morethanatimelord wrote:...iv tried doing the turn, by putting it on and turning it to the right but nothing really happens to the brim shape at all, not that i can see anyway?
Sounds like you had the same amount of success as I did. Turning my hat resulted in some very minor "wavy" distortion that made the brim resemble an old vinyl LP that had been left in the sun, and trying to "coax" it by hand-shaping didn't help. Besides, it was so uncomfortable that I couldn't imagine myself wearing the hat that way, so I turned it back to the proper position and bashed the crown.
Since "the turn" didn't work for me, I simply started shaping the front of the brim to resemble something like this:
After getting it to look reasonably close, I noticed the edges on the back of the brim had begun to curl up on their own, like this, only not quite as pronounced:
I wasn't attempting a screen-accurate bash, so I'm quite happy with the results. BTW, I didn't post photos of
my hat because our camera is non-operational at the moment; these production photos were the closest I could find that would illustrate my descriptions.