Which whip is best if i didn't have a spending limit?

Moderator: BullWhipBorton
when i purchased my DM, he was still cutting the leather and tying the knots. the plaiting was being done by his son or grandson.McFly wrote:The current controversy (if you can call it that) is that David's no longer making his whips. IIRC... his children (or grandchildren?) are. So essentially if you're looking for quality, then the modern Morgans are questionable. Unless you found an older Morgan somewhere.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I've gathered, this seems to be the case.
Nebraska,Nebraska Brad wrote:Sorry but I gotta steer you clear of a Morgan with my opinion...he Morgan is very loud on the crack but the Turk's head knot became very loose when I started using it again recently. I sent it back to Morgan and they repaired it without cost. I was excited to try it out and after 3 cracks the knot started coming loose again... I will retire it and let it live its days out as a wall hanger.
IndianaJack,IndianaJack91 wrote:I was just wondering..........
Which whip is best if i didn't have a spending limit?
I'm curious of what you guys consider "fragile"? I have an Em Brand 8ft that ends in 8 plait 5mm, two Mike Bower whips that end in 8 plait 5mm, and a 6ft Jacka that ends in 8 plait but is only 3.5mm stands. None of the whips seem fragile to me. Although the Jacka is really narrow right before the fall knot, it doesn't seem like it would break cracking it. It is also the whip I've used for cutting targets. Has anyone measured the width of the strands at the fall of the Schultz whip?Schultz whips do tend to be much more fragile
Hmm...Why you ask?Boggstandard wrote: I almost wonder if there was an underlaying agenda fueling Mark Allen's comments. I certainly remember that he avidly talked up the virtues of Joe's work a couple of years ago when I placed an order with WSP (I ultimately cancelled the order when Mark declined to deliver to PO Box).