Just a Nervous Nelly...Alden Situation

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Just a Nervous Nelly...Alden Situation

Post by RedburnIV »

Hello again Guys & Gals, Dan returns again for another nervous question.
I'm nervous about the stitching on the bottem and top of the Alden boot, not the stitching on the tow but the one under the sole and on top of it. I'm curious to what would happen if the stitching is ripped, I didnt plan on babying the shoes but I may have too??? :? Please help with probably another one of my insignificent requests. Thanks! :lol:

Regards, Dan
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Post by Michaelson »

Dan, you're worrying about things that you have no reason to be even agonizing over. Relax! They'll be fine! Heck, they drug a fellow under a truck with these on, and his soles were still with him when he climbed out. You don't need to be sweating about this kind of stuff! :shock: :wink: Regards. Michaelson
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Post by RedburnIV »

Thanks for the comforting words Michaelson, I am a "nervous nelly" but $260 is alot of money for a 16 year old, atleast to this one it is. so of course i'll be a tiny bit worried about them... :lol: Everybody does say they are tough shoes and I have to remember that. I was just concerned since I wear them to work everday, stepping on rocks, dirt, plants and what not. Thanks!


Regards, Dan
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Post by Michaelson »

Yep, just take a deep breath. You're in for a treat. These are very tough boots, and will serve you well. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Ask Indiana Ken to send you a pic of his Aldens he got from Lee Keppler...I think the boots are like maybe almost (or more than that) 20 years old and they look beat up but he can wear 'em with no problems. I think you'll be okay.
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Post by Doc Ephraim »

I don't own any Alden's, but I've owned White's. I can tell you this... Hand-stitched, hand-lasted, high quality boots will more than pay for themselves in durability. Just pray your feet don't grow...

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Post by Lottig »

I agree, the reason that I think my soles went so fast is that I work in the kitchen of a resturuant and the combination of grease and floor cleaning chemicals were too much for the boot, but I have worn them basically non stop since I got them and they hold up extremely well :D
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