Bags, Boots, Shirts and all other gear should be discussed here.
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Indybantha Jones
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by Indybantha Jones »
I already own a mk vii but want to get a mk vi, where should i go?

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by masa »
Come on. There is a topic about MK VI below this and just couldn't read it.
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by IndianaBogart »
I was the one who made the post about the MK VI bag. I was told Endicotts has them so I looked at their website and they are only about $30.

Indybantha Jones
- Field Surveyor

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- Joined: Wed May 28, 2008 9:46 pm
- Location: Grass Valley CA
by Indybantha Jones »
OOPS! I didn't even notice that thread

, I guess I'll check out Endicotts. Thanks