughing. Then he says, "I want you to beat the **** out of it. And don't take it to the cleaners!"

He's so funny.

Guys, if you haven't ordered one.....the jacket and Tony Nowak himself are both amazingly impressive. The customer service has been remarkable and....well, I don't know how to tell you about the jacket. It's just incredible.

Buy one.


P.S. I'll post pics soon
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Post by Tollan »

I'm interested. What exactly makes it so amazing? How does it differ from the other offerings? I'm genuinely interested in what sets it apart.
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Post by TonyRush »

This is my first Indy jacket so I'm not in a position to offer you any comparative views. But, having owned more than one leather jacket, I can say that this one already exceeds my expectations for what I was paying for. The stitching is heavy-duty...the inside pocket is very deep...and the leather is just amazingly soft and has the perfect amount of distressing for me.

And I wouldn't overlook the "Nowak experience" as part of the value as well. The guy knows what he's doing and he's a stickler for getting things right and making sure that it's exactly what you want. He knows the importance of "screen accurate" and -- when it comes to fitting -- he's got some real intuition about what needs to be done. (He tweaked the measurements I sent him based on a phone conversation and a photo of me. I'm very glad he did.)

Anyway....others can offer a comparative review. I just know that it's worth every penny I paid for it and I couldn't be happier.

My kids will fight over this thing when I'm gone. LOL

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Post by Demaroth »

Tollan wrote:I'm interested. What exactly makes it so amazing? How does it differ from the other offerings? I'm genuinely interested in what sets it apart.
I'm far from an expert in the various Indy jackets, but I've had two Wested lambs in the past, so I'll give it a shot. (I'm in the same camp as Tony, though. It's hard to describe.)

This jacket, being cow, is obviously heavier, but not prohibitively so. This is a very soft and light cow, and feels easy to wear in every day use. I've been wearing it every day to work and because I sometimes get inundated as soon as I get in (I work in IT), it's sometimes 30 minutes before I take it off... but I don't always notice I've still got it on. ;) The stitching is top-notch and very sturdy. I've zipped up and flexed/stretched, and I didn't ever fear the jacket couldn't handle it. When I handle and wear this jacket, I have no doubt this could have survived Indy's adventures. I've been wearing it in 85+ degree weather, and while heavier, it hasn't been prohibitive yet. It actually breathes pretty well, and I think it'd handle well in cold weather too - but it'll be a while before I can test that.

The Wested is a fine jacket, too. Both of mine were lambskin and undistressed. They were nice and light, and could be worn any day, and obviously moved very easily. However, the look and feel never really made me a believer in it. I'd only take it out if I was going out somewhere, as opposed to every day use. It was more of a dress jacket. It just felt too thin and "costumey", and I never really felt like my Westeds could have gone out on an Indy adventure. I also wouldn't have worn my Wested in cold weather; it just wouldn't cut the chill much more than a normal jacket. Wearing in warm weather was fine, since it was very light.

The makers, Tony and Peter, are both great guys. I've spoken to both via phone and email, and they're both top-shelf men, who care about us Indy fans and are dedicated to make sure we get what we want.

Hope that helps some. Let me know if you've got specific questions, I can try and give you my thoughts on particular points.

- John
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Post by OWJ88 »

Tollan wrote:I'm interested. What exactly makes it so amazing? How does it differ from the other offerings? I'm genuinely interested in what sets it apart.
All I can offer is that I have a Wested cowhide predistressed that I have used a lot of Pecard's on just to give it some weight and moisture. But Tony's coat is what I thought an Indy jacket would be. It has weight, it has durability, it even has a little distressing to give it character. I wouldn't be warm in my Wested in the winter months. This is not to bash my Wested. It is an orignial design by the guy who made the Indy jackets, and worth every penny. But Tony's jacket is a jacket for life. I can't wait to see how it will look in 5 years.

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Post by Tollan »

Thanks for that guys! Anyone with with comparisons to G&B and USW... both of which are jackets which are built to last. Personally I favour G&B and have just ordered another goat Expo! not sure I could justify buying a TN jacket just yet.... at least to my bank manager :? I didn't really like the CS jacket but people's photos here are starting to convert me... slowly...
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Post by IndyBlues »

Congrats on receiving your TN jacket, Tony! C'mon with the pics, already!!! :wink:
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Post by Michaelson »

Tollan wrote: I didn't really like the CS jacket but people's photos here are starting to convert me... slowly...
Ok guys, twist his arm just a LITTLE BIT more, and we'll have him convinced... :twisted:

Uh, was my microphone on!? :shock: 8-[

:lol: :wink:

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Post by Tollan »

Michaelson wrote:
Tollan wrote: I didn't really like the CS jacket but people's photos here are starting to convert me... slowly...
Ok guys, twist his arm just a LITTLE BIT more, and we'll have him convinced... :twisted:

Uh, was my microphone on!? :shock: 8-[

:lol: :wink:

Regard! Michaelson
Ha ha! Thanks for that :) *reels in agony from a well twisted arm*

I'll wait and see how my new Expo is when it (or should) arrive next week... and then re-assess my finances, ignore my results and then... place an order with Tony :wink:

Sooooo... when are you going to order yours Michaelson?? :-
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Post by Michaelson »

It's a bit out of reach for me, price wise. :(

Considering our current price of gas, and you seeing what I drive everyday in my avatar, that represents about 3 tanks of gas! :roll:
(not really, but you get the idea....) :lol:

I'm sure enjoying seeing others nice examples! :D

Regard! Michaelson
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Post by unerhij »

Just ordered jacket no. 108. Want to say a big thank you to Mr Nowak who has been patient and answered all my question. He even phoned me twice in the UK to discuss certain aspects and measurements. If only all customer service was this good.
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Post by Nebraska Brad »

# 227 is arriving today! :twisted:

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Post by Chewie Louie »

Spoke with Tony today. I am on the cusp of ordering a second jacket from him, only this time without the distressing. I am still working out some details, but I'll be sure to post some pics when I get it.
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Post by Chewie Louie »

unerhij wrote:Just ordered jacket no. 108. Want to say a big thank you to Mr Nowak who has been patient and answered all my question. He even phoned me twice in the UK to discuss certain aspects and measurements. If only all customer service was this good.
By the way, hi there neighbor, I am the proud owner of #107.
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Post by Chewie Louie »

Ok, I officially need help . . . I've ordered a second Nowak, #500. I must confess, that when I initially saw the verbose inscription he included, I was taken aback. I thought it was a bit too much, but it was too late for me to do anything about it as my jacket was on the way. I can't help but wonder if the excess inscription was inspired due to an over zealous Indy fan.

Second, I love the artificial distressing and yet I don't. Hard to explain this one, I know, but maybe some of you will understand what I am getting at. Tony does a lovely job distressing the jacket, and even though that is how he made them for CS, a part of me likes to see a jacket "earn it's stripes."

Then I saw other COW members posting their pics with minimal distressing and thought the jacket looked great. Funny thing is, I know that with some Pecard's I could make the marks almost all but disappear. Still, there was the issue of the inscription that after several weeks I decided I was not 100% happy with. I wish I had waited and really made it a custom order.

So, after careful consideration, I called Tony last week. We talked on the phone and exchanged emails several times. What a guy. I placed my order today for jacket #500 (seemed like a good "power" number). I tried for #508, but it was gone, so was #777. The inscription is significantly condensed. I am not having my name, or the fact that it is "screen accurate" included. Also, since the main label identifies the jacket as a Tony Nowak Original Made in the U.S.A., I excluded that as well from the custom inscription.

Essentially, it will say that it is an Autentic Indy IV, limited edition jacket, 500/777. Following the lead of another COW forumite, I included my favorite Indy line, "It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage" It happens to be the sig line I use on a runner's forum that I have been frequenting for months. I'll post pics as soon as I get the jacket, but how exactly I handled the custom inscription will be a secret for the time being. Muhahahahah.
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